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How do you know when you have a miscarraige

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A:Miscarriage symptoms: spotting or obvious vaginal bleeding, discharge (mucus, clots), uterine cramps, fever, chills. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-know-when-you-have-a-miscarraige ]
More Answers to “How do you know when you have a miscarraige
How do you know when you have a miscarraige
Miscarriage symptoms: spotting or obvious vaginal bleeding, discharge (mucus, clots), uterine cramps, fever, chills.
Can you have miscarraige and not know you are pregnant??
Yes the very early miscarriages is something women might not notice.
How do you know when you had a miscarraige?
when you bleed more than ur usual periods n u get cramps really bad pains

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Miscarraige, when do you start trying?
Q: perhaps you all remember, I had a difficult time figuring out if I was pregnant, and last night I had spotting. Well earlier today I started bleeding really badly, adn went to the ER and they called my doctor who has scheduled me for a D&C this am.This pregnancy was so unexpected, and me and jay both are just devastated. But we have agreed that we want to try again, for sure.My question is for those who have been through this, how long was it before you chose to try again? I don’t know if I can handle getting pregnant again right away, I want to make sure everything has time to clense itself. Anyhow ever try yoga or anything to kind of be relaxed? Does it help? What can I do so next time I don’t miscarry? What are some diets that increase fertillity, as I am not allowed to take fertillity drugs.
A: Hi hon…sorry for your loss (I’ve been there!)…Most doctors will tell you you can start trying again after you’ve had a period. Any time after that (when you feel ready in your heart!) is a good time to begin…but it is best to wait until you’ve had a period.Unfortunately, there aren’t any guarantees that with doing any certain things that you won’t miscarry. However, making sure you have plenty of folic acid, having a healthy diet and exercise program may help you have a stronger body, therefore making a good environment to carry a baby. You could go on and never have another miscarriage, or you could be one of the unfortunate ones who suffer several (in which case you should get blood tests done to see what the underlying problem is)…I sincerely hope you won’t be in the latter group: I know a few women who are and they have a rough time getting pregnant and staying that way.Anyways, try not to worry yourself overmuch, as undue stress is also not very helpful when trying to get pregnant. You’ll know when the time is right for you to start trying again…and if you happen to get pregnant before then, I’m sure you’ll be thrilled!Good luck honey! Try to relax and grieve your recent loss however you see fitting. A suggestion I’ve recently heard is to put a memory stone or statue (maybe an angel) in your yard/garden so that you have a place to go and remember if that is what you need.(((((((HUGS)))))))
What are the chances of getting pregnant after a miscarraige?
Q: I had a miscarraige on Sept. 19. We decided to try again and did it UP Friday night (sept29), like oh around midnight or so, then decided that we wanted to wait (changed our minds) My cycle has been 26 days before, but it’s not consistant, sometimes it’s been 30. When we did it I was dry. Yesterday I was wetter, and today I had like this gush of fluid. (I get it every month.) Did I ovulate today? tests are expensive and i haven’t taken my temperature. Yes I know to take a HPT once I miss my period, but I don’t know when to expect my period either. Can I get a few opinions?I’ve heard that you’re more fertile RIGHT after a miscarraige, and I know how long everythings supposed to live and that you ovulate 14 days before your period.it’s not my hsbands semen
A: great. they say the body is primed for pregnancy following a miscarriage.
When you have a miscarraige do you always bleed?
Q: I’m having twins…and I’ve been having cramps and some shooting pains for over a week now…some days they are more severe then other days…..Im 9wks 5days….could I be misscarrying? ….maybe its just one baby that is miscarrying??… I havent bled but do you always bleed with miscarriages?? and since I am having twins would I be less likely to bleed if one of them did die :(??? How severe were your cramps??? bc the nurse told me its probably just my uterus stretching but I dont go back until the 15th…. they def. arent worse then period cramps bc I get the WORSE period cramps ever so I dont know if I can go off that…..
A: I would also say that you are fine DEF if your not bleeding & yes I am pretty positive that you do bleed with any miscarriage! I have personally had three so……I have been through this before. I also have 2 daughters & am now 36wks pregnant with my 3rd & up until now I have ALWAYS had lower belly pain that they call ligament pains & something else. DEF if this is your first I would say that things are just stretching & changing. Also honey not to be so blunt but I would tel any of my friends this….if your only 9wks you better get used to it cause your going to feel a lot more in the future : ) I’ve been through alot with this pregnancy as in pain in my stomach & things so I couldn’t imagine having two but thats awesome congrats & Good luck!!!! : )
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