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How do you relieve cramps

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OTC pain relievers such as ibuprofen or naproxen used around the clock at the first sign of your period helps to reduce cramping. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-relieve-cramps ]
More Answers to “How do you relieve cramps
Don’t let cramps make you suffer in pain. Try some form of over-the-counter medication like advil, aleve or midol. If that does not work, try a more natural route. Lay a heated water bottle on your stomach to ease the pressure and tension.
・ 1 The first step takes place a few days before your cramps are due to start. Take advil to help the problem… ・ 2 Another thing you can do is sleep with a heating pad on your stomach. I know you usually want to curl… ・ 3 Another helpfu…
If you are experiencing symptoms of menstrual cramps, it’s important to see your doctor to be properly diagnosed. Although certain natural remedies show some promise, there hasn’t been enough research at this point to conclude they’re effec…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you relieve cramps for having your period?
Q: My sister has really bad cramps when she gets her period. Believe me, they must kill, because she wakes up crying from then. And my sister is really strong. Please, give me something natural ,like a food or some sort of concoction you could make at home. I don’t want anything like birth control pills. I looked everywhere on the web but found nothing. Please, help me ASAP… :/ i feel really bad for my older sister.
A: Castor oil pack – Apply oil directly to skin, cover with a clean soft cloth (for example, flannel) and plastic wrap. Place a heat source (hot water bottle or heating pad) over the pack and let sit for 30 to 60 minutes. For best results use 3 consecutive days in 1 week.Magnesium and vitamin B6 rich diet helps to promote hormone production and induce relaxation. Calcium may help prevent menstrual cramps by maintaining normal muscle tone. Likewise, magnesium also plays a role in controlling muscle tone and could be important in preventing menstrual cramps. Vitamin E to improve blood supply to muscles. In all, these nutrients help to relax the walls of blood vessels, reducing cramping sensations. A well- balanced, mixed diet comprising meat, whole grains, brewer’s yeast, green leafy vegetables, fruits, cold-pressed oils, eggs, wheat germ, sweet potatoes, dairy products, shellfish and nuts should provide you with all the above mentioned minerals and vitamins.Over-the-counter medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen can relieve discomfort.If cramping is severe, low dosage oral contraceptives may be prescribed to prevent ovulation which thereby reduces the production of prostaglandins. If you suffer from secondary dysmenorrhea, treatment will depend on the underlying cause. Treatment may include antibiotics for the infection, polyps to treat endometriosis or surgery to remove fibroids.Natural and holistic treatments are a gentler and safer alternative to alleviate the pain and discomfort of menstrual cramps. Using herbal remedies helps to support the female reproductive system and promotes overall health and wellbeing.Herbs such as Foeniculum vulgare (Sweet Fennel) acts as a liver tonic and helps to promote water balance while Pulsatilla vulgaris (Pasque Flower) is a soothing and supportive herb for the female reproductive system. In addition, Dong Quai (Angelica Sinesis) helps to promote hormonal harmony throughout the menstrual cycle and Melissa officinale (Lemon Balm) soothes and promotes stable mood and feelings.You may get details on these remedies & tips over here http://www.healthherbsandnutrition.com/remedies/m/menstrualcrampsdysmenorrhea.htm
How do you relieve cramps when you’re away from home?
Q: When you’re at work, out with friends, anywhere you can’t just put on your pj’s and lay in bed.
A: Ok hun…. got your answer. Always (and I mean always) carry a little bottle of tylenol, ibu, midol… whatever you like… with you. And… try those heat patches. They work great. You can get them at walgreens and just put one on in the bathroom etc. They feel so nice and totally help me with the cramps!
How to relieve cramps?
Q: how do you relieve cramps during that time of month? please help, cuz i hav to sleep and i cant:(
A: try Advil liquid gels or a heating pad.
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