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How does a woman know if she has placenta previa

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A:Sudden, painless vaginal bleeding that ranges from slight to heavy.Signs of preterm labor. Sometimes no symptoms at all. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-does-a-woman-know-if-she-has-placenta-previa ]
More Answers to “How does a woman know if she has placenta previa
How does a woman know if she has placenta previa
Sudden, painless vaginal bleeding that ranges from slight to heavy.Signs of preterm labor. Sometimes no symptoms at all.

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24 weeks pregnant and low lying placenta?
Q: At my 20 week ultrasound my doctor told me that I have a low lying placenta. She instructed me not to lift anything over 5 lbs, pelvic rest, and just kinda take life easy. So I was just rechecked at 24 weeks and my placenta is still low lying. I know that there is the chance that as my uterus grows the placenta will move up where I am not at risk anymore or getting complete placenta previa. I am to get another ultrasound at 28 weeks to see if the placenta has moved up.I know every pregnancy is different as is every woman’s body but I am wondering if you had a low lying placenta did it correct itself? How long did it take? Or did you have to end up having a c-section for delivery?Thanks!I am not afraid to have a c-section; actually before I even knew about having a low lying placenta I often said I would rather have a c-section than a natural birth as I have a low tolerance for pain & would just rather have the c-section and be done. I hope the placenta moves up so I don’t have to worry about bleeding and all that but if it doesn’t I know that there is nothing that I can do about it.
A: I had this and the placenta did not move up. Mine was a partial O/S and I was not allowed to go into labour. I went into hospital at 37 weeks and had a C section at 38 weeks. It was very straightforward and we are both fine. You do need to be careful of doing too much in case you bleed – this can be very serious for both of you. I never bled but I was in the maternity ward with a lady who had lots of bleeds. She had a C section at about 37 weeks and they are both fine too. I’m sure everything will go ok for you, and chances are when the uterus moves up it will bring the placenta with it. Mine didn’t but there was no problem in the end. Take care. 🙂
Almost 35 weeks and my belly is so small. Does this mean I am definitely going to have a small baby?
Q: If one more person says, “Wow, you’re not big at all!” I am going to scream. I already feel this way and it makes me feel worse when others say it. I am 34 weeks and 5 days today. I was 146 lbs. when I found I was pregnant at 5 weeks and 3 days, and now I am pushing 193 lbs. So I have definitely gained weight. But my stomach just isn’t very big. I realize every woman is different. I am 5 ft. 2 in. so I am short. But I just expected to be like a huge blimp because of my height. I seem wider from left to right than I do sticking out from front to back, if you know what I mean. I was in a department store a month or so ago and the sales person didn’t even know I was pregnant. It’s probably because of what I had on because I’m not flat, but she had to really look at me to tell.I mentioned that to my doctor at my next appointment and he said I was measuring a little behind but everything was okay. He has started to do ultrasounds every week now (one week to check the overall well-being of the baby and one week to check the growth (head, abdomen, thigh). He has been measuring a week behind for the past couple of weeks.My doctor says it looks like I may have a funny shaped uterus but he isn’t sure. The baby is ALWAYS on the left side. 95% of the time at least. He said I have an anterior placenta and it’s down low, but I don’t have placenta previa. He just isn’t sure why he is measuring behind but says he may just be a small baby or there could be something else. He is going to monitor this until delivery, which I am scheduled for a c-section on January 29th (due to a prior myomectomy).I am so worried but my doctor doesn’t seem concerned at all. Two weeks ago he said he was measuring in the 17th percentile. I guess anything under the 10th percentile is abnormal and reason to worry, but he said it’s nothing to be worried about at this point. He weighed 4.04 lbs. at my 33 week appointment. He didn’t measure the weight at my 34 week appointment. So I’ll find out how much he’s grown at my 35 week appointment.Has anyone had anything similar going on and had a healthy baby?
A: I am 39 weeks and have a very small stomach. Most people say I barely look 7 and a half months. But yesterday we had an ultrasound and it said the baby was about 6.7 lbs, so not too terribly small. My doctor said that my belly is small because I myself am small (I’m 5’4″). Also my friend who had her baby over summer was really tiny in her 9th month because she was really skinny. I think it mainly has to do with your body type.
? for any one that has had just a c section or a vaginal birth and a c section?
Q: ok I would love to know your stories about bout your vaginal and c section deliveries. which was worse? how was the recovery? the pain of a c section and anything else you can tell me:) I had my daughter vaginally but I am pregnant again and I have complete placenta previa (where my placenta covers the cervix completely) with my first birth she got “stuck” on my pelvic bone and they had to use the vacuum to help get her out ( I was in labor for almost 24hrs and pushed on my own for 2 hrs) after delivery she was fine until 3am (15hrs after delivery) when the pediatrician and nurse came in to tell me that she was having seizures and that they were going to rush her to children’s hospital. turns out she had blood on the brain due to the vacuum.(it was a horrible experience but thank GOD she is fine now(she will be 2 in nov) although we went through all that I still want to have a vaginal delivery again but I dont think its up to me. because of the placenta previa I might have to have a c-section. my doctor told me that most likley I will have one because he does not think my placenta will move completly and even if it does with the complications that we had last time its probably better to have a c section.he also said if my placenta does move completly then its up to me to if I want to have a natural birth. but honestly im scared and I just want to know some more about c-sections from actual women whom have them:)thanks
A: I have had both vaginal, and c-section deliveries, and have even had 2 successful vbac’s. The delivery part of a c-section is a breeze, but the healing process is hell. I found out that morphine does nothing for me which really sucks because that is what they give to you after a c-section lol. They want you to get up and walk around twice within 8 hrs of your c-section, which despite the pain was easy. I just personally would rather deliver vaginally but you gotta do what you gotta do lol. I wouldn’t be scared about the c-section, you have to do what is best for you and the baby. Just be ready for a long recovery afterward. It took awhile for me to heal but have had no problems from it, and the scar is hardly noticeable. I wish you the best and am sure everything will go fine.
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