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How long do yeast infections last if untreated

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Left untreated, a yeast infection can last for a very long time. There are many OTC treatments you can get without a prescription. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-long-do-yeast-infections-last-if-untreated ]
More Answers to “How long do yeast infections last if untreated
How long do yeast infections last if untreated
Left untreated, a yeast infection can last for a very long time. There are many OTC treatments you can get without a prescription.
How long do untreated yeast infections last?
For males, if you clean and wash everyday, it will go away within a couple weeks. It might be reoccuring if you don’t treat it with medicine, though.
What are symptoms of yeast infections?
Yeast infections are an unusual growth of fungus in the groin area most commonly. Symptoms of a yeast infection include clear odorless discharge, burning, and painful urination.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does a male yeast infection last untreated? If treated how long does the yeast infection last?
A: you do not say where it is…if is cutaneous (on the skin) it may last a week or two depending on how bad and are you treating it correctly.if it is a urinary yeast infection (in your penis and bladder) it can be cured with antifungal medication taken orally…a yeast infection will last until it is treated
Vaginal yeast infection left untreated?
Q: How long can a yeast infection last? I did some research and found out that there are other infections that have the same symptoms as a yeast infection. The cottage cheesy discharge, the smell, the itching or burning. Those are the most common symptoms but can be symptoms of other things. Can someone please tell me how long a yeast infection last if it goes untreated? I have been experiencing this for a few years now, almost all the time so I don’t know if it’s a yeast infection or something else. I have not been sexually active as far as oral or intercourse goes.
A: You need to go and see a doctor about this. Untreated infections can line up problems for later life, which is something I’m sure you’d rather avoid! A quick trip to see a doctor or a nurse will allow them to diagnose what is wrong, and give you the correct treatment.
how long does an untreated infection last?
Q: ok, so by my symptoms i have either a yeast infection or a uti or another infection, idk.i know my discharge is bad coz my mum goes ‘r u sure u wipe properly’. i do, its discharge! embarassing but anyway…its been going on since about yr 6/7/8, not sure when it became bad, im now in year 10!so could it just be me naturally? surely if it was an infection it would of gone away or done something serious by now!im NOT going to a doctor or to talk to my mum.thanks for any answers =)
A: It may linger and clear but will most likely return. Seek treatment!
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