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How soon can a miscarriage be detected

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A:If you are pregnant and have vaginal bleeding, which can range from light spotting to heavier than a period, contact your doctor. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-soon-can-a-miscarriage-be-detected ]
More Answers to “How soon can a miscarriage be detected
How soon can a miscarriage be detected
If you are pregnant and have vaginal bleeding, which can range from light spotting to heavier than a period, contact your doctor.

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A: I don’t know the answer to your question, but I wanted to say GOOD LUCK and I hope you are peanut with #2!
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A: I don’t think you can hear the heartbeat until around 16 wks. And with the miscarriage its not uncommon for the body to terminate one of the babies. Kind of like a vanishing twin just vanishing triplet.
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A: When I was pregnant I went to take a urine test at the doctor and got a negative. So he had me get a blood test and it came back positive. I had gotten positives at home though. I suggest First Response. It detected my pregnancy at 2 weeks pregnant =) good luck and God bless!!
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