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How will I know if my dog is in heat

Health related question in topics Dogs in Heat .We found some answers as below for this question “How will I know if my dog is in heat”,you can compare them.

A:First Stage-Proestrus: begins with the appearance of vaginal bleeding, swelling of the vulva, possible increase in urination MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-will-i-know-if-my-dog-is-in-heat ]
More Answers to “How will I know if my dog is in heat
How will I know if my dog is in heat
First Stage-Proestrus: begins with the appearance of vaginal bleeding, swelling of the vulva, possible increase in urination MORE?
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shouldn’t my dog be bleeding when in heat ? how will I know when to protect her from her brother .?
Q: shouldn’t my dog be bleeding when in heat I need to know when to proctect her because I have her brother who is not nuetured yet I also have a 4 month old male who will eventually be her companion she is 11 months old and we haven’t had her for very long so we don’t know if she is or is not in heat yet
A: When she is ready to start her heat (season) she may go of her food, get a little moody and overly clingy (my Lab follows me everywhere) her vulva will swell and then she will start to lose an amount of blood stained fluid, the heat will last around 3 weeks, but the blood loss will slow down towards the end. It is vital that you supervise her at all times to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, she is far too young to become a mother.
My dog ran away and she was in heat, will she come back anytime soon?
Q: I know I am irresponsible for not spaying my dog and I know I have to do it if I find her. She is a medium-sized rottweiler mixed, and she ran away along with my other dog ( a black Labrador mixed that wasn’t in heat), so in reality I lost two dogs. One time, before I had my rottweiler, my black Labrador was in heat and she ran away, but she found her way back home, pregnant of course. Another time, my rottweiler found her way all the way from some mountains back to our house, when she wasn’t in heat. They’re both very smart dogs.So here is my question:Do you think they will come back anytime soon, or will they have their fun for a few days until my dogs period is over?Do you think that my black Labrador well come back sooner because she wasn’t in heat and was only tagging along with my other dog, or do you think that they will come back together?How long does a dog’s first period last?Please help!!
A: Why are you sitting at the computer instead of out looking for your dogs? Off you go! Go look for them.Your dogs may be smart but their owner is sadly lacking in smarts.If by chance you do get these dogs back, build a safe enclosure or build proper fences so they don’t keep escaping AND have these dogs spayed. You are putting their lives at risk.Just FYI, dogs do not have periods. They come into season or Estrus…which is the direct opposite of menstruation.
What to look out for when dog’s in heat?
Q: So my pom is going through heat today.. Her first period or whatever ! Pretty special huh? Day of the olympics? You know what the chinese say.. 08/08/08. Lucky number. But yeah anyways.. Before I start asking… please get out of here honestly, if you’re going to judge me as a bad owner for not spaying my dog. And get out of here if your going to pressure me on getting her spayed or suggest spaying. I don’t need that crap. You’re not going to change my decision i’m sorry. I’m not spaying my dog, nor am I saying i’m going to get her pregnent. But please.. do not post if you’re going to suggest spaying.. I don’t need that from you guys. It’s irrelevant from what i’m going to ask anyways.So I was wondering, what kinds of things should I look out for when she’s in heat? Will she go hyper? Will she start shedding a lot? Will she be aggressive? And how long will heat be?
A: Female dog heat symptoms can be recognized during what experts call the estrous cycle. While the estrous cycle takes place, your female dog has a high chance of getting pregnant if she has intercourse.  The most common dog heat symptom takes place during the first part of the estrous cycle. You can recognize it because she will have a high increase in urination and also the female dog’s vulva will swell. It is not as easy to detect in smaller dogs so you will have to pay close attention.Another very common heat symptom is blood discharge from the dog’s vagina (sorry to break it to you like that). So don’t worry if this happens, it is a common, natural symptoms of dog in heat. It doesn’t mean that she is sick.Sometimes female dog heat symptoms are hard to recognize, but this one you can’t miss. Male dogs will follow the female dog like a magnet, they can easily recognize female dog heat from a distance, so they will even hang around your house. Be careful, during the heat cycle the female dog will allow the male to mount her, so don’t let her out of sight or not only will she end up pregnant, but she can get disease from street dogs.
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