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If you’re about to miscarry, why do you bleed

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A:The most common symptom of miscarriage is vaginal bleeding, which can range from light spotting to heavier than a period. Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you%27re-about-to-miscarry%2C-why-do-you-bleed ]
More Answers to “If you’re about to miscarry, why do you bleed
Is it possible to bleed heavily while you’re pregnant and not hav…?
Usually a massive amount of bleeding with pregnancy indicates a miscarriage or other serious medical condition, see a doctor.

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Ladies please please help! Anything helps! Please!?
Q: Ok, so on July 23rd I miscarried my 2nd child. (I had one successful pregnancy and we were trying again for another child) My bleeding stopped almost immediately. There was no cramping, and extremely light bleeding. I was early, only about 5 weeks when I miscarried, but it was a confirmed pregnancy and a confirmed miscarriage. My husband and I haven’t been trying to conceive since we’re waiting for at least one cycle following the miscarriage before we even think about trying again. However, I was ovulating not too long ago, around July 28th. And now I’ve been feeling a little strange. My left breast is slightly tender to the touch on the top right above my areola, I’ve been very very tired (not waking up til’ 1 in the afternoon when my husband is off work) and wanting to sleep ALL DAY pretty much, been getting nauseous every once in a while, urinating more frequently (about every 30 minutes or so), raised bumps on my areola, and appetite is increasing.Schockingly, I’m not stressed out or anything. I never get pms, ever. I only get very minimal cramps near the end of my period. So I’m nervous…I’m scared we may have gotten pregnant. I am feeling EXACTLY how I did with my first 2 pregnancies. And I just have this feeling, just as I did with my first 2. Of course it would be a blessing to be pregnant again, but since it’s before my first cycle I’m a little nervous. So my question is…1) Have you, or anyone you know gotten pregnant before you’ve had your first period after a miscarriage and 2) Why do they tell you to wait? and 3) What would make of all the things I’ve been experiencing? 4) How would they determine a due date if we really have no period to go off of since I haven’t had one since June 17th from my first pregnancy?
A: you cant say definately that these symptoms could be pregnancy symptoms or you are pregnant unless you do a proper pregnancy test.i had the same situation when i miscarried and after four weeks i had all these symptoms.i was nauseous,tired and hot flashes but when my mom did the u/c there was nothing.after few days i had my first menses after my miscarriage.so i think you should wait for more few days and then do a test.
Big question! I NEED YOUR HELP! Please!?
Q: Ok, so on July 23rd I miscarried my 2nd child. (I had one successful pregnancy and we were trying again for another child) My bleeding stopped almost immediately. There was no cramping, and extremely light bleeding. I was early, only about 5 weeks when I miscarried, but it was a confirmed pregnancy and a confirmed miscarriage. My husband and I haven’t been trying to conceive since we’re waiting for at least one cycle following the miscarriage before we even think about trying again. However, I was ovulating not too long ago, around July 28th. And now I’ve been feeling a little strange. My left breast is slightly tender to the touch on the top right above my areola, I’ve been very very tired (not waking up til’ 1 in the afternoon when my husband is off work) and wanting to sleep ALL DAY pretty much, been getting nauseous every once in a while, urinating more frequently (about every 30 minutes or so), raised bumps on my areola, and appetite is increasing.Schockingly, I’m not stressed out or anything. I never get pms, ever. I only get very minimal cramps near the end of my period. So I’m nervous…I’m scared we may have gotten pregnant. I am feeling EXACTLY how I did with my first 2 pregnancies. And I just have this feeling, just as I did with my first 2. Of course it would be a blessing to be pregnant again, but since it’s before my first cycle I’m a little nervous. So my question is…1) Have you, or anyone you know gotten pregnant before you’ve had your first period after a miscarriage and 2) Why do they tell you to wait? and 3) What would make of all the things I’ve been experiencing? 4) How would they determine a due date if we really have no period to go off of since I haven’t had one since June 17th from my first pregnancy?
A: I have a friend who had two miscarriages back to back and then a full term pregnancy. She did not wait at all between…. Her doctor recommended she wait one or two months because it can be hard on your body. But she chose not to. She had a beautiful 8 pound baby boy at 39 weeks. They sort of estimated her due date at first, but they adjusted it when she had an ultrasound (based on the measurements of the fetus). It is hard to say if you are or not because your hormones are probably out of control right now. I would suggest calling your OB because he could tell you how accurate a pregnancy test would be for you in this situation.Good Luck!
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