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Is blood spotting a sign of pregnancy

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A:Vaginal bleeding also known as spotting does happen during pregnancy, but if so, you should consult a doctor. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-blood-spotting-a-sign-of-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “Is blood spotting a sign of pregnancy
Is blood spotting a sign of pregnancy
Vaginal bleeding also known as spotting does happen during pregnancy, but if so, you should consult a doctor. ChaCha!
Is blood in your urine a sign of pregnancy?
It is a sign of a kidney stones. I think you may want go to your regular doctor for a check-up!
Is high blood pressure a sign of pregnancy?
not typically…Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include: ・ missed period …

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Q: I peak day for ovualtion was May10 and 11 I had unprotected sex, when i go pee I noticed some pink on the paper for the past two days also when i finish peeing i get a cramp feeling inside has that ever happened to anyone before, is that spotting. I am suppose to get my period on the 26th. i am thinking of getting a bllod pregnancy test but am not sure how soon i can ake one and where. PLease help me! Thank you!
A: Implantation doesnt start until at least the 6th day after time of conception – the 121th day usually occuring on the 8th day. You can get a blood pregnancy test no earlier than around the 23-24 to make sure your past all days of implantation. Also from experience, implantation bleeding does NOT mean you are pregnant. It justt means something is/was trying to implant onto the uteru lining, again that is from experience I had last month. Good luck ad wish the best
spotting as sign of pregnancy.. how much blood?
Q: i researched over the internet that one of the symptoms of pregnancy is slight bleeding or spotting that occurs at the time of the expected menstrual period. This bleeding is called implantation bleeding.my questions are..how much blood is there in the “slight bleeding”?how long does this bleeding occur? does it also have a 3-6 daysbleeding just like a normal menstrual period?
A: Hi, well I have experienced this and it would be very slight most of the times (never any need for a liner) – is mostly just a little when I wipe after going bathroom. As far as I know it can last a couple of days, it has with me anyway but once it is not as bad as an actual menstrual period, you should be ok. When I went to the hospital to get this checked out, they told me that if I start bleeding much more (like a period), that it is a sign of miscarrying and I would have to go straight back.Hope this answers your question – good luck 🙂
Can spotting bright fresh blood after sex be an early sign of pregnancy before a positive test result?
Q: I have taken a few pregnancy tests but they are negative. I am experiencing some spotting after sex which is bright (fresh,new), I am unsure of what this could mean.
A: some girls bleed after sex..its normal.
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