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Is codeine and over the counter medicine

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No, because it’s a narcotic pain reliever, Codeine is only available via prescription. Talk to your doctor, or use an OTC pain reliever like ibuprofen or Tylenol. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-codeine-and-over-the-counter-medicine ]
More Answers to “Is codeine and over the counter medicine
Is codeine and over the counter medicine
No, because it’s a narcotic pain reliever, Codeine is only available via prescription. Talk to your doctor, or use an OTC pain reliever like ibuprofen or Tylenol. ChaCha!
What is a brand name of an over the counter cough medicine with c…?
In America there are no OTC codeine medications. It is available by prescription only as codeine is an opiate and therefore a controlled substance in the US.
Can some kind soul name me a over-the-counter-sold medicine that …?
I would strongly suggest a trip to your private doctor. These are very serious drugs and not to be taken lightly. If it was possible to buy these over the counter,you’d have a hard time finding them. Meaning they wouldn’t be able to keep th…

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Do you know which pahrmacy sells Codeine Linctus over the counter?
Q: I have had a terrible cough for last two weeks and my GP said to buy codeine linctus over the counter. i went to all the major pharmacies and was told they don’t stock it! I have now lost my voice to the cough but have had no luck finding this medicine. it would be helpful if anyone could advise me where to get it and also give me an idea why the GP would suggest it knowing full well it is not available readily.Well to answer some questions, it’s just the cough, nothing in my throat, no fever, just a persistent cough that is really annoying.
A: It would be best to call around to your area Pharmacies or Drug Stores and, ask where it is available or, who can make it for you.Some pharmacies mix their own ingredients, including Codeine Linctus.Robitussin DM is an over-the-counter cough syrup that would help your dry cough, following the instructions on the bottle as to how and how much you should take. Aside from your dry cough and laryngitis or pharyngitis ( loss of voice ), do you have a fever, sore throat, chills or sweats ?? Look in your mirror and open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out. Is your throat red ?? Any white spots ?? If your throat is sore, try warm water salt gargles. Do you a have a humidifier ?? This will help your dry throat.I apologize for the questions but, if you have such symptoms then you may have a infection, which would require an antibiotic.It would be best that you get re-evaluated so that you receive proper treatment.I hope that this is helpful and that you feel better soon.
over the counter medicines in Canada?
Q: I’m going on a trip to Canada and I’d like to know if…codeine, valium and imodium can be purchased over the counter? Also are muscle relaxers available over the counter also?
A: Surely Valium would not be available over the counter in most 1st world countries!You would need a prescription.As for the other few, they are usually available wherever you travel to.
What drugs are available over the counter in Italy?
Q: Hi,I live in the United States and am traveling to Italy in November. Whenever I go to other countries I am always on the lookout for what over the counter medicines are available there as opposed to here. For example, I can get tylenol with Codeine in Canada over the counter, but here you need a presciption. So I am interested to know what is available in Italy and also what’s not available. For example, what about OTC women’s products like yeast infection cream? Also what is available for pain killers? Any information greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!Thanks for any answers, however, I don’t speak Italian and thus am unable to be assisted by Italian Websites. If someone could just tell me generally, in English, what drugs are available there that are not in the US, that would be super.
A: I had found a better website, but I can’t find the address, just now; but here another good one:http://www.paginesanitarie.com/Scroll down till AREA FARMACIthen click on “Farmaci da banco/SOP” for the list you’re looking for. “Farmaci dalla A alla Z con foglietto illustrativo (ricerca alfabetica)”, instead, are a list in alphabetical order.This one http://www.altroconsumo.it/asp/farmaci/farmaci.aspx is from one of the main consumers association: you have to put the name of the active principle (“tra i principi attivi”) or the name of the medicine (“tra i farmaci”).The search is in Italian, so you may have to check for this.”Forma farmaceutica” means how the medicine have to be taken (in order to refine the search); for instance “orale” = “orally”.Choosing a region is required for reimbursement infos only, since health care is more regional based, now.On the list, you can find OTC (like in English) were appliable.Here https://www.federfarma.it/bdf/ricerca/ricerca.asp the same, even easier: further option is “Tutti i farmaci” (all are listed), “Farmaci con obbligo di ricetta medica” (prescription required), “Farmaci senza obbligo di ricetta medica” (prescription not required).Actually the main source should be here http://www.ministerosalute.it/medicinaliSostanze/presentazione.jsp?id=2&menu=strumentieservizi(Mininistry of Health official website) but just now that section is under upgrade process and the links doesn’t work.
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