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Is Hydrogen Peroxide illegal

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Hydrogen peroxide itself is not illegal, you can buy it most anywhere that sells OTC drugs, etc. It’s illegal 4 human consumption. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-hydrogen-peroxide-illegal ]
More Answers to “Is Hydrogen Peroxide illegal
Is Hydrogen Peroxide illegal
Hydrogen peroxide itself is not illegal, you can buy it most anywhere that sells OTC drugs, etc. It’s illegal 4 human consumption.

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Breaking News illegal immigrant was trying to blow up the building what do supporters have to say now?
Q: New York — An Afghani man indicted Thursday in an alleged terror-bombing plot was due back in a Denver court Friday. Federal authorities said he is at the center of a conspiracy that may have targeted commuter trains in the New York City area. In Texas, Colorado, Illinois, and New York, the FBI has uncovered homegrown terror plots. 24-year-old Najibullah Zazi who federal agents said planned to bomb several New York City sites was back in court Friday. The charge of lying to a federal agent in a terrorism investigation was dropped against Zazi in Denver, but he now faces more serious terrorism charges in New York. Officials said he shopped at beauty stores for bomb supplies. He purchased unusually large quantities of hydrogen peroxide and acetone. Those same ingredients were used in the 2005 London bombings. Richard Clarke, Former National Security Officer said: “I think this is as close as we’ve come since 9/11 to having a major terrorist attack on U.S. Territory.” Thousands of people were inside this 60-story skyscraper in downtown Dallas Thursday when the F.B.I. said 19-year-old Hosam Smadi, an illegal immigrant from Jordan, was trying to blow up the building. According to authorities, he parked what he thought was a powerful car bomb in the tower’s basement. But it was a sting operation. The bomb was fake. “I mean, it’s scary. It’s definitely scary to think that it was that closed to happening,” said Rachel Powers who works inside the building. In Springfield, Illinois, the F.B.I. was coordinating another sting operation. In this case officials said Michael Finton, also known as Talib Islam, tried to blow up a federal courthouse with a van he thought was loaded with explosives. But they were phony Federal authorities said the cases in Dallas and Illinois were unrelated but the arrests were coordinated so neither suspect would get cold feet as they attempted to conduct their operations. http://abclocal.go.com/kfsn/story?section=news/national_world&id=7032196And we don’t have any home grown American citizen, domestic terrorist?BelleBelle that is not the point. He is illegal he is not suppose to be here. He is wanting to blow up a building.You do understand thousands of people could have died if this were a real attack ? Wake up Belle, this not monkey see, monkey do, you see ??
A: This is exactly why a nationwide crackdown on illegal aliens is needed. From the ones who came across the border to the ones who overstay visa’s. We have no idea who these people are or what their intentions are. It is not worth the citizens of this country to sit and sort out their intentions.
Is it illegal to imitate a product using the same ingredients they do, but to change it?
Q: See, I was thinking of imitating OxiClean as a shoe whitener. But I am planning to neutralize it in a way where it is not as strong that it damages the shoe.I’ll be using some of the same products to make it like:Hydrogen Peroxide and Washing Soda/ Soda Ash.P.S: I am in no way using Oxiclean as a base of the solution/whitener, I’m just simply using the same products to make it. =/And with these two items, I’ll be mixing other ingredients to stabilize it and basically change it up a bit.My question is it illegal? This is not for sale or anything, however I am planning to create this “product” as my chem project and turn it in.Btw: Changing the name from Oxi-Clean to something is also illegal or no(in this case I mean)?Or would it be okay to call it Imitation Oxi-Clean?
A: If you are using a recipe of your own then it is not illegal but you have to use a different name for it.
Does Nicki Clarke ‘Chilli’ semi-permanent dye comtain PPD?
Q: I am very allergic to PPD & resorcinol in hair dye. I read the packaging carefully and don’t buy permanents and usually use temporarys. This semi-permanent product does not warn of PPD&resoucinol on the box, nor are they in the ingredients list – it contains hydrogen peroxide, which I’m fine with. BUT when I got it home and looked at the colourant tube that says contains PPD……is that allowed? Or is it a generic tube and not true. I am doing the patch test and its not affecting me after several hours…there is a helpline to call but what a waste of money / illegal not to put that on the box. So you only find out when you get it home and have bought it >:( it aint cheap either. There is a help line I will call and complain toYeop -it does, I have the burnt patch to prove it! I have pics too. Well i have to be careful as I was in A&E on xmas eve from using one a few days before so I know the dangers -I almost died im sure. The swelling, pus, crusts, weeping sores -it was terrible!
A: Please be very very careful. I just found out that I am allergic to PPD after using a colourant I had used previously for a number of years. Firstly my forehead, then my scalp and ears, then my back became covered in blisters, which then became pustules and lead to an infection, which 3 weeks later, I am still signed off work because of. The skin on my ears is raw and I have been on 3 different kinds of antibiotic to treat the infection. I’d ring the helpline. As far as I can tell, there are very few dyes that do not contain this .Any patch test that you do should be left for AT LEAST 48 HOURS to get a true indication.There are people you can complain to if you feel the packaging is misleading ( I work for a government consumer advisory service) I would start by contacting your local trading standards via consumer direct on 0845 4040506 who can report the matter for investigation to your local office and also signpost you to any relevant advisory councils within the industry.
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