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Is it normal for a girl to bleed in her early months of pregnancy

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A:Many women experience light vaginal bleeding during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. There are many reasons for it. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-normal-for-a-girl-to-bleed-in-her-early-months-of-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “Is it normal for a girl to bleed in her early months of pregnancy
Is it normal for a girl to bleed in her early months of pregnancy?
Many women experience light vaginal bleeding during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. There are many reasons for it.

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what would you do…friendship and pregnancy question…?
Q: friend = stefher partner = chrisive been friends with stef for about 4-5 years, i have lots of other friends a lot closer than her, but she really only has me (no sisters or female relatives even) and our partners are close too. although her partner is a long distance lorry driver so stef and i would have seen and chatted much more than the 2 men.i was 13 weeks pregnant in april of this year when sadly i miscarried, i had been feeling awful for 4-5 weeks before i miscarried and knew something wasn’t right so i openly admit i didnt really text or go out with my friends as much as i normally would, including stef over this time. i did still keep in touch and told them all personally when i miscarried, everyone was supportive and it was about 4-5 weeks before i ventured out to the “normal” activities again. im godmother to stefs little girl (my partner is not godfather) and she is just over 1 year old, i live quite near so if i dont get over once a week i would always text and ask about her (if not just do both) but for about 2 months i wasnt really thinking about babies at all or worrying about anyone else apart from myself and my partner getting through our tragic loss after i miscarried (and a while before because felt so awful) but my friend text me the nite i got out of hospital after having a d+c on the day i miscarried at 9.25pm asking did i want to come over to hers for a drink!!!!i got my partner to text back because i was disgusted at her lack of thought and have a tendancy to overreact, he just text and said no we want to be alone and jo only out of hospital but thanks. i was furious, as was he, so i did go into “huff” mode with her and didnt text her or go anywhere near her, if she text me i wrote back but was dry with her. i would normally confront someone, but given the circumstances and we still had to bury my baby i had bigger fish to fry than her!!i then got this text on my first nite out after miscarriage saying “me and chris arent very happy at you not calling to text and ask about or see mia (her daughter and my goddaughter) this past few weeks” it was so out of the blue and unexpected, not to mention unthoughtful. i absolutely flipped my lid, i was only just getting back to normal with her after her insensitivity the day i miscarried, then to be hit with this. we fell out for about 4-5 months and i did not see her daughter during this time. i seen stef out a few times with her partner and he roared at me saying i was taking it all out on the daughter etc (not true, hadnt seen her or even been near her to “take” it out on her and she was 7 months old…seriously would she even know!?!) and stef just stared through me making no effort to talk or apologise.mia turned 1 in september and we got invited to her 1st birthday, a few weeks earlier i found out i was pregnant again and thought about “good karma” just to forgive and forget and get on with things, for mias sake, but i would never be as close to stef as i had been.this was like red rag to a bull for her, she text everyday asking me to come over, could she come over, did i want to do this etc when i had clearly told her it was only for the childs sake we were back on speaking terms and i didnt want to go back to how things were because she had hurt me so much…i was put on bed rest for 7 weeks only allowed up to go to loo so only in touch via text then and because of the bleeding i had in this pregnancy, i was told i might have to have a c-section at 26 weeks, so i confide in her as she is one of my few friends with children, thinking she would understand…what does she say…”would the baby even survive at 26 weeks?!” i cant get over the cheek of this girl, for all i do for her (speak to her when all our other friends hate her, always make sure she is invited out etc and keep her company when partner away and im ALWAYS there for her no matter what problem she has) and i am so good to her child babysitting her and buying her lots of things, im the only person apart from her family who does this.i am so disgusted by her.whats your opinions on this? this is a long story cut short believe it or not, but the jist is 3 times she has been insensitive, down right rude and HORRIBLY selfish at times when ive needed her the most.what would you do? what do you think?
A: Well, as you said toward the end of your story, your friend is very selfish. She has also been very thoughtless regarding the problems you have had. For the sake of your god-child you will want to at least stay on speaking terms. After a while you may be able to talk to this girl again and tell her how hurt you were about her selfishness and thoughtlessness, but for now just try to be friendly until you can reach that point in your relationship again.Were it not for the god-child I would say to dump this girl, but you need to decide for yourself if you want to continue the relationship for the sake of your god-child.Good luck. Best Wishes.
HELP 6 Days past O DAY?
Q: Hi there,k so heres the scoop, I had a miscarriage back in November…I knew I was pregnant because I missed my period and my nipples were sore and I was eating a lot more and I felt twinges in my lower stomach. Well I know that I ovulated the night of Valentine’s day and my Bf and I had sex that night along with 2 times the next day (sorry tmi) well I also know when I ovulate because I get the crampiness when the egg is released and normally that goes away after at least one day…this time it stuck around for 4-5 days and my nipples have been really sensitive since I ovulated and Ive been extremely hungry too, I even eat breakfast…which i never did before! and I’ve been feeling a lot of weird things in my lower stomach again…especially yesterday i felt a lot …felt kinda like a tightness here and there through out the day on the right side of my belly button…it was really weird…so anyway girls im just asking…can you tell if you get pregnant right away after O day? or is it possible I was prego already from last month as says my sister..,.cuz she says I shouldn’t be getting symptoms this early! please let me know what you think I want to know if I should just go out and get a test…to help you figure this out a little bit better maybe…since I got my miscarriage I haven’t gotten any PMS symptoms like I used to…my period just came on and I bled for a few days…this last month I got my period around the first of feb…was supposed to come on the third and I bled for about 5 days…not my normal amount of bleeding time…and it wasnt full on blood…dont know how to explain it…it was really light either…and then if my calculations are correct I should have been ovulating around the 14-15th and the 14th that night is when I got the cramps…so please HELP ME! I dont want to waste my money on a pregnancy test right now…so should I wait to see if I get my period again? My sister got her period the first few months of her first pregnancy after her first miscarriage…maybe that runs in the family…idk? Thanks a ton!I never get sore nipples…last time it happened was when I WAS prego and I know that I ovulate from my cervical mucus…it was really stretchy and egg whitey exactly on the 14th and 15th and I got cramps which can be a common sign of ovulation. Also my period is normally around 29 days…and I tried calculating it online and they said around the 15th…now I know those things aren’t always most accurate but according to my symptoms it seemed like it was this time
A: I am also 6 DPO. Today would be the first possible day for both of us for implantation to occur, so I think the symptoms you’ve been getting are related to something else. Also, besides the cramping you got, how else do you know that you for sure ovulated on the 14th? Just wondering because you said your period was irregular this past month, so I wonder if your ovulation was irregular too. Even if you went and got a pregnancy test, and you were pregnant, it wouldn’t show up on a pregnancy test for at least another 3-4 days probably (and maybe not even then too).I don’t know if getting periods in the first few months of pregnancy runs in the family or not, I’ve not ever heard of that.
chances of pregnancy?Or pms symptoms?
Q: i’m a 16 year old girl. I’ve been getting my period since 6th grade, but i’ve grown since i got it and has not really been regular for a full year.I had my period June 12-15 & July 7-10My boyfriend & i had sex July 13. We used a condom, he did ejaculate but it was inside the condom.The next time i had my period was August 5-8.I was nervous that i was pregnant a week before my august 5-8 period (i was having PMS symptoms..mistook them for pregnancy symptoms.) So i bought a lot of HPTS (3 first response, 3 ept, 1 rite-aid brand one. All of them claim to detect pregnancy 5 days sooner.)I took 3 of them, then i got my period.Since i was still worried, i took 4 after. The last one i took was a first response, i took it this past wednsday. All of the tests are negative.It’s now August 23, and for the past week i’ve been having period-like cramps (not as painful..but still there.) I’ve been slightly constipated, slightly moody, tired, and some light pain in my ovaries, sore breasts, and bloating!(these are all typical PMS symptoms for me, but i understand they are pregnancy symptoms as well.)My question is..its only day 18 of my cycle. is this too early to be experincing pms?i had a 26 day cycle from June-JulyAnd a 30 day cycle from July-August.So i know i should be expecting my period within the next week..or week after that.Should i be worried about pregnancy? I’ve had 7 negative tests and a period since i had sex (and yes it was definetly a period- not implantation or vaginal bleeding. I had a normal flow, & all my normal period symptoms.)but i just don’t understand why im getting pms symptoms early..?Please help!oh, and please don’t tell me to talk to my mom or get birth control.my mom is very caring, and very loving, but i’ve tried to tell her i had sex before and she just got really mad.She won’t discuss getting birth control with me, and i’m not sure how to get it on my own other than going to Planned Parenthood, and there is no planned parenthood near where i live..the closest one is about 3 hours away.I plan on going when i get my liscence (within a month.)And until i know im doing ALL i can to be protected, i’m not having sex.I made a mistake before, i regret it.
A: I think you are blowing this WAY out of proportion. You are not pregnant, stop worrying that you are. You have taken 7 tests, and had a period in between. This definitely slims the odds down to nothing!PMS symptoms can occur at any point in a woman’s cycle, most of us find they occur lots when they are not expected. This is because our cycles are not rigid like most women think, they change, and adapt. Also, at your age, it is extremely common for your cycles to be ALL OVER the place. So this is normal, and you are looking far too much into it!If you are this worried about becoming pregnant, and will be paranoid every time you experience some changes in your cycles (which happens often), then i suggest you either cut down on the sex, or try to worry less, cuz its causing you too much stress – which could also induce pms symptoms and delay your periods, making you more worried!Calm down, you’ll be fine 🙂
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