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Is it normal to have blood spotting in my first few weeks of pregnancy

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A:Sometimes a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Thanks for doing the ChaCha with me! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-normal-to-have-blood-spotting-in-my-first-few-weeks-of-pregnancy ]
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Is it normal to have blood spotting in my first few weeks of preg…?
Sometimes a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Thanks for doing the ChaCha with me!

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Q: My best friend found out she was pregnant on Monday. She did 4 different tests and they were all positive! We are so excited, we are both TTC, however now it is just one of us. She is not sure exactly how far along she is but according to what she has told me, she should be close to 4 weeks. For the past week, she has been spotting light brown on and off, only when she wipes. This morning at her doctor appt. they were only able to draw blood and the results wouldnt be in until later. She then told me she started to bleed red and not only when she wiped. I know she was very sick this past week and has been taking anti biotics that her boyfriend (he’s a pharmacist) advised her would be ok for her to take. Could that be the cause for the bleeding? or is it normal? I am not sure. She sounded a bit worried and I tried my best to make sure she was ok.Has this hapened to any of you? Any opinions would be appreciated.Thank you!!!***I forgot to mention! After she realized they would only be drawing blood, she scheduled a sonogram somewhere else. The appt should be in 5 minutes.. we will see. Thanks for your answers!
A: It could be a sign of a serious problem or it could not be. I had spotting after intercourse. If she had that or even an internal exam, such as a pap smear, that could ahve caused it. The reason for this is because there is more blood flow to the cervix, so it’s more sensitive. As long as there is no pain, big clots and the bleeding just stays as spotting, she’s fine. I would either go in and get checked out or mention it at her next appt. If it’s a miscarriage, nothing can be done to save it at this point. Miscarriages happen because the sperm and egg don’t meet right in early pregnancy. After the first trimester, it’s possible to save it. As far as her taking medication, she needs to talk about that to her doc. Just because her man is a pharmacist, means nothing. I wish her luck and baby dust to you!! Congrats, chika!!
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A: I know lots of people, myself included, that started to feel MUCH better- great even- around week 9 or 10.I think you’re going to be just fine! Everyone’s bodies respond differently to pregnancy, so the “classic” signs and symptoms don’t always apply to everyone. Sending positive thoughts for you to hear a healthy, strong heartbeat on Wednesday!!! I’m sure you’re little one is just fine 🙂
10 weeks, first baby, few questions!?
Q: Just got it confirmed, I’m about 10 weeks preg with our first (amazingly i’m one week behind my younger sister, poor mom!!!). I just have a few questions:1. I know constipation is common, is there anything I can take for it? My first office visit isn’t until the 18th, and they gave me prenatal vitamins with a stool softener but is there anything OTC I can take for immediate relief?2. I had a little blood, maybe a silver dollar sized spot, in my underwear last night, which has dulled to a very slight light brown discharge. I’m right around when I normally get my period, but is this normal?3. Twins are semi-common on my husband’s side of the family, with his 11 year old brother and sister being fraternal twins. What are the chances of us having them? There is only one set that we know of, fraternal, on my dad’s mother’s side.4. My mom said there are maternity jeans that loosen on the sides instead of the front, does anyone know where I can find them?5. I’m a sign maker and work with various cleaning chemicals, mostly denatured alcohol, goof-off, and on occassion alcohol-based lacquer thinner. Are any of these harmful, well, the fumes at least?6. When can we find out accurately if I’m having a boy or girl? I know technology has advanced in the past 27 years, but through her whole pregnancy my mom was told she was having a boy, up until I popped out lacking boy parts. She told me you can’t really know 100% until the baby comes out…I know things are more accurate now.Thanks for any and all help!!
A: OK here is answers to your questions…1) nothing really over the counter per say but water water water oh yah and more water to help things keep on moving. (if it gets really bad prune juice helped me)2)The first trimester i had a darkish spotting around the time i was “supposed” to get my period. (dont know why this happens but was reasurred by my doctor, who by the way is a high risk specialist that it is really common) Only time to be alarmed is if the blood is paired with cramps and is not really brown in color but more so of a bright red. 3)No one can tell you if your going to have twins or not but since it runs in your family it is not completely out of the question. 4)This may sound funny but the best maternity jeans i found were at walmart and target. They actually have a couple of pairs that loosen on the sides. Woman grow at such different rates and ive found that some of my maternity pants fit snug now and have to go buy new ones. Lets face it walmart and target have some really great prices and when your growing out of pants like crazy getting more for your dollar is quite great. 5) I know that fumes from any type of chemical is not that great for woman in pregnancy. Make sure your in a well ventalated room and if you can grab yourself a mouth and nose mask when you have to handle those products. 6) Some people say that they found out the sex at 16-17 weeks but my doctor informed me they like to wait till about 20 weeks because the more developed the baby the more likely there wont be any question in the gender (that doesnt mean that you will find out the sex, some babys like to be shy lol)
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