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Is it possible to get your period when you’re pregnant

Health related question in topics Period .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it possible to get your period when you’re pregnant”,you can compare them.

A:Pregnancy and menstruation cannot take place at the same time. You can experience vaginal bleeding and continue to be pregnant. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-possible-to-get-your-period-when-you%27re-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to get your period when you’re pregnant
i have my periods there not that heavy just need about 1 pads a day but i’ve been getting bloating feeling sick most off the time and my friends just think i’m ok. i have leg pain and back pain and i’ve been really tired . not put no weight…
It’s a No and Yes answer. No, you can’t have a period. A period is when your body is releasing an unfertilized egg from your body. If you are pregnant then your body is not making any new eggs. Therefore you can not have your period. Yes, y…
Technically, no. Normally, pregnancy prevents the drop in hormones that causes the uterine lining to slough off, explains Yvonne S. Thornton, an OB-GYN at St. Luke Roosevelt Hospital in New York City. “However, when you’re pregnant, …

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Is it possible to get your period when you’re pregnant?
Q: I am very regular. I get my period every 28 days, but this time I notice it is very unusual. I usually start spotting a few days before getting a heavy flow, and then the heavy flow only lasts about 2 days. After those 2 days, I only have very light bleeding. This time I have spotted very lightly, and it seems like it’s old brownish blood. Has anyone else experienced this and been pregnant? I really need to know. Could I possibly be pregnant?
A: It’s a No and Yes answer.No, you can’t have a period. A period is when your body is releasing an unfertilized egg from your body. If you are pregnant then your body is not making any new eggs. Therefore you can not have your period.Yes, you can bleed when you are pregnant, sometimes around the time you would have had your period. This is due to your hormones being out of whack and some of the lining of your uterus will shed.
Is it possible to become pregnant when you’re on your period?
Q: On New Years, I got really drunk. I can’t remember anything I did but I may have gone too far with some guys. I was on about the 5th day of my cycle, so really light and not bleeding much, and I come on just over 3 weeks after the first day of my cycle regularly each month, but now I’m about a week later than normal. Should I take a test just in case?Yeah I know, it was kind of a one off night and I know it was stupid. the sort of thing you don’t repeat. And I don’t know if I had sex, to clarify this. I don’t know what happened.
A: You can get pregnant during your period, but it is not very likely. I wouldn’t worry too much. Just take a test to find out for sure. good luck.
How soon after your period do you know if you’re pregnant?
Q: I was on my period when my partner came in me during vaginal sex. Now I think I might be pregnant. I know it’s possible to get pregnant even when you’re on your period, so I’m just curious: Would you have to wait a whole month when your next period is due before you’ll know you’re pregnant, or would some symptoms start to show a couple weeks after?
A: Symptoms probably wouldnt show until you have missed your period (although some people do get early symptoms).First Response test say they are able to predict pregnancy up to 5 days before a missed period…
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