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Is there a cure for migraine headaches

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there a cure for migraine headaches”,you can compare them.

There is no cure for migraines, but you can often reduce and possibly prevent some migraines by taking prescription or OTC drugs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-there-a-cure-for-migraine-headaches ]
More Answers to “Is there a cure for migraine headaches
is there a cure for migrain? Answer: Migraine is a type of vascular headache; it’s a pain that never seems to end. The excruciating seems to come from within your brain as you feel your head is about to explode. There are four tips to ease…
They do have prescription medicines out there that will help you more than an otc drug…but I find the best way to get rid of my migraines is to: Go in a room alone and turn off all of the lights. Block out sun from windows if you can. Pla…
Treatment does not exist, but 90% of people who suffer from migraines will feel good, keep some simple things in life, such as to maintain a stable sleep-time to follow proper diet and generally have a normal life. I certainly think that th…

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A: http://www.neurologyreviews.com/feb04/nr_feb04_foramen.html
Please help!! My mother has suffered from Migraine headaches for years now. Is there a cure or treatment?
Q: Is there a herbal tea, home remedy, or anything that can calm or hopefully cure the migraines? Her medication seems to not work.
A: First see your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Headache may frequently be relieved by massage or heat applied to the back of the upper neck or by simply resting with eyes closed and head supported. Relaxation techniques such as meditation may work also.Persistent headaches that don’t respond to such measures should be brought to the attention of a doctor and good luck.
I suffer from seasonal migraine headaches, what is the best cure?
Q: I suffer from migraine headaches, what bothers me is, they come once in a while say in a year and I will get them twice every day , sometimes I get them in sleep in the middle of the night and a battle with throbbing pain for hours untill I again fall asleep. Now this happens for 6 to 10weeks.These attacks happen on one side of the head, the left side and the pain is extended to the left side of my face, eye, nose, cheek, mouth, backneck, shoulder.Why is it that at every attack the pain will only fade away If I fall asleep otherwise the pain will last for as long as Iam wide awake.During these times, I dnt even manage to work. It happens that I leave home fine, just reach the office 10 to 30 minutes later, am sick.Have been to doctors and don’t seem to have much help.What can I do? does anyone out there have an answer or suggestion or solution for me?I will be most grateful. MANY THANKSxxxx
A: It may be a headache related to the barometric pressure , I do get those when either there is a storm on the way from rain to snowstorm . As well it may be that your pillow isn’t right for you and I have had those as well . It may be form your diet and especially salt intake .Ask for a referral to a neurosurgeon and get a cat scan .
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