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Is there over the counter medication for ear infections

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There are no antibiotics that will cure an ear infection, but there are otc medications for the pain. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-there-over-the-counter-medication-for-ear-infections ]
More Answers to “Is there over the counter medication for ear infections
Is there over the counter medication for ear infections
There are no antibiotics that will cure an ear infection, but there are otc medications for the pain. ChaCha on!
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I have a question on ear infections?
Q: is there any over the counter medication for ear infections? i would go to the doctors but i have very very lil money and no insurance at the moment
A: Propolis works very well as it is an antibacterial and antiviral at the same time (works on both bacteria and virus).You could buy a bottle of Propolis and put one or 2 drops in the affected ear. Take also one or 2 drops in a small glass of water as ear and throat are linked.All the best!Lisa J
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A: Go ahead and CALL your doc and tell them what’s happening to you because they need to know. Tell them your job and moneitary situation because most doctors will work with you—especially if they have recently seen you for a condition and you are calling regarding the same one. They should be able to tell you something without necessity of an appointment right now.
What can be taken for an ear infection.?
Q: Does a person need to go see a doctor only to get a medication for an ear infection? Is there an over the counter medicine that can help with the pain?
A: antibiotics from a Dr are best
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