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Is vaginal bleeding normal in the second trimester of pregnancy

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A:Vaginal bleeding during the second trimester is not normal but is a common complication. It should be monitored though. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-vaginal-bleeding-normal-in-the-second-trimester-of-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “Is vaginal bleeding normal in the second trimester of pregnancy
Why do I have vaginal bleeding during my second trimester of preg…?
Bleeding that occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy can often be a sign of a possible complication. See your doctor. ChaCha

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Bleeding during pregnancy?
Q: I’ve just got into the second trimester of my pregnancy (LMP-2/26/10). On 5/21 I saw mild vaginal bleeding and it persisted for a couple of days. I called my doctor who advised me to taken Susten(100mg), Alprax and Corion 5000 mg injection (once a week) and also told me to be in complete bed rest.The bleeding subsided then after 3-4 days (it was mild all along and not bright red, no tissue).On 5/23 I did a USG upon consultation with my doctor and it was found that the foetus is alive and everything was normal.Again it started bleeding yesterday (6/4). The bleeding has not persisted for very long and it was mild red in color (after 3-4 hrs the color becomes pale yellow and almost without a trace of it).Today also I saw the same thing in the morning but when I checked again at noon there was a little trace of substance (I checked with cotton) ans it was pale yellow in color.My doctor advised me to continue the same medicine and take full rest. My question are -1. What can cause this bleeding and what is the chance of a miscarriage because of this?2. How long can this persist and is there any risk of my health?3. Even if I was advised to take complete bed rest I go to toilet, frequently change side whle sleeping.Is there any risk of bleeding because of this?Thank you very much for your kind answers.
A: well i have bleeding bleeding during my whole pregnancy and im 27 weeks now and the baby is healthy and okay sometimes doctors dont have any explanation of what caused the bleeding but it can be nothing from a vaginal irritation , your uterus or the cervix irritated but there are times that it can be something serious i dont understand why hes giving you medicine because i had two doctors when i started bleeding and they never gave me anything for it and i know a couple of people that had the same thing and well they never took any medicine but anyways the yellow thing i have no idea in my opinion is That you have been bleeding for a couple of days now and when that happens then you should get a second opinion go to another doctor and get checked just to make sure is nothing or go to the hospital they will check you better than your doctor in his office because is better to be safe than sorry and keep the bed rest and put your feet up against the wall okay.
Have any of you had any spotting/ bleeding during the second trimester?
Q: Hi all =] Today has been a very hard day for me… Ok, basically i am 15 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and on Sunday i posted a question regarding some unusual vaginal discharge i got, it was (sorry TMI) yellow coloured and like snot. Then on Monday i went to my doctor about it, and she took some swabs from me, which i am awaiting results for, and she assured me that my baby is fine. She told me the only time to worry would be if i got any spotting or bleeding…Sure enough, i woke up this morning, went to the toilet and discovered i had some pinkish/ brownish discharge. Naturally, i freaked out; i was extremley upset and crying my eyes out.. I went to the hospital right away, and they performed an emergency scan on me. Thankfully, the doctor said that my pregnancy seems fine, and the baby is perfectly Ok, and even broke the wonderful news to me that i am having a little girl! I am really happy that everything seems Ok so far, although i am still a little concerned as to why i had that spotting… I just really want to know if any of you women have experienced this during your second trimester, and if so what was the cause/ outcome? I am just wondering if there are any other reasons for this to happen apart from miscarriage, because frankly i am confused- i thought this only happened at this stage in the pregnancy if you were losing the baby… I had a little spotting when i was 6weeks pregnant, though i know that was just implantation bleeding and pretty normal.. Though this? What could it be???The hospital told me i only need to go back now if the bleeding becomes heavy, it has gone from brown discharge into discharge with blood in it though only a little. However i am really worried about this, but my baby seems fine so i just dont know what to think to be honest.Please share your experiences with me, i would be extremley grateful. I just cant seem to fully relax in this pregnancy, i want to enjoy the experience though it just seems to be one thing after another, so many worries… Anyway, many thanks in advance, God Bless =] ~x~
A: I had some bleeding in my second trimester, I was about 24 weeks. Like you I was terrified that everything was going wrong so I went straight to hospital where they listened in to baby’s heartbeat and did an internal exam on me. Everything was fine with baby and they said to me that during pregnancy the increase in progesterone can make your blood vessels swell and with the added pressure of the baby pushing down on your cervix it can make your blood vessels burst which is totally harmless. They couldn’t find any other reason for why I’d been bleeding so they put it down to a burst blood vessel. I was told to rest until the bleeding had stopped, it went on for about a day and a half, but I’ve had nothing since and I’m now 37 +1 weeks. Don’t hesitate to contact your midwife or the hospital if there’s any more bleeding or if you feel something isn’t right, it’s better to check everything is ok and they’re there to help you and make sure your baby is fit and well. Good luck for the rest of the pregnancy! x
What were you first signs of pregnancy?
Q: I’m just curious.I personally have been wondering if I am. I had my normal period about the second to last week in May. Had unprotected sex with my ex on May 31st. I’d been extremely tired, and read somewhere that was a pregnancy symptom, so I took a test a couple days before my expected period. It came out negative. Had my period second to last week of June. It was shorter than usual, and lighter. Come July, symptoms kicked in full swing. I was extremely tired, always wanted to sleep. Random foods were causing me heartburn. I was a little gassy, when I usually never am. When I brushed my teeth and spit, there would be a little bit of blood. I was constipated. I would be nauseous, not wanting to eat anything. I would go without eating for most of the day. but then I get cravings. The last week, I feel like all I’ve eaten is butter rum muffins and Snickers bars. My favorite foods mozzerella sticks, pizza, cheesecake, buffalo chicken… just the thought of it makes me want to barf. I’ve been having to pee atleast every hour. Anyways, come the second to last week of July, and no period. I had slight cramping, so I expected it to come, but it never showed. I figured it was just late, but now that’s it been a couple of weeks, I’m gonna go with it’s not showing up. I started noticing more symptoms after that (they were there before, just hadn’t really noticed them) like I’ve been having slight headaches and backaches. My boobs are veiny now, especially near the nipple (sorry if TMI), my aerolas have darkened, and the “dots” on my aerolas are sticking out, which they’ve never done before. My boobs have definitely gotten bigger, they hang out of my bra now. My boobs have also been very achy on and off through the day.. I know some people have this before their period, but I’ve never had achy boobs. I’ve also been having slight cramping. Most of the times it seems to be on my sides, not toward the middle or anything, if that has to do with anything. I’ve also had a heightened sense of smell… my friends all smoke cigarettes, and their smoke which usually doesn’t bother me has been making me want to gag. I’ve been very emotional. Things my friends say to me I’ve been taking alot more personally. I’ve been getting angry quickly. I’ve also been crying alot more. I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button the other day, and cried 20 times during it. I don’t know if this part is in my head or not, but I swear I’m gaining weight in my stomach only. I’ve been losing weight on my hips, but my stomach seems to be “protruding”. Not something anyone else has noticed, but I’ve definitely noticed. And it seems that most of it is toward the top of my stomach. Oh, I’m bad explaining this. I just notice it alot more, I guess I’ll leave it at that. Plus, my acne has cleared up ALOT. My skin has always been more acne prone, runs in the family on my dad’s side (I know everyone gets acne, but both my dad and my sister had severe acne), but lately I only have 1 or 2 small pimples. I’ve had more vaginal discharge.Yes, I know the only way to definitely know is to take a pregnancy test, but I’m kind of scared. Like, I’m excited, and I know I’m going to be disappointed if I’m not. Second, I’ve been pysching myself out. My ex has low sperm count, and we were together for two+ years and never got pregnant. It would blow my mind if we just happened to get pregnant while having sex AFTER we broke up. I feel like it’s all in my head. But if no period this month, then I’ll be taking a test.Anyways,for moms/moms to be only…What were your first symptoms?How many times did you have to pee in your first trimester? haha just curious. Did you have any period like bleeding? If so how long into your pregnancy did it continue?When did you first notice a belly on yourself?’When did you notice new curves?Sorry for so many questions, I’m just a curious kind of person. And if you want to comment toward you’re opinion on my situation… feel free. Just remember, I’m emotional, so no smart a** comments, k?The nausea has actually toned down some (its still there, but not half as bad). I’d be about 11 weeks, so that would make sense because the nausea usually quites in the second trimester, right? The nausea has gone away. Tonight, for supper alone, I thought I was full, but ended up devouring a steak and ice cream. Tomorrow there’s a party and I plan on drinking, but I’m going to go buy a couple of tests tomorrow to see whether or not I’m pregnant. If I’m pregnant, than of course I won’t drink. So yeah. Thanks!I’m thinking with just the peeing alone, I’m going to take a test. It hit a chord when you said you were peeing 5 times a night… I have had to wake up a bunch of times.
A: My first symptoms were sore breasts, very tired, and I broke out with acne for about 2 weeks2 I honestly never had that symptom with any of my 4 babies I just peed like I normally do all throughout my pregnancies3 no, I never had any bleeding4 with my first I was about 16 to 18 weeks b4 it was noticeable
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