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Is vaginal bleeding symptom to an std

Health related question in topics Vaginal Bleeding .We found some answers as below for this question “Is vaginal bleeding symptom to an std”,you can compare them.

A:Vaginal bleeding can be a symptom of a few different STDs, but it can be normal, or a symptom of something else. See your doctor. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-vaginal-bleeding-symptom-to-an-std ]
More Answers to “Is vaginal bleeding symptom to an std
Is vaginal bleeding symptom to an std
Vaginal bleeding can be a symptom of a few different STDs, but it can be normal, or a symptom of something else. See your doctor.
Is vaginal bleeding a possible symptom associated with an STD?
Yes, one symptom of Chlamydia is vaginal bleeding between cycles. Please see a Dr. for complete diagnosis.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I have only 1 partner. Last week I had vaginal bleeding after sex? Is this a STD symptom?
Q: I have had the same boyfriend for 2 years. We were living together, but i recently moved back in with my mom to save money, so we’re obviously not having sex as often. I have never bled after intercourse before. We had sex 2 times on friday night and 1 time saturday afternoon – that is when i started to bleed…and he was the one who made me aware of it cause he saw the blood on him. I bled heavily for saturday and sunday (heavier than any period i ever had, which is never alot). We haven’t had sex since and I haven’t bled since.I’m 99% positive it was NOT my period. Could this be the symptom of an STD or is it just because I am “not used” to having sex as often. I had a slight suspicion he may have cheated on me with this one girl, and I found out tonight she is on anti-biotics for an STD. Please help! What is the reason for this? Should I get tested? Am I worried for no reason?Sorry for the graphic details, but i’m scared I’m either diseased or being cheated on. Please leave serious answers only…I don’t need comments on my sex life. Thank you!
A: I had it happen once and it was a slight tear in the vagina. The Dr. cauterized it. Its not indicative of an STD.I can feel the awful thing in the pit of your stomach from thinking he’s cheated. It is what is called a woman’s intuition, I swear. It is a gift and curse all at once. It is a ball of emotions all snarled together. Here you are being honest and true and they can’t learn that it is ok to not act on each feeling they get. I would get tested for everything if I were you so you have peace of mind. Then, no matter what bull excuses guys give you insist on condoms. Take charge.
Vaginal bleeding after intercourse, what can be the cause?
Q: About a little more than a month ago sex started to become painful. the pain continued and then i started bleeding after sex. its been more than a month and the symptoms have not gone away. Ive been to the doctor and Ive tested negative HPV, cervical cancer, all std’s. I dont know what else to do, does anyone have any ideas what else it can be?
A: Is he just too big for you?
Vaginal Bleeding after Intercourse…?
Q: Hi. Im 26 years old. Never had an STD and been with my husband going on 9 years. As long as we been together I have never experienced this before so I am a bit intrigued to what’s going on. Possibly anyone who has experienced this before can help . I just recently finished my 7 day,heavy, cramp period on the 13th. My husband and I were intimate on Saturday the 14th after we were done and went to clean up I noticed blood and was thinking maybe we were to rough ; however we weren’t at all . The first few days after I noticed still there was light blood and no other symptoms at all today is a different story now im bleeding heavier as if im on my normal period with cramps,lower back pains and feeling pressure .Help!!
A: There are many reasons that cause bleeding after sex.Cervical polyps, cervical dysplasia ( changes in the cells that line the cervix (pre-cancerous)Fibroid TumorsEndometriosis – Cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix)It would be wise to make an appointment with your gyno to check this .Most likely, it is something that is not serious and can be treated very effectively but should be evaluated by your doctor.
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