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What are some more easy cures for a burn

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The burn may be dressed with a topical antibiotic ointment like Bacitracin or Neosporin, and an OTC painkiller such as ibuprofen. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-more-easy-cures-for-a-burn ]
More Answers to “What are some more easy cures for a burn
What are some more easy cures for a burn
The burn may be dressed with a topical antibiotic ointment like Bacitracin or Neosporin, and an OTC painkiller such as ibuprofen.
How can you hide, heal, or cure a burn mark? Easy 10 pts.??
to cure and heal it hydrogen peroxide and little bit of ice not so much. to hide it makeup foundation but dont use it until it is healed because you can cause irritation and it needs to have air to heal

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Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner turned upside down. Any easy cure?
Q: My mother bought a $1000 Rainbow vacuum cleaner (D4 series I think) back in the 80s. The thing is still running right now accept for a few things that I and my father have fixed on it.Unfortunately yesterday my mom was sweeping her stairs when it fell down the stairs and ended upside down. If you are familiar with Rainbow Vacuums then you know that they have a powerful (and many times heavy) engine that sits over a reservoir of water that acts as the filter. All that you have to do is dump out the water and refill the tank every so often. No replacement filters, and absolutely no dust gets into the air. I’m not sure if that’s worth $1000… but my mom swears by it!Any way… water got into what she calls the engine, but I’m a novice electrician and I know that there is no water touching any electrical parts. I plugged it into a GFI and it runs fine aside from the fact that It sounds strained. Water and dirt seems to have gotten into some moving parts in the housing. I’m not familiar with the inside of the vacuum, but I would probably understand what things do If I were to take it apart.MY question to the yahoo answers community is this. I know that if Iet the vacuum sit with as much of it opened up as I can for a while it will eventually dry out. But what I do not know is if there is a faster way to get it working again without any damage to the engine. I imagine that if I would turn it on and let it go for a while that the engine would burn out from strain, but I’m not sure. The water that went into it was very dirty, so I imagine some of the dirt got into it. Do you have any suggestions as to what I could do other than just let it dry? I’m probably not going to be able to take it apart because of how my mom feels. Basically if it’s more complicated than an envelope, she freaks out at even the suggestion that I try to take it apart to fix it. Not that I’ve ever had bad luck taking something apart, she just isn’t someone who can be reasoned with about the matter.Lol, please help, we have 3 shop vacs of 3 different horsepowers, but instead of using any of them she’s actually reverted to using a 50 year old vacuum that she’s saved! (another one with an engine and a hose) A Walmart vac probably does a better job than this thing.lol… yeah, I understand what your saying about my mother, I’ve dealt with it for my entire life. It’s not a pretty argument, and like I said, she can’t be reasoned with.
A: I am familiar with the item under discussion and I can tell you that some components in the motor were probably damaged. As you noted, the sucker is quite heavy and some of the moving parts could have been damaged by repeated impact from rolling down the stairs. I would take it to a repair shop if your mother will not allow you to take it apart. Personally, I can’t see her problem in not allowing you to, as it isn’t being used due to the accident. Any service you do isn’t likely to mess it up any more than it already is.
Why does it seem criminals especially really bad ones get more rights then victims?
Q: Why does it seem like criminals especially violent & repeater ones get more rights then their victims. A rape victim at best sees her attack her go to jail a place he’s likely been before. A murder gets 3 meals & shelter for the rest of his life while the victims family lose the victim & who knows what things the victim could have done if given a chance. A guy killed then beheaded & later ate some random stranger on a bus in canada & yet the victims family loses their son who maybe someday would have married had a family of his own who knows maybe even cure cancer but the system let the killer go to a mental ward for easy care & who could get out pretty much any time after a yearly review unlike the victim who couldnt come back from being killed especially after being cut up & eatten. What happened to an eye for an eye. A woman burned & blinded by acid for going to school is called names even by the west because she wants the attacker to be blinded with acid. If you rob you should lose a hand or have to return the property & pay the court & victim a fair value of restitution in order to get out of it or jail. Doing that would help make everyone feel justified while still being civil & fare. They use to put people like pirates & other lesser criminals in cages outside so they could die of many causes one of which being eatten & attacked by birds but we can’t do that do murderers or serial rapest or child molestors. Rape victims & molestation victims don’t just get better in 20 years even if by some miracle their attacker gets that long which they don’t. A rapist or molestor might get 5 -10 years even if they did it before but the victim suffers for life & in so many different ways especially if the victim was young. A burgler sued someone he broke into because he cut his hand on their window & another sued & got a like a million dollars from his victim because he was trapped accidently in the garage for a weekend & ate dog food. How is that fair even if nothing was taken?
A: I totally agree with you. You can’t even defend yourself nowadays.You get attack, but you accidentally end up killing him. You still get a sentence even though you did the right thing.This is what is wrong with society!!! They think “LAWS” are what is right and wrong. They are wrong.If i get attacked, i am rightfully entitled to killing the attacker.If i get robbed, i may stop the robber in ANY way i choose correct.People who do not rightfully kill are not entitled to any rights. They should be legally allowed to be killed by anybody.
some facts, what you say guys?
Q: 1. If your throat tickles, scratch your ear.When you were 9, playing your armpit was a cool trick. Now, as an adult, you can still appreciate a good body-based feat, but you’re more discriminating. Take that tickle in your throat; it’s not worth gagging over. Here’s a better way to scratch your itch: “When the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it creates a reflex in the throat that can cause a muscle spasm,” says Scott Schaffer, M.D., president of an ear, nose and throat specialty center in Gibbsboro , New Jersey . “This spasm relieves the tickle.”2. Experience supersonic hearing!If you’re stuck chatting up a mumbler at a cocktail party, lean in with your right ear. It’s better than your left at following the rapid rhythms of speech, according to researchers at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. If, on the other hand, you’re trying to identify that song playing softly in the elevator, turn your left ear toward the sound. The left ear is better at picking up music tones.3. Overcome your most primal urge!Need to pee? No bathroom nearby? Fantasize about Jessica Simpson. Thinking about sex preoccupies your brain, so you won’t feel as much discomfort, says Larry Lipshultz, M.D., chief of male reproductive medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine. For best results, try Simpson’s “These Boots Are Made for Walking” video.4. Feel no pain!German researchers have discovered that coughing during an injection can lessen the pain of the needle stick. According to Taras Usichenko, author of a study on the phenomenon, the trick causes a sudden, temporary rise in pressure in the chest and spinal canal, inhibiting the pain-conducting structures of the spinal cord.5. Clear your stuffed nose!Forget Sudafed. An easier, quicker, and cheaper way to relieve sinus pressure is by alternately thrusting your tongue against the roof of your mouth, then pressing between your eyebrows with one finger. This causes the vomer bone, which runs through the nasal passages to the mouth, to rock back and forth, says Lisa DeStefano, D.O., an assistant professor at the Michigan State University college of osteopathic medicine. The motion loosens congestion; after 20 seconds, you’ll feel your sinuses start to drain.6. Fight fire without water!Worried those wings will repeat on you tonight? “Sleep on your left side,” says Anthony A. Star-poli, M.D., a New York City gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at New York Medical College . Studies have shown that patients who sleep on their left sides are less likely to suffer from acid reflux. The esophagus and stomach connect at an angle. When you sleep on your right, the stomach is higher than the esophagus, allowing food and stomach acid to slide up your throat. When you’re on your left, the stomach is lower than the esophagus, so gravity’s in your favor.7. Cure your toothache without opening your mouth!Just rub ice on the back of your hand, on the V-shaped webbed area between your thumb and index finger. A Canadian study found that this technique reduces toothache pain by as much as 50 percent compared with using no ice. The nerve pathways at the base of that V stimulate an area of the brain that blocks pain signals from the face and hands.8. Make burns disappear!When you accidentally singe your finger on the stove, clean the skin and apply light pressure with the finger pads of your unmarred hand. Ice will relieve your pain more quickly, Dr. DeStefano says, but since the natural method brings the burned skin back to a normal temperature, the skin is less likely to blister.9. Stop the world from spinning!One too many drinks left you dizzy? Put your hand on something stable. The part of your ear responsible for balance—the cupula—floats in a fluid of the same density as blood. “As alcohol dilutes blood in the cupula, the cupula becomes less dense and rises,” says Dr. Schaffer. This confuses your brain. The tactile input from a stable object gives the brain a second opinion, and you feel more in balance. Because the nerves in the hand are so sensitive, this works better than the conventional foot-on-the-floor wisdom.10. Unstitch your side!If you’re like most people, when you run, you exhale as your right foot hits the ground. This puts downward pressure on your liver (which lives on your right side), which then tugs at the diaphragm and creates a side stitch, according to The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Men. The fix: Exhale as your left foot strikes the ground.11. Stanch blood with a single finger!Pinching your nose and leaning back is a great way to stop a nosebleed—if you don’t mind choking on your own O positive. A more civil approach: Put some cotton on your upper gums—just behind that small dent below your nose—and press against it, hard. “Most bleeds come from the front of the septum, the cartilage wall that divides the nose,” says Peter Desmarais, M.D., an ear, nose, and throat specialist at Entabeni Hospital , in Durban , South Africa . “Pressing here helps stop them.”12. Make your heart stand still!Trying to quell first-date jitters? Blow on your thumb. The vagus nerve, which governs heart rate, can be controlled through breathing, says Ben Abo, an emergency medical-services specialist at the University of Pittsburgh . It’ll get your heart rate back to normal.13. Thaw your brain!Too much Chipwich too fast will freeze the brains of lesser men. As for you, press your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, covering as much as you can. “Since the nerves in the roof of your mouth get extremely cold, your body thinks your brain is freezing, too,” says Abo. “In compensating, it overheats, causing an ice-cream headache.” The more pressure you apply to the roof of your mouth, the faster your headache will subside.14. Prevent near-sightedness!Poor distance vision is rarely caused by genetics, says Anne Barber, O.D., an optometrist in Tacoma , Washington . “It’s usually caused by near-point stress.” In other words, staring at your computer screen for too long. So flex your way to 20/20 vision. Every few hours during the day, close your eyes, tense your body, take a deep breath, and, after a few seconds, release your breath and muscles at the same time. Tightening and releasing muscles such as the biceps and glutes can trick involuntary muscles—like the eyes—into relaxing as well.15. Wake the dead!If your hand falls asleep while you’re driving or sitting in an odd position, rock your head from side to side. It’ll painlessly banish your pins and needles in less than a minute, says Dr. DeStefano. A tingly hand or arm is often the result of compression in the bundle of nerves in your neck; loosening your neck muscles releases the pressure. Compressed nerves lower in the body govern the feet, so don’t let your sleeping dogs lie. Stand up and walk around.16. Impress your friends!Next time you’re at a party, try this trick: Have a person hold one arm straight out to the side, palm down, and instruct him to maintain this position. Then place two fingers on his wrist and push down. He’ll resist. Now have him put one foot on a surface that’s a half inch higher (a few magazines) and repeat. This time his arm will fold like a house of cards. By misaligning his hips, you’ve offset his spine, says Rachel Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., co-owner of Results Fitness, in Santa Clarita , California . Your brain senses that the spine is vulnerable, so it shuts down the body’s ability to resist.17. Breathe underwater!If you’re dying to retrieve that quarter from the bottom of the pool, take several short breaths first—essentially, hyperventilate. When you’re underwater, it’s not a lack of oxygen that makes you desperate for a breath; it’s the buildup of carbon dioxide, which makes your blood acidic, which signals your brain that somethin’ ain’t right. “When you hyperventilate, the influx of oxygen lowers blood acidity,” says Jonathan Armbruster, Ph.D., an associate professor of biology at Auburn University . “This tricks your brain into thinking it has more oxygen.” It’ll buy you up to 10 seconds.18. Read minds!Your own! “If you’re giving a speech the next day, review it before falling asleep,” says Candi Heimgartner, an instructor of biological sciences at the University of Idaho . Since most memory consolidation happens during sleep, anything you read right before bed is more likely to be encoded as long-term memory.
A: Thanks fpr sharing these interesting comments. I particularly like the observation that coughing decreases the pain of injections. I had heard that before but never saw an explanation. I think crying probably does the same thing. Cool! Where did you find these?
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