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What are some signs that something going wrong during pregnancy

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A:Vaginal bleeding that may be light or heavy, constant or irregular. Although bleeding is often the first sign of a miscarriage. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-signs-that-something-going-wrong-during-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “What are some signs that something going wrong during pregnancy
What are some signs that something going wrong during pregnancy?
Vaginal bleeding that may be light or heavy, constant or irregular. Although bleeding is often the first sign of a miscarriage.
Is this a bad sign that something may go wrong during my pregnanc…?
Sounds exactly how I was about 8 weeks! If you have a doctor and want an ease of mind I would make an appointment and talk to them about it. I wasn’t able to see a doctor til about 12 weeks but thankfully forums like this helped=) The fir…

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Someone please help/answer me! Starting to be worried something is wrong.?
Q: Here is a little back up on what is going on. I have never been more than a few days late for my period. The only time I have ever missed a period was when I first went off of birth control. After that I have been very on time. I had sex a lot last month and around my ovulation time (about 2-3 days before my expected ovulation) he finished in me. So when I missed my period I thought I could be pregnant and ran out and got some tests from the dollar store. The last one I took I was 10 days late and it was negative and the 2 before that came back negative. So I figured I was not pregnant. My period still didn’t come. We then had sex again last Friday and Saturday and this Friday and Saturday where he finished in me. Period still hasn’t come, but last Monday I had a lot of thick whitish discharge when I woke up and looked like it could have been a little dark when I first wiped (only a real tiny bit if any darkness). I also have had period like cramping off and on and my lower back has been killing me. These cramps are a lot like my period ones, a few time I ran to the bathroom tampon in hand thinking it had come but still no sign of it aside from the off and on cramping. Usually I always get bad period cramps 2 day prior and during my period but they are consistent and don’t come and go. Then the past few days I have been way more tired then usual like to the point where all day long it is hard for me to keep my eyes open. My breasts also became very sore since Friday. So my questions are these.1. Could you still be pregnant even after 3 negative tests?2. Could I have gotten pregnant last weekend and are experiencing signs already?3. Since I don’t think I was pregnant when I took the tests when should I re-test for the sex last weekend, because I can’t look for a missed period since I haven’t had mine.4. I think I could have something else more wrong with me than pregnancy since I showed up negative on tests, so what could be wrong that would cause those symptoms?5. I am now 23 days late for my period, is it normal to be that late for a period?Please help! I need to know what to do in case I have something wrong with me aside from pregnancy.
A: The latest I have been for my period was 22 days. I went in to my doc and asked what was going on and i was told that either i didnt ovulate or that i ovulated late in the month. A blood test for my progesterone levels showed I did not ovulate, meaning I wasn’t going to get a period, or it would be very light, (I got one for 3 days) Anyway, sometimes there are many reasons your period is late. It could be that you are stressing. Also, sometimes women have different results with home pregnancy tests. With every time I have been pregnant (one child, two miscarriages) The tests didnt show up positive for two weeks after my missed period. You should at least go to your doctor for a blood test. If that comes up negative, then you have a conversation starter into asking your doctor what could be going on.
I need some help! Only Women! What does this mean? Sorry kinda gross question.?
Q: I am 26 and me and my husband have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years now. I have been on two different fertility drugs. My doctor even put me on two at the same time. I didn’t get pregnant.Now I started my period on 01/24/10 and ended on 01/29/10.Yesterday (02/07/10) I had that brown blood come out. You know usually this happens at the end of your period. Well I had it at the end of my period and then again 2 weeks later. Yes My husband and I made love during those two weeks in between my period and the brown blood.I am wondering what that means. Does it mean something is wrong or could it be a sign of pregnancy? Please Help me cause I am not sure what it means and I don’t have any money to go to the doctor. ThanksWhen I said I didn’t have any money to go to the doctor. I meant I won’t have any until payday!!!
A: Not to be indelicate or anything, but your last sentence about not having enough money to go to the doctor kind of jumped out at me.If you don’t have enough to go to the doctor, are you sure you can manage having a child? Are you really making the best financial decision by trying to get pregnant?Edit: I’ve seen your note about having the money on payday. Even so, living paycheck to paycheck is a risk, and it suggests that you don’t have much in the way of savings. How then will you be able to afford all of your baby’s needs? Pay for college? Your own retirement?
Whats wrong with my girlfriends period? 14 days late…7 negative tests…no symptoms?
Q: I have a girlfriend who is 22 (I am 21) living in the states. I am in the UK. We manage to see each other about 3 times a year. The last time she was here was from October 11th – October 25th. During that time we had protected sex, and were careful. About twice, we penetrated without protection (after showering and cleaning “down there”) just to see what the difference felt like. We didn’t do that for more than two minutes at a time, and always used a condom.In October, she was expecting her period on the 5th of October, and she got it on the 11th, the day she left to fly to the UK. She was very stressed during this time, and put her delayed period down to stress. She had a very stressful flight over to the UK too. It was her first time abroad, and was stopped by boarder control when she reached the UK, and was almost not allowed through.It took about a week for her body clock to adjust to the five hour time difference. Something she had never experienced before.She left on the 25th and once again had a stressful trip back to America, almost missing two flights.As well as her stressful flight back to the states; a few days after her return she was to start college, a home study course. She hadn’t studied in two years, and went through bouts of anxiety due to social isolation. So she started her studies, taking about 3 hours a day. Once again, some else she wasn’t used to at all.Her next expected period was on the 11th of November. At around the 5th of November she started worrying she was pregnant. She said she always worries about that though after being with me and never is since we try to be very safe. She worked herself up into a lot of anxiety which in turn made me very very worried. The 11th came and no period. She kept waiting, and no period came. No signs of pregnancy either. No headaches, no sore breasts or nipples, no nausea, nothing. She waited till the 14th, and took two pregnancy tests. Both came out a clear negative. She waited another day, and said she felt some very faint cramps which could just be indigestion in her gut, so thought her period was coming. Still it didnt come. On the 16th she took another pregnancy test, this time a different, more expensive brand. Once again a clear negative, 5 days after her expected period. She waited another two days, and on the 18th she took another test in the morning, and once again, a clear negative. She repeated it again (the 21st)…and again negative and no symptoms. She then repeated the test again during the day time on Monday the 23rd…Negative. Then again the following morning, Tuesday the 24th (yesterday)…and again negative. So to date, seven clear negative pregnancy tests taken after her expected period (last one 12 days past her period) with no symptoms of pregnancy. So her last period was on October 11th, making it 45 days with no period and all negative tests.She has no signs of pregnancy except tiredness (which she says she feels is because she hasnt gone out for two weeks and has been having nightmares) and iritability, as if she is PMSing. She noticed a bruise on the inside of her forearm after waking today, which seems strange to me. She doesnt remember hurting it.What do you think? Maybe her anxiety, coupled with mine, the travelling and body clock changes has thrown her off?I’m so worried!She won’t go to her doctor because she doesn’t like the idea…I dont know if she has some medical phobia.
A: Stress and sex (yes…sex) will throw a girls cycle off. Add to that the disruption of sleep cycles from international travel, and bingo1 You’re off again on a more crazy schedule for your cycle. Go to the doc and get a blood test. Put both of you at ease. As long as you didn’t ejaculate inside her, you have nothing aat all to be worried about. Plain ole penises do not get girls pregnant. Keep up the condom use. Try Crown Skinless if you haven’t. You’ll be amazed!!!
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