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What are some ways to treat insomnia

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some ways to treat insomnia”,you can compare them.

Ideas for confronting insomnia: Cut back on caffeine, try an OTC drug like Unisom, or consult a doctor about prescription drugs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-ways-to-treat-insomnia ]
More Answers to “What are some ways to treat insomnia
What Are The Ways To Treat Insomnia?
It is common for anyone to have sleepless night once in a while. Having insomnia for one night can even be an unbearable feeling. Imagine when the condition of insomnia becomes chronic and you start to experience more sleepless nights, more…
How to Treat Insomnia the Natural Way
Strictly speaking, insomnia means a complete inability to sleep, but can include a variety of disruptions during the process of getting to sleep, and disruptions during sleep. Treatment for…
Sleeping pills are OK for temporary insomnia that doesn’t last more than three weeks and occasional use is OK to get back on cycle. However, for long-term chronic insomnia, we recommend cognitive behavior therapy – or CBT — to simply teach…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some ways to self-treat insomnia?
Q: What helped you overcome insomnia or get more sleep? I don’t have medical insurance so seeing a doctor is out of the question.
A: Go to bed and get up at the same time everyday.Try taking melatonin to regulate your sleep cycle. It’s what your body already produces and helps make you sleepy when it gets dark outside. It is not a sleeping pill and will not make you drowsy the next day. You should be able to take them for a week or so and then be regulated.Also, if your problem is that you are a thinker….one of the people who can’t shut off your mind, try keeping a pen and paper beside your bed. When your mind starts rolling with all of things you have to do the next day, right them down and tell yourself you know you won’t forget them because you made a list and you should be able to relax and catch some zzzz’s.Lay off caffeine, don’t smoke, marijuana causes insomnia, no more crack, cut down on the meth. Don’t exercise before bed, turn your lights down an hour or so before bed, develop a bedtime routine and follow it! Important: Only use your bed for sleep and sex!!! You want your mind to associate this place with rest!
How can I treat insomnia?
Q: Many nights, I am unable to go to sleep. I would rather not use any prescription meds. So, what are some good ways/products to get myself to go to sleep?I need good products/ways to make myself go to sleep when I’m having trouble. I have been drinking Nyquil. But, I would like to try something else. **please don’t tell me to try to relax, lower stress, or anything like that. I need actual things to take. Thank you!
A: I take generic (compare to benadryl) allergy tablets when I’m unable to sleep. They have the exact same medication that the majority of OTC sleep aids do, but the cost is significantly lower. The medication is called diphenhydramine hydrochloride. .
What are some natural remedies to treat depression and Insommia?
Q: I am looking to ween off my treatment (Medication) that the doctor (GP) has recommended me and I am looking to treat my depression and Insomnia naturally, and my body isn’t reacting well with my medication so I am going to try ween my way off the medication. Have you gone natural for you depression and Insomnia?If so what natural products did you use and was it successful?How long would you have to take the product/products for?Other information: I also have anixity as well.
A: St. johns wort worked for me for the depression. You can pick this up at any drug store. Try working out for the insomnia. Usually if you work out 3 times per wk your body will allow you to go to sleep easier.
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