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What are the sign of miscarriage

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A:Symptoms of a miscarriage: vaginal bleeding; pain, especially pelvic cramps, abdominal pain or a persistent ache in the lower back [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-sign-of-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What are the sign of miscarriage
Sudden bleeding is the sign of a miscarriage. If you are experiencing bleeding and you are pregnant, get to a hospital quickly. It is dangerous and life threatening to go through a miscarriage unmonitored.
Signs of a Miscarriage Bleeding (usually heavy) maybe some cramping Also… This bleeding may or may not be accompanied by crampy pains – a bit like period pains, or the bleeding can continue on for several days before the more serious pain…
・ One of the signs of a possible impending miscarriage is unexplained vaginal bleeding. This can be a tricky… ・ Another warning sign of miscarriage is abdominal pain, which may or may not be accompanied by the aforementioned… ・ Generall…

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Can a bad headache be a sign of miscarriage?
Q: I ask this because this is one of the routine questions that I am asked at my OBGYN visits, and I’m getting a bad headache today for the first time in quite awhile. I usually get bad headaches due to PMS or severe allergies. I’m currently 11 weeks. What does everyone think?
A: I wouldn’t worry at all about your headaches, other then the fact that headaches suck. I always heard that headaches can be a symptom of pregnancy. I think you are fine.Good luck!
Could light bleeding requiring one pad a day be a sign of miscarriage at ~4 wks pregnant? I need help!?
Q: I keep expecting the bleeding to stop but it isn’t and I am 4 wks along and my hcg level is 4,100. I don’t know what to think for this is my first pregnancy.
A: This sounds like the start of a miscarriage. What happens in many cases is that you have some spotting and it can go away and come back because of your HCG levels. If the level doesn’t keep doubling every few days then you may be in trouble. At 4 weeks, it would not be uncommon to experience a very early miscarrage, have an initial positive HPT or blood test and then have things change. What usually happens is what is called a blighted ovum where the fertilized egg in it’s very beginning stages for usually genetic reasons stops developing. In that case, your body doesn’t recognize that there is no baby in there at first and so you begin to build an egg sac but upon ultrasound there will be no baby in it. Then the doctors tell you that they can’t tell you for sure anything and that you have to wait it out. They dont’ want to tell someone they are having a miscarriage and then be mistaken. They also don’t want to say you’re not having a miscarriage if you are. It’s protecting themselves and their practice from lawsuits and such over malpractice and mistakes that can be made. They will do ultrasounds and look for a fetus until the egg sac begins to deteriorate and your HCG levels begin to drop. Then you will experience the full bleeding and cramps but it won’t be very bad if it is starting at this early stage. My doctor prescribe major painkillers when my heavy bleeding started with my miscarriage. But, the fact is – I really didn’t need them. I jumped on a trampoline which helped keep the process moving. But, really think of yourself as blessed because the miscarriages that happen early on like this – you do have emotional trauma but you don’t have a real fetus being expelled or having to go in for a DNC. But, there are other causes for bleeding such as having ovarian cysts or something. But, more than likely it’s beginning a miscarriage. I’m sorry but I hope it’s not. Almost all women have at least one miscarriage early on. Sometimes, it’s so early that you mistake it for a late and heavy period. Most women become pregnant again and experience a normal pregnancy the next time around – many times – more than one! Almost all of my friends have had at least one. I can only think of one friend who had repeated miscarriages and that was only after having 7 babies! By that point, I think your body says “forget it lady!” Miscarriage in many cases takes time. It’s a process for your hormones to level out and for your body to recognize that things have changed. Sometimes, the egg implants improperly or a genetic problem or for no apparent reason and the cells just stop reproducing. I started with a little spotting at 1 week. That went away and then a little bleeding at 5 weeks that went away and then major bleeding and the miscarriage at 9 weeks. But, you need to ask for the repeated HCG test to determine if the levels are doubling or not as they should. That is the best way if you really want to know sooner than that.
Could this be a sign of miscarriage, or is this just an abnormally long period?
Q: Ok, so i started what i thought was my period towards the end of june, i had been cramping for about a week before i started, well, when it finally came, i cramped for the first 4 days (which for me i only cramp the first day) i have now been on my period for 11 days, i am anemic, and havent been taking any iron, and am starting to notice bruises all over my body, my OB has told me that the period is from just starting a birth control pill (i did have a baby about 5 months ago)I have had one post partum period on another pill (the mini pill) and it only lasted 4 days, no cramping, so why is this one so long, with such horiable cramping? anyone else feel like this?
A: From what you describe it sounds like you may have miscarried. Has your OB checked for this? All you need is a pregnancy blood test. Then if you did miscarry they can remove the remains of the pregnancy.
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