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What are the symptoms of pcos

Health related question in topics Pcos .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of pcos”,you can compare them.

A:Early symptoms of PCOS: Few or no menstrual periods. Heavy, irregular vaginal bleeding. Hair loss from the scalp and hair MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-pcos ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of pcos
The signs and symptoms of PCOS are related to hormonal imbalance, lack of ovulation, and insulin resistance and may include: ・ irregular, infrequent, or absent menstrual periods hirsutism – excessive growth of body and facial hair, … ・ me…
The most visible symptoms of PCOS stem from excessive levels of androgens, such as testosterone, which are produced in the ovaries. Excessive levels of these hormones, a condition called “hyperandrogenism” in women, can lead to so…
The symptoms of PCOS may include irregular menstrual cycles (long intervals between periods), obesity (found in only half of patients), acne, excessive coarse hair growth, and infertility. Much of the hair growth many women, and sometimes t…

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Are these pregnancy symptoms? TTC with PCOS…?
Q: Hi.. I’m ttc since 8 months. I have pcos. Had been on metformin for a few months. I was on letroz from CD2-CD6(similar to clomid) My last period was on april first. I’ve still not got a period. I have sore breats, light abdominal pain on & off, headaches,sometimes i’m tired and feeling nauseaous in the morning for the past couple of days. I feel nauseaous also if i don’t take food for 3-4 hours.But i’m not sensitive to smell. I’m yet to take a pregnancy test in fear of getting a negative. What do u think of my symptoms? PCOS playing trick on me?? i’ve never felt nausea before even thou i had pcos. I’m really nervous. plz advice..sorry for posting this question for the second time…Hi Ladies…. today i did my pregnancy test… and got a BFP!!!!!! All by god’s grace!!!! And thank you ladies for ur kind support… Baby dust to all of u… 🙂 I’m so very happy!!!!
A: I can understand the fear of getting a negative, but really the test won’t make you pregnant or not pregnant, it will just tell you what is going on so you can stop stressing about it either way. I say go ahead and take the test. If you’re pregnant it should be positive, and if it’s negative then at least you know and can concentrate in trying again.
Omg weird symptoms!PCOS?
Q: Ok, so I am 16 years old. I have never had regular periods since i was 12 years old. they are much worse now. I have not had my period since the beginning of march. I am experiencing a dull pain in my lower belly with sudden sharp pains in my left side of my lower belly. I also have been having terrible headaches latley. I have alot of the symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) such as hairy arms, irregualr periods, stomach pains, sudden back pain, etc.Does anyone know what I may have? does anyone here have this too? what can I do about this?
A: You need to be worked up by your physician.There are numerous things that can be wrong and it can also be more than one thing going on.Do not put off seeking attention.Don’t suffer uneccesarily.
What are major symptoms of PCOS? How can I tell if I have it?
Q: I don’t want to go to the doctor and seem silly asking if I have no reason to ask (meaning no symptoms). SO what are the symptoms? I know that a checkup is probably best to tell whether or not I have it, but I wanted to know what kind of symptoms some of you ladies have with this condition. Thanks to all of you. God Bless You, and BABY DUST to you, you, and you!
A: My 23 year old daughter was diagnosed with PCOS a little over a year ago. While many women don’t know they have it until they are trying to conceive and have problems, my daughter was diagnosed while having some moles removed from her neck and shoulders. The doctor performing the mole removal has a sister with PCOS and noticed my daughter had some unusual hair growth on her chest and face as well as a few other signs, including higher than usual blood pressure for her age. The doctor asked if she’d ever been tested for PCOS, but we’d never even heard of it. My daughter has always had irregular periods, often going months without one. The doctor said that was a symptom of PCOS. My daughter has also struggled with her weight as far back as elementary school and carries most of it around her stomach and has a very hard time losing weight. Another PCOS symptom. She also has male-pattern balding in the front of her hair and has to maintain a hairstyle to mask a receding hairline. She also has problems with her skin and acne. My daughter had some blood work done that showed she has Insulin Resistance and a high level of androgens (a male hormone also made by females). An ultrasound revealed she has cysts on both her ovaries. My daughter is not trying to conceive so she takes birth control pills to regulate her menstrual cycle. She also takes Metformin to help control the Insulin Resistance.
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