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What can help the stinging of minor burns

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To help alleviate the pain of minor burns you can buy and OTC product with Aloe or rub Aloe plant on the area. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-help-the-stinging-of-minor-burns ]
More Answers to “What can help the stinging of minor burns
What can help the stinging of minor burns
To help alleviate the pain of minor burns you can buy and OTC product with Aloe or rub Aloe plant on the area. ChaCha on!

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A: I’ve seen first aid – burn sprays at the pharmacy. Talk to the pharmacists, they are quite knowledgeable about these things.
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A: I had the same problems with my gallbladder. If you feel nauseous, dull pain between your shoulder blades, and sharp pains where your gallbladder is then that’s probably what it is. If you have gallstones, then you’ll probably have to have it removed.
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