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What can I do to cure a serious yeast infection

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Their are numerous OTC yeast infection creams and some natural cures are apple vinegar and garlic. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-i-do-to-cure-a-serious-yeast-infection ]
More Answers to “What can I do to cure a serious yeast infection
What can I do to cure a serious yeast infection
Their are numerous OTC yeast infection creams and some natural cures are apple vinegar and garlic. ChaCha!
How to cure yeast infection?
Although there are medical products that can cure a yeast infection, they can be messy and expensive. There is another over the counter way that can also cure a yeast infection for a fraction of the cost. Take a couple of spoonfuls of plain…
Is yeast infections curable?
Yes. Sometimes they will go away by themselves in a few days. Try not wearing any underwear when you go to bed to let air get to the infection. Make sure that the area stays clean and dry. If the infection does not clear up in a matter of t…

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Yeast infection? Serious answers please!?
Q: Ok, so for the past couple days I’ve had a boogery looking discharge. It’s kind of white in color. It does smell a little different, not too strong, but it is different. Is this a yeast infection or something else. Please don’t suggest it being an STD, that is impossible. I just want to know what I’m dealing with so I can cure the problem.I need help please!
A: Hi there,The discharge you’re describing sounds like yeast infection related. I have some natural suggestions you can start using right away, regardless of the type of infection they can all help immediately. Best of all they’re all safe and natural.There are many things you need to start doing and addressing if you are suffering from a yeast infection. To start, do the following:1. Wear loose clothing and undergarments, oxygen kills yeast, going commando and wearing nothing down there if possible is even better.2. Get some unsweetened yogurt and rub it onto a tampon, insert the tampon and do this continually until the yeast infection is gone.3. Cut out any and all sugar, alcohol and yeast from your diet. All three will promote the infection further.4. Start drinking cranberry juice, pure not from concentrate with no added sugar, I know this goes against the no sugar thing but the acid content in the cranberries will alter the PH balance of your vagina and cause the yeast to die off.5. If you can tolerate it, use a raw garlic clove and apply it to the infection, this may burn so dilute it with some olive or coconut oil, both of which can also help eliminate the yeast, especially the coconut.6. You can also try taking some vitamin B3, many women find their infections resolve quicker when they are taking 300mg/per day.7. Take a probiotic with at least 50 billion live cells per pill, this is key in redistributing good bacteria throughout your body, and effectively end the yeast infection. You must do this continually until you have eliminated your yeast infections and Candida entirely.8. Lastly if all else fails, begin adding 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to a bath. Only fill the tub up high enough to submerge your genital area. Stay in the tub for 20-30 minutes at a time.Hope this helps, the yogurt is the key really, by putting good bacteria directly on the area you will eliminate it quickly. Make sure it is unsweetened and ideally keep an eye out for a variation called Kefir which has even more beneficial bacteria in it to snuff out the infection.When all is said and done I would suggest you research Candida and take a test to determine if you are suffering from it, as anyone who gets yeast infections has Candida. By eliminating Candida you won’t have to deal with yeast infections ever again.
What are the best supplements/probiotics to take, to get rid of massive Candida infection?
Q: I am too lazy to change my diet, so I’d like to know if there are any specific antifungals/probiotic supplements that work pretty well to destroy an intestinal yeast infection…?If you managed to cure a Candida/yeast infection, what products or drugs did you take? How well did they work?I REALLY need help on this as I am faced with a serious health problem that may or may not be Candida overgrowth, but without medical insurance, I can’t get extensive testing done to figure out what condition I really have. However from my own research, it seems likely that Candida is a major component of my longterm illness, if not the whole thing.Can you treat Candida effectively with supplements/drugs, without making significant dietary changes?I’m getting all sorts of symptoms now that keep increasing, something like IBS (I feel things moving in my digestive system, and constipation is severe) and blurry vision/eye pain/bloodshot eyes, water retention, fatigue.. I need some help!
A: Yeast is controlled in the long run by correcting diet and lifesyle habits. If you don’t want to take charge of your diet and change it to eliminate the fungus permanently you will continue to have issues.Parasites feed on fungus and fungus feeds on sugars. Parasites can cause all of the symptoms you are talking about. www.curezone.com has homeopathic remedies you can use to cleanse both fungus and parasites from the body.Changing your diet will eliminate the IBS stuff. To permanently and effectively eliminate fungus and parasites you have to change your diet.I teach clients everyday how to get well without prescriptions, by changing thier lifestyles, habits and diets.
I need serious answers, Pls HELP!?
Q: I have yeast infection last December. That time it was very itchy. Sex was very painful in the first month. I went to an OB and she prescribed me 3 tablets. I also used suppositories of my own but its very uncomfortable so I quit.My vaginal discharge until now is so small and looks like dried inside but it´s odorless. Sometimes my symptoms is on and off. I went to another OB this month and she prescribed me Fluconazole but still the vaginal discharge which is near dried, white and clumpy, odorless that when it reach in my vaginal surface, it itch. My question is, what really is the main cause for this? We are already 1yr with my bf and monogamous but until now I did not conceive. Is there any natural remedy which maybe can help me cure with this annoying yeast infection? PS, now sex is not hurting anymore and has not any symptoms than itching sometimes and my discharge.Pls help, I am desperate.
A: Yeast Infection No More! Cure yeast infection, end your candida related symptoms and regain your natural inner balance … Guaranteed! — Discover how Linda Allen has taught thousands of people to achieve yeast infection freedom faster than they ever thought possible… Even if you’ve never succeeded at curing your candida before… Right here you’ve found the candida freedom success system you’ve been looking for! “This is the best Natural Remedy available to Cure Yeast infection.Click Here for More–>http://yeastinfectionremedy.pinurl.com
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