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What does it mean if you are pregnant and you are bleeding so lightly you only see it when you wipe

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A:First trimester bleeding is any vaginal bleeding during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding vary from light spotting [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-you-are-pregnant-and-you-are-bleeding-so-lightly-you-only-see-it-when-you-wipe ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if you are pregnant and you are bleeding so lightly you only see it when you wipe
What does it mean if you are pregnant and you are bleeding so lig…?
First trimester bleeding is any vaginal bleeding during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding vary from light spotting

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I started my period normally and was heavy for 3 days… now only lightly spotting… pregnant?
Q: I usually have periods lasting about 5-7 days. They’re usually heavy for about 5 days. The beginning of my period was normal.I have humped (last time was in the middle of May) with my bf, but we both had clothes on. Didn’t see anything on me, but still possible. From what I’ve read, pregnancy is still possible.You CAN have your period and be pregnant…I’ve taken 4 pregnancy tests (at different times) and they’re all negative. Should I get a blood test done? If so, will it be accurate during my period?By lightly bleeding, I mean there’s really nothing on my pad, just when I wipe (sorry- tmi- I know!).Any help is appreciated!!!
A: I serious doubt if your pregnant sweetheart but sometimes do the course of years your period does change especially as you get older and I really dont believe pregnancy possible without intercourse… but your are not pregnant Trust me
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