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What does prilosec otc? do

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Prilosec OTC is a heartburn treatment that gives you a relief with just one pill a day. More questions? ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-prilosec-otc%3F-do ]
More Answers to “What does prilosec otc? do
What does prilosec otc?
Prilosec OTC is a heartburn treatment that gives you a relief with just one pill a day. More questions? ChaCha again!
What is prilosec otc
Prilosec OTC is the first and only over-the-counter medication specifically indicated for the treatment of frequent heartburn, which is when you have heartburn two or more days per week.
Why Prilosec OTC?
Prilosec OTC works for 24 hours with one pill a day to target the acid that causes heartburn by directly shutting down many active acid pumps. Prilosec OTC works all day and all night with one pill a day. Not many OTC heartburn medications …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you take Prilosec OTC for just 7 days instead of 14?
Q: I’ve been taking Prilosec OTC delayed tablets for the last 6 days. I was wondering, since my heartburn issues went away, if it would be alright to stop taking it on the 7th day, instead of doing the full 14-day treatment.What are your takes on it? Any doctors with opinions?
A: The gastrointestinal lining turns over every 72 hours, so you should be safe to stop at this point. Unless your doctor has a reason to treat for longer, you should be safe to stop at this point.
Did anyone take prilosec otc when pregnant?
Q: I have severe heartburn and cant controll it with tums, what can i do?
A: yes and it works good
If I get worse chest pains AFTER taking Prilosec OTC, what does that imply?
Q: I was just taking it to rule out GERD symptoms, (doctor suggested it) but not sure what that means.Chest pains became more frequent after 2 days of Prillosec, by 7 days, it was much morse, so I stopped, and seemed to get better a day or two later.I’m wondering if stomach acid actually is assisting the body in my case, and if that could help with a diagnosis…I was told that Prilosec is pretty safe to use to rule out Reflux, I just was surprised that it seemed to make it worse.
A: Yes, chest pain can be a side effect of Prilosec. It’s considered a severe side effect. Since there may be other factors involved here (such as a diagnosis besides GERD), and since your chest pain may still be unrelated to GERD or Prilosec, you should probably see your physician again.Prilosec is a PPI (proton pump inhibitor), which means it stops your stomach from producing acid. There are other PPI medications (AcipHex, Prevacid, Nexium) and although they all work on the proton pumps in your stomach, you can react differently to each one.”Taking Prilosec to rule out GERD” means that if the Prilosec makes your symptoms resolve (go away) then you probably have GERD.I’m not demeaning your physician or calling him/her lazy, but there are diagnostic tests that will rule out or confirm GERD. A barium swallow/x-ray will usually show clearly if you have GERD or perhaps a hiatal hernia (you don’t mention what your symptoms are). It isn’t the most pleasant test, but it’s very accurate.
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