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What does spotting look like? How much blood is there? How long does it last

Health related question in topics Spotting .We found some answers as below for this question “What does spotting look like? How much blood is there? How long does it last”,you can compare them.

A:Spotting is light vaginal bleeding. Spotting can occur both in viable pregnancies as well as in those that will go on to miscarry. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-spotting-look-like%3F-how-much-blood-is-there%3F-how-long-does-it-last ]
More Answers to “What does spotting look like? How much blood is there? How long does it last
What does spotting look like? How much blood is there? How long d…?
Spotting is light vaginal bleeding. Spotting can occur both in viable pregnancies as well as in those that will go on to miscarry.

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Is it possible I could be pregnant…? (Long)?
Q: What an obvious question. I bet you’re thinking, “Well. If you have reason to think you are then you most likely are you irresponsible person!” Well. There are alot of factors.First. I used to be on the pill. Yes used to. I took them for about a year, but they upset my stomach so I just stopped. Such a bad idea but this isnt the point. Me and my boyfriend of three years have had so many pregnancy scares, I think I’m just about to go crazy…Anyway. We had a pregnancy condom-breakage scare. I took some of my left over pills, one every day for 3 days just incase… I never got pregnant from that, so I was safe. It did mess up my period I think though.Now this is the part where everything goes awry, so stay with me. About 2 or 3 months have passed since I took those three pills and the last day in September I got this pregnancy shot which lasts three months. I didnt pay much attention to side affects when she was talking. I was stupid and didnt care. Now it is the 4th of November. Back before I got the shot, my period was already messed up. It was the last few days of the month, when it used to be in the middle and only 3-4 days long instead of 7, as it usually had been. The flow was the same though.I have yet to get my period this month… Well.. for October anyway.. I did get PMS symptoms in the middle, but no blood, no spotting…Me and my boyfriend have sex alot. We do use condoms, they rarely break. We inspect them before hand. But this is the part where I am going to get scolded. You see, to prime me he does this “rubbing” thing where he rubs his erect penis against my clitoris…Which works wonders. Never has he prematurely comed. Well, once, but he was away from the enterance and it was awhile ago, we didnt have a scare with that. Sometimes he does put his penis in unprotected but its rare and he doesnt do much, he does it just to get it wet to make the condom go on easier. Never has he comed there either. I know the risks of precome and how it can get girls pregnant. He wipes it off before hand, and yes we still know there are risks, we’ve never had a problem before… We know theres risks, again. Well, the other day he was in from behind, I didnt know he didnt have a condom on yet. It felt like he did. He pulled out really fast and I asked him if it broke and he just said no, it felt like he was about to come, but he didnt. We were talking for a bit and he meantioned he didnt have a condom on… But he said he didnt come, and I didnt feel anything.My grandfather told my grandmother to ask me if I was pregnant somehow?? I told her no. I inspected myself, asked my honest friend. She tells me if I look fat in something or if my haircut is bad, Im sure she’d tell me this. She said no, I look the same as always.I havent had any morning sickness, any increase in food intake. None of the symptoms Im sure of.Also, when I go to the bathroom and wipe, there is brown (dry/dead) blood on the paper, but nothing in my underwear. Could that be a slight period that never fully came out? Now I know and knew the risks. I know its a possibility. Here’s what I want to know.What are the chances I am pregnant?What are the chances I am not?What is your full and honest opinion on if I am or not?I have always been a heavyset girl… And I have been gaining a bit of weight but I dont eat healthy either. Opinions please?
A: I have never been on the shot myself, but I have heard that it can stop your periods all together. I think the problem you are having is your body is adjusting to the birth control, however I would still get checked. Did your doctor not do a pregnancy test before the shot? Did you tell him about this?Chances are if you were pregnant you wouldn’t look like it yet, so don’t worry about that.I would say your chances are slim because you are using condoms, but any of the non condom activity whether your guy says he didn’t *** or not is risky. He could have.I would get yourself to the doctors at this point, you are probably fine, but if the shot is going to stop your period you aren’t going to be able to stop worrying.Good luck and get into your doc ASAP.
How long are dark circles under the eyes meant to last for?
Q: I know that for some people dark circles are like spots, they pop up at annoying times, but fade, and most of the time they aren’t there, when they are there they can normally be linked to a reason, eg a week of not much sleep or flu or something.But for me this is a different story. Looking back I’ve never had completely clear skin under my eyes, even as a child, but tbh if you look at most children they do have some form of circle or slight puffiness under the eye. But in my teenage years it got a lot worse.Now the rest of my skin is perfect, I have unusually clear skin for someone of my age (now 19) I’m blonde and quite fair, I only drink water and milk and have done all my life, I am slightly under weight and I did consider that lack of iron may be an issue, since my hair also takes an age to grow, also a symptom of iron deficiency.Thing is that nowadays the dark circles under my eyes are so bad that I have to use 3 types of concealer and foundation in the mornings to mask it up. If I don’t even people I’ve known for years ask me if I’m ill or even if I’ve been hit.My dark circles are in more of a block in the corners of my eyes around my nose, and spreading to about half way under my eye.It’s not just purple, there is just general discolouration round there, I can also see visible blood vessels, red/bruised areas around the sides of my nose, and white completely colourless skin between my normal skin, and my dark circles.The skin under my eye is also visibly thinner, so after I’ve applied all my make up you can still see that the area around my eyes is noticeably shallower than the skin of my cheeks.Now I know what you will say, get a good nights sleep, whilst it’s true that most nights I am up till 1am, however I don’t drink, I rarely go out at night, and let’s face it, most of the student population are up till the early hours of the morning.So since my dark circles are more of a long term problem rather than an annoyance that can be solved my a quick fix cream, I was wondering is there any sort of alternative treatment I should be looking at? Like vitamin supplements or natural health care remedies? Any advice would be great. I don’t want to cover up my dark circles with make up forever.
A: Everything you’ve said, i am the EXACT same, im even a student too. I reckon that, well in my case, its down to genetics since my Dad’s side of the family have bad bags, is this possibly the same for you?In some cases Vitamin A in excess, too much sugar and salty foods dont help, don’t know whether this applies to you? But if so then i would try and cut down on them. Or if you have pale skin (like in my case), well this can enhance the appearance of dark circles, so perhaps try and get a tan? Here are some home remedies for getting rid of dark circles: www.darkcircles.net/remedy
2nd day spotty (period)?! Whats going on, SORRY IF TMI! ?
Q: My period was supposed to come on the 6th and it never showed up. Before my period was “late” I’ve had white discharge that lasted up until the beginning of this week. Since last Firday I noticed brownish tinted disharge and yesterday I started spotting very light pink, not even enough to full up a panty liner (so I wore a regular maxi pad just incase and there wasn’t much on it). Before I went to bed last night I changed the pad just incase my period came on HEAVY which it USUALLY ALWAYS DOES IN THE BEGINNING. This morning ther isnt much of anything on the pad AT ALL. I can wear this pad throughout the day (unless AF comes on heavy). Now usually when I get my period I have this “WET” feeling down there. Ladies you know what I mean, and its gushing out with blood, you just know your on your period! What I am experiencing isnt like that at all. Its just VERY LIGHT bleeding I guess dripping. When I pee and I wipe it looks like light pink urine and sometimes brownish-red! This is not my period! I NEVER HAVE A PERIOD LIKE THIS! Other symptoms I been feeling is tingly boobs, frequent urination. Other symptoms vary. I suspect pregnancy but I want to wait to see how long the spotting will last before I take an HPT or rather just go to Planned Parenthood or something. Is it possible that I am even pregnant or should I just save my money and consider this as a “very very light period”? Is it normal to have this in early pregnancy?
A: I would take a pregnancy test a.s.a.p. I spotted with my first pregnancy. It will at least give you some peace of mind. You will know if you either are or not. Either way, after you take the test, why don’t you call a nurse at your gynecologist’s office? It’s free and they can tell you if you need to come in or not.
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