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What gets rid of bad menstrual cramps

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The most effective relief for menstrual cramps is an OTC pain reliever, something containing aspirin or ibuprofen. > MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-gets-rid-of-bad-menstrual-cramps ]
More Answers to “What gets rid of bad menstrual cramps
What gets rid of bad menstrual cramps
The most effective relief for menstrual cramps is an OTC pain reliever, something containing aspirin or ibuprofen. > MORE?
How can i get rid of really bad menstrual cramps?
Keep your feet warm. A couple of tylenol helps. Stay active. The more physically active you are (even when you don’t have your period) the less cramping you experience, trust me, it’s true. Stay hydrated. Avoid salty foods. Eat a bit of dar…
How do you get rid of menstrual cramps? Extreemly bad ones??
TRY THIS So i dont know if this will work for you but it always does for me so take a bucket and fill it up with HOT water (not boiling don’t burn yourself just make it right under unbearable temp.) and put your feet in it while your doing …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what gets rid of really bad menstrual cramps?
A: Try heat. Heating pads and drinking tea help me. Try Thermacare heating pads. They are air activated and you stick them to your panties. The package says they last for 8 hours, but I’ve put one on after my morning shower and it was still warm when I woke up the next morning. You might also try taking some OTC pain meds the day or two before your period is due.
What will GET RID of (really BAD) Menstrual Cramps (that is either natural or has NO/petty side effects)?
Q: WHAT WILL STOP THE PAIN!!??!!My doc said take “Aleve” and it works most of the time, but there’s times when THAT doesn’t even work and I have to go to school and work I can’t lay in my bed ALL day, I NEED TO BE ABLE TO FUNCTION!!! I also heard when I get old I’ll run a risk of getting a stroke from that medicine… HELP!!!I’ve tried exercising before, during, and even after… it helps my health over all but not my cramps!!Midol is a joke to my cramps, I almost overdosed tryin’ to kill the pain and ended up not knowing that Midol had Tylenol in it that was a dumb mistake now I know what that “A” word means LOL.I’m Vegan and eat plenty of greens…Ok, I’ll admit I like sugar, and I have been working on my water intake…But I swear being hydrated with water will probably NOT get rid of them…By the way Midol is NOT natural and has plenty of side effects including rashes and what not (read the box)…Ok if I take Ibuprofen during, it’s not that great…BUTmy Doc did tell me I should try it too, but she said it will only work for me if I take it a DAY BEFORE my period that way it stays in my system… but I don’t keep track of when I’m gonna start, so I haven’t been able to try that … I guess that could be another Q to ask, how do I know when I’ll start LOL it’s not like I get PMS to tell me LOL that would be better then cramps any day!!!Ok could anyone actually TELL me what Natural Herbs I should be looking for?!?As for the heating pads I’ll try them, but I tryed hot washcloths (which I’d assume is the same concept just wetter LOL) and that really didn’t do much UNLESS I was laying in bed as still as possible LOL then they helped, but how would I walk around with a heating pad on, and go to work and school and still be able to THINK, dudes I can NOT think when I AM in PAIN, it’s like my Kryptonight LOL. Forreal!
A: Try evening primrose oil.
how to get rid menstrual cramps?
Q: what food should i eat when i get my period i get bad cramps and im not sure what to eat or what homemade remedies to get rid of the cramps any advice will help and i thank you in advance!THANK YOU!
A: It could be your menstrual protection! Tampons can cause cramps and pads can cause skin dermatitis. Try a menstrual cup or cloth pads.www.ecomenses.comhttp://community.livejournal.com/cloth_padshttp://community.livejournal.com/menstrual_cups
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