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What is good for getting rid of migraines

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Ibuprofen or aspirin, and medicines containing acetaminophen, such as Excedrin, are effective OTC treatments for migraines. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-good-for-getting-rid-of-migraines ]
More Answers to “What is good for getting rid of migraines
What is good for getting rid of migraines
Ibuprofen or aspirin, and medicines containing acetaminophen, such as Excedrin, are effective OTC treatments for migraines. ChaCha
What is a good way of getting rid of migraines besides using medi…?
Try Dipping a Q-tip into peppermint oil and apply it where it hurts – forehead, temples, neck – careful not to get your eyes.
What are some good methods of getting rid of a migraine?
Butterbur and Feverfew are two natural herbs often used to control and prevent migraines; both have anti inflammatory compounds.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is good for getting rid of migraines, apart from medications?
Q: i have taken painkillers for my migraine, and i was wondering is there anything else that i can do which will ward it off? or prevent it in the future
A: The best wat to ward off or prevent migraines is to determine what your precipitating factors are and eliminate them. Many are dietary, some are lifestyle.The best wat to determine your precipitating factors or triggers is to produce a migraine diary. You can print a diary sample out at the following site:http://www.headaches.org/consumer/educationalmodules/migraine_module/headache_diary.pdfALso there are many know dietary triggers which you should be aware of. They may be viewed at this site:http://www.headaches.org/consumer/topicsheets/diet_headache.htmlThis information may be helpful in decreasing your headaches. Additionally, do not significantly increase or decrease your caffiene level on any given day as it can trigger a headache, and the pain medications if taken too often can cause a rebound headache. (see analgesic rebound site:)http://www.headaches.org/consumer/topicsheets/analgesicrebound.htmlAvoid bright sunlight, roomlight, and prolonged exposure to flourescent lights and computer screens, as all these can trigger headaches.If you get a headache, relaxation is the key.Accupuncture is effective for many, though I find that biofeedback is the best treatment, as everyone can take care of the management of their own pain. Also training in self-hypnosis, or working with someone on guided imagery helps.Finally, just going to a darkened room, with quiet or at most soft music and a cold compress over the eyes can help.There are also medications which can prevent and abort headaches of all types, but you requested info on management without meds.Hope this helps.I manage my own migraines without meds almost all the time.
Any good ways to help get rid of migraines?
Q: My husband gets migraines when his sleep schedule is messed up or he doesn’t eat meals at the right times. This is difficult as he has a third shift job and sometimes must switch his schedule around to do certain things during the day. The only way I know is to give him some excedrin and have him sleep for a while. This often gets in the way of things we have to do. Anyone know of any ways that would help his migraines so that we can still do what we need to instead of getting stuck at home? Thanks in advance.
A: I suffer with migraines and see a Neurologist. He prescribes Fiorecet for me. However, the thing that makes migraines different from ordinary headaches is, with migraine, the cerebral veins vasodialate, expand, causing tremendous pain. With an ordinary headache, they constrict. My neurologist told me always use an ice pack on the area of the head that has the migraine. People have the misconception that the headaches actually takes place in the brain. It does not. It affects all the veins under the skull covering. That’s where all the veins are and it is so vascular there, it is the reason that a severe blow to head bleeds so much. So use ice packs and if he can get some migraine medications, then he should see his MD. There are a lot of medications out there for migraines, He just has to find the one that works for him. I’ve tried them all, well, my MD prescribed a lot of different ones and the only thing that works for me is Fiorecet. Immetrex is supposed to be really good, but it didn’t work for me. I know his pain. Good luck, I hope he feels better soon.
What are some good ways to lessen/get rid of migraines?
Q: I suffer from chronic migraine headaches. I get a migraine anywhere from 2- 5 days a week. 90% of the time they are in my right temple and the other 10% of the time they are in my left temple, and they seem to be more severe when Im on my period (I’ve actually had this one for the past four days) When I get them, I have severe sensitivity to light and sound and become extremely sick to my stomach. I dont have any health coverage through my job, and if my husband adds me to his through his work, it will cost so much that it will literally eat his entire pay check. When I was a teenager and still on my parents insurace I was put on Imitrex which worked extremely well, but without the health coverage it is just to expensive. I try and take Excedrine Migraine as soon as I can feel them start, but it only helps some of the time. The headaches are literally starting to run my life. I miss work and entire days of my life. About the only thing I can do is lay in a cool dark room with a wet cloth over my eyes until it decides to go away. Is there anything I can do to lessen the severity of my migraines? Are there any home remedies that seem to help? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
A: You poor baby, I’ve suffered from Migraines a lot as well and THANK GOD when I have migraine medication on hand. But it is REALLY expensive. What I do, when I don’t have any medication, is to go into a very dark room, rub the area of the migraine with peppermint oil ( it’s proven to help relieve headaches, you can find it at a health food store and now bath and body works has a little roller ball of peppermint oil and another flower that helps relieve headaches), put a frozen bag of peas over the area, place a fan in the room to block outside noise and to cool the room, take a combo of tylenol pm and excedrin migraine ( I wouldn’t’ suggest this if you can’t take pills, but it works for me, one pill each and it really does help, even though I know you shouldn’t do it). Also, try taking a hot bath in the dark, it’ll help relax your body. I’m really sorry for your pain, I hope you feel better soon!
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