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What is spotting and how do u know if u are

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A:Many women experience abnormal vaginal bleeding or spotting between periods sometime in their lives.It’s considered…MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-spotting-and-how-do-u-know-if-u-are ]
More Answers to “What is spotting and how do u know if u are
What is spotting and how do u know if u are
Many women experience abnormal vaginal bleeding or spotting between periods sometime in their lives.It’s considered…MORE?
How do u know its pregnancy spotting?
Just went through that today. Doctors told em that as long as I’m not going through a pad a hour and no bad cramps then its fine. I had few spots (2) and severe cramps today. But they said the baby is ok. To ease your mind go to the hospita…
How do u know when its spotting and not something else??
Call your Doctor or whoever prescribed you your pills and ask them. There are other reasons you can bleed, but might just be from the hormones…

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what would u do in my situation?
Q: if ur life went to a total dump in three months all because u said somethin and then when ur gone everything changes all because u werent there and now no one looks at u the same anymore and it jus makes me feel like i dont blong anywhere its like im nothing thats what it feels like right now all because u said something and it ruins ur whole life i jus think its soo stupid, i try to fix stuff but it never works it jus keeps getting worse i guess im bad luck or somethin it jus makes me feel so left out and all i try to do is fix stuff for some pple and me and it never works out what would u do in my spot, how would u handle it, how would it effect ur life if it happened to u, im tellin u know its not great for me right now, i feel like im dieng slowly and everyones jus like yes hes finally out of here and we dont have to worry, its never right all sence eighth grade its been like this its all like a curse it jus makes me so mad that it feels like the world is going against me
A: well, first of all it wasn’t jus saying one thing that sent you away. there was a course of actions that led up to your absence. i’m sure you could think of what they were. and even though not everyone knows about everything you’ve done, look at this 3months time as proving a point…….it’s one step that could lead to a whole life of disapointment. one things for sure, although you’ve had a setback, people will still know you as devin, no matter what happens. these people you say treat you different, see you as another person, grew up with you….they know who you are. and although people are like this, they are still forced to judge you by your actions. this is not a bad thing, because it can always be fixed.you’ve pretty much dug yurself a hole right to the core, so i guess all you can do is move up. *time heals everything*but one things for sure, you’re not dying, you’re not even close, so don’t give up.i can only try to help with words, i only hope they give you motavation. only you can change your life, without you fighting for it, no one can help you. and yur not fighting hard enough. you’ll know you’ve fought good enough when your life is back.oh yeah and people do change with time, but destiny is chosen by whoever take control of it, you’re the ruler of your own destiny, havn’t you ever heard follow your dreams and if you want it bad enough, you’ll get it.wow i can write a lot!!!but jus try to read everything i wrote and think about each paragraph separatly. good luck* -ice
how do u make a girl have an orgasm?
Q: A lot say that u take ur two middle fingers and move them in a circular rotation and that will hit the G spot. well what exactly is the G spot and how do u know if u have had an orgasms?
A: Ok there is the clitorius and the G spot. G spot stimulation is internal, clitoral stimulation is between the libia on the clitorus. To stimulate the clitorus with a vibrator or your fingers take two fingers with lubercation and rub gently either up and down or in circles on your clitorus. Your clitorus is located above the entrance of your vagina, and around where you got to the bathroom at. Where you feel the most sensation focus on that. You can increase your speed and pressure to your satsfication.The G spot is located about 2 inches inside your vagina on the front side of you canal. The G spot feels like a rough ball. The texture is much like the roof of your mouth. Massage the G spot for a strong orgasim. G spot stimulation takes time, but the orgasm you get from it is amazing.Now how do you know when you have an orgasim. Considering that only 30% of all women the age of 40 have experienced an orgasam that they know of I think it is important to tell you that ever woman is differen. There is a numing sensation in your back, convulsions, and uncontrolable spasms. Your muscles in your legs, back and pelvic area tighten up to the point of pain. When you release your orgasim everything goes away your mind goes blank and some women escreat a liquid offten refered to a squirting. It can be anywhere from a small amount to up to a quart of fluid. If you want more information e-mail me. I sell adult products and give education information about sex and masturbation.
How do u like Sheriff Joe Arpaio approach to immigration what if every city had this ?
Q: A “concentrated crackdown” on illegal immigrants started Friday night in Maricopa County. Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced he’s dispatched more than 200 deputies and posse members to saturate valley cities and roadways known to be corridors for human smuggling. East Valley hot spots include Bush Highway, U.S. Highway 60 and “any major highway,” said deputy chief Brian Sands. Arpaio said he’s also opening a hotline for tipsters to report suspected illegal immigrants. Arpaio said the program is comprehensive and controversial, but that it’s constitutional. “We’re not going to go out on a street corner and round up people because they look like they’re from a foreign country,” Arpaio said Friday. He said it’s nothing like Chandler’s infamous 1997 “roundup,” in which police officers swept the city in search of illegal immigrants. He added that no one has complained about racial profiling since his deputies began detaining illegal immigrants. Arpaio said his deputies have already arrested and jailed about 614 illegal immigrants on felony charges since the Arizona law against human smuggling passed in March 2006. The deputies’ strategies for the crackdown aren’t necessarily different from those they’ve been using already to target immigrants who have likely employed a human smuggler to help them enter the country. But they’ll have greater resources and more manpower with which to work. Deputies will use SWAT, aviation and electronic surveillance, night vision and high-tech weaponry to target vehicles commonly used to move large numbers of illegal immigrants, Arpaio said. If such a vehicle is stopped for speeding, for example, anyone inside the vehicle who’s determined by deputies to be an illegal immigrant will be arrested and jailed. Arpaio stressed the need for probable cause to arrest a suspect. That means a vehicle must have a fake license plate, be speeding, run a red light, or break some other law before deputies can pull over the vehicle and question its occupants. The crackdown, which has no end date, will utilize 160 deputies and officers who’ve been trained by federal agents to enforce immigration law. Of this group, 15 officers will be devoted strictly to the human smuggling unit funded by the state. To fill the personnel void this unit has created in the ranks, the sheriff said his office is recruiting officers from local and national police agencies to join his office through lateral transfers. To further add to his numbers, the sheriff will deputize 64 federal immigration (ICE) agents on Monday, which will enable them to act as both federal and local law enforcement agents. “We are quickly becoming a full-fledged anti-illegal immigration agency,” Arpaio said. Arpaio also announced a hotline for citizens to call with information or evidence about illegal immigrants. He plans to advertise the hotline by posting its phone number on the sides of sheriff’s trucks.He is unsure off how his office will be able to use the tips provided. “It’s an intelligence gathering tool,” Arpaio said. The hotline number is: (602) 876-4154.So all of Graham’s, McCain’s, Kennedy’s, Lott’s, Specter’s, Bush’s, Chertoff’s, Tony Snow’s ‘we need new laws; the old ones don’t work’, is a load of PR crap.Well! We really already knew that.
A: I think it is a marvelous idea, one that should be implemented in every city and state in the union!
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