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What is the best muscle relaxer

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best muscle relaxer”,you can compare them.

What’s best depends on you. OTC muscle relaxers works well on most aches. Consult your doctor if you need something stronger. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-muscle-relaxer ]
More Answers to “What is the best muscle relaxer
i prefer diazepam to flexeril. flexeril is related to the tricyclic antidepressants and carries with it all the side effects associated with them. i’ve also had good results from methocarbamol (robaxin). i’m not impressed with norflex or sk…
There is a whole long post just like yours about skelaxin and everyone seems to think Soma is the best . Personally I don’t think any of them work particulary well. Check with a licensed MD before you take any suggestions! KnightMetal I wou…
It depends on what type of muscles you want relaxed…different drugs work on different types of muscles. The function of the muscle depends on the type of medication that works best. That’s how it was described to me by my internist and or…

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What is the Best muscle relaxer for back and neck pain and muscle spasms.?
Q: I once had used traction for my back and it was the only thing that helped align my back and get rid of the constant pain. I try to not overexert myself and be careful to not do things to annoy my target areas
A: I would try conservative treatment before going for medications- they can have unpleasant side effects. Before going for a massage, have your neck and upper back examined. You may have a misalignment problem in your neck or upper back that is causing you to have muscle spasms and neck pain. Also, look at your activities of daily living: this neck pain or muscle spasms can be caused by repetitive motions such as typing, sitting at a desk for a prolonged period of time or even driving for long periods. Just simply changing your activities or how you do things can make a big difference. You should incorporate some simple neck exercises into you daily routine: http://www.arc4life.com/site/615058/page/993935Also for actual muscle relaxers- try formula 303 which is a homeopathic type of remedy for muscle spasm. Finally, Biofreeze Pain Gel (http://www.arc4life.com/site/615058/product/BioFreeze) works really well for muscle spasm in conjunction with ice therapy. Click here: http://arc4life.blogspot.com/2008/03/how-to-treat-muscle-spasm-with-ice-and.html for How to Treat Muscle Spasm with ice and Biofreeze. Okay hope this helps you out.
what is the best muscle relaxer and the strongest?
A: best thing i have taken is elavil. its a muscle relaxer also used to treat depression. careful it could knock you on your you know what for about 12hrs. its genaric name is amitriptaline. good stuff but small doses are a good idea to start 10mg is kinda a lot. even for a big person
What is the best muscle relaxer?
Q: I know soma and noflex really work. I’m prescribed flexiril, and it does help, but it’s inferior to the other two. And I still have skelaxon, but I’m convinced that it does not relax my muscles. Am I correct on this? And what muscle relaxer should I ask for that works the best? My problems are pain in my back and knees. Muscle relaxers help with the pain. Right now I’m only taking flexiril and ultram for my pain. My doctor took me off of my little norco 5/325 after a group home called in to complain that I was requesting to many narcotics. But I don’t see how asking for two little pain pills a day is abuse, but that is a different story.What is the best muscle relaxer?I left the group home and now live with a parent. But I just thought I’d throw that in to show that I most likely need a new doctor to ever get any real medication for my pain since that group home called and complained on me. They actually called because I wrote a letter to the head of the place telling him how rude one of the CMA’s was. So it was revenge against me.I have no problem with cannibus becoming legal, but it is still illegal, so I don’t want to use it. It also gives me panic attacks.
A: i prefer diazepam to flexeril. flexeril is related to the tricyclic antidepressants and carries with itall the side effects associated with them. i’ve also had good results from methocarbamol (robaxin).i’m not impressed with norflex or skelaxon but i doubt the doctor will give you diazepam.
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