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What is the best thing to do to get rid of a sore throat

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Mix 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and gargle every hour with it. It will kill bacteria. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-thing-to-do-to-get-rid-of-a-sore-throat ]
More Answers to “What is the best thing to do to get rid of a sore throat
What is the best thing to get rid of a sore throat?
Gargle with warm salt water, it flushes the germs out, or use half and half hydrogen peroxide and water to flush the germs but, don’t swallow, it causes gastritis.
What is the best thing to eat and drink and do to get rid of a so…?
Take one jigger of rum,pour into a tall glass,Squeeze one half of a lemon into the glass.add one tablespoon of honey.Fill glass to the top with boiling water.This concoction is called a hot lemon toddy.Sip mixture…tastes good &soothes…
What will be the best thing to get rid of a really bad sore throa…?
Salt water is the best for sore throat, and take Tylenol for the pain. Text W and a zip for weather information. Do the ChaCha!

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Q: I have an audition on Tuesday and I just woke up with a sore throat and a runny nose and I am freaking out because I CANT be sick. Please Help!
A: I gargle with hydrogen peroxide, and that seems to really sooth my throat.I sometimes dilute it with water, and other times use it full strength.
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Q: So I woke up on Tuesday night and my throat was killing me (to all the nasty minded people please don’t reply with anything nasty) and I was hot but it was pretty cold in my house. My throat still hurts pretty bad today, and I don’t have time to go by the doctor, and I went to get some medicine from the store yesterday but I didn’t see anything for just a sore throat, it was flu & sore throat, severe cold, etc, etc. So what is the best thing to take or do to get rid of a sore throat? Thanks! 🙂
A: Try this:Fill an 8 oz. glass with warm water.Stir in a teaspoon on regular table salt until dissolved.Gargle repeatedly until glass is empty.It cleanses any existing mucous.It helps kill any bad bacteria in there.It is very soothing to the sore places.Gargle morning/noon/night until relief.Follow up with a cup of chamomile tea with honey (if you like it)Extra TLC from loved ones for next few days helps too! :)Feel better soon!
what is the best way to get rid of a sore throat and swollen glands other than salt water?
Q: Hi, i know this may seem like a common question but i am looking for a good answer, I have been sick for a month now and this cold just keeps going from one thing to another, Now i have swollen glands and my tonsels are swollen, my throat is severely sore and i have tried salt water, i am on antibotics currently and have been on 2 others since i got this cold, So my question is does anyone have a really good remedy for a sore throat?? I really would like something that would work cause i am leaving tommorow to go away with my fiance for my birthday and would like to feel a little bit better.. Like i said im looking for something homeade that works great, not something you buy at the store… thanks everyone.
A: You sound like i was sick about a couple months ago. There are teas that are out three called Traditional Medicines. each one of them are carefully made to each problem. I would suggest you get cold care, sore throat and could others.. don’t take them all at once.I know your going to ask this so.. Yes, there gross but they work but if you put honey in them there not as bad, but you should be better in about a week. I would just make sure you read the ingrediants. They are all natural but just incase you are allergic to something. I would make sure you read the contents of the package of the teasThe are not in the with the regular teas. You will find them with the natural health food section.
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