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What is the cause of headaches and how to make them go away

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Headaches have numerous causes, so to pinpoint yours you may have to see a doctor. Try taking some OTC pain killers first. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cause-of-headaches-and-how-to-make-them-go-away ]
More Answers to “What is the cause of headaches and how to make them go away
What is the cause of headaches and how to make them go away?
Headaches have numerous causes, so to pinpoint yours you may have to see a doctor. Try taking some OTC pain killers first. ChaCha!

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How do I make my headaches go away?
Q: Okay, first off I’ll add a little history to fill ya’ll in:I’m overweight. I have type 2 diabetes. I have high anxiety and have panic attacks. But, I am on meds and hardly have them anymore. I’ve had a altrasound on my heart, forget what it’s called. I’ve had x-ray’s done of my lungs. I’ve had a blood clot test, and I’ve also have had an MRI. Everything has come out fine.A couple months ago I began getting intense headaches. I was really scared that something was wrong and would stress myself out so much that I would have panic attacks which is just a horrible cycle. Anyways, after I got all of the test’s done to make sure I didn’t have a blood clot or aneurysm I felt a lot better (anxiety wise). But my headaches are still here.I don’t know if this has anything to do with it, but like I mentioned, I am over weight and do have type 2 diabetes. Since the headaches have began (a couple months ago) I have started dieting ( diabetes diet- low carbs) and exercising which have caused me to lose a ideal amount of weight. It seems that every single time I exercise (which is now every day) I get a headache. These headaches don’t go away either. They are there ALL DAY LONG. I have had a CONSTANT headache for a couple days. The only way they go away is randomly! I have been consuming so much Tylenol.. (the right dosage) that it no longer works anymore..(since I have headaches every day)..It’s not just on the days I exercise either. Sometimes I’ll just get a random headache while I’m doing absolutely nothing..I’m only 18 and my mom tells me that some people just get headaches all the time..Is there anything I can do? I mean, it hurts. My head hurts. Every single day. Imagine that. Imagine having a headache every single day all day long. Nothing stops it except when it decides it’s going to go away.Please help me. I need all the advice you can give.
A: hi Clarie, how are you doing? Clarie, you are just too young to have all these diseases-diabetes and severe headaches. you must get them all out of your body. here i am going to share something you would find definitely helpful because they are the only things which would make a man healthy. becoming healthy is not that easy and removing any disease that is in your body is even more difficult. but its not impossible. you can be perfectly healthy. you can overcome both of these diseases. i am going to reveal you some of the top secrets of health. so just listen to me attentively. give your heart to me Clarie. i need your whole body. there are basically two things that you need to understand. the first thing that brings disease is the food we eat. if we eat wrongly we can never be healthy. the reason is obvious. the effects of diet can directly be seen on the body. for example, if we drink we lose control over ourselves, if we eat poison we will die. here we can see the effects of diet immediately but with our normal diet it can not be seen because it takes years for the effects to be seen. so many of us even don’t believe this because the effects are not seen immediately but believe me Clarie food habit is the first to improve and change if one aims at becoming healthy. the second factor that stops one from becoming healthy is his pattern of thinking and the lifestyle he leads. this is called the metaphysical cause or the psychological cause. there is a saying you cant be healthy unless you are happy. so you pattern of thinking must be positive if you think of getting rid of all the diseases which have made your life miserable. metaphysics says that any one who thinks that there is No sweetness left in life, he suffers from diabetes. and anyone who criticizes himself has headaches. because you are not happy and constantly drowning in these sort of thoughts yourself, you are having these problems. you need to change your thinking patterns and take courage to make your life full of joys. there is no way out clarie. its the only way. you must change your thinking patterns. it would be better if i had discussion with you. holding discussion on this would be far better than giving one way advice like this. you are feeling that life is going to be without any juice. no any extra fun and sweetness you can take from life. this very thought has brought you diabetes. so now how can you make it something you can take from. how can you make it full and empty. unless you can realize its fullness there is no way out you can get out of it. so come on clarie do something new do something great. you know, if one puts in small target in life there is a greater chance he might suffer from disease. so you must find some big goal in life and work on it enthusiastically and zestfully. you must say to yourself that life is full and there is so much to take from it. oh my god so many things i can do so many choices i can make oh, its so full and i have always been too small to capture it. repeat these sort of sentences to yourself. this is called sentence therapy. you must say these sort of positive sentences to yourself and in the mean time do something that would bring in change to your daily life. the case of headache is also the same. you must leave criticizing yourself and this is also related to making goal. it might be that you are not satisfied with yourself because you might not have been able to be what you actually want to be and thus criticizing yourself. so if you become successful at what you are aiming this problem of headache will go off permanently. you see becoming healthy is all about becoming dynamic in life, becoming successful and happy in life. so two things you mind, the first one food therapy and the second one the psychological cause. the third thing you should do is the imagination therapy. its imagining always that you are becoming healthier and healthier every next day.it needs a lot of practice. while imagining if you can rightly imagine a sort of power and joy should fill in you. so you keep on imagining unless a kind of hopefulness, power and joy fill in you.this is just a starting clarie, if you want more on this i am ready. if you do everything rightly there is no doubt .you will get rid of both of these disease one day but you must keep patience because it takes months and sometimes even years to get them completely out.
When to go to the doctor for headaches?
Q: So for the past year or so I’ve been having an awful lot of headaches. It’s caused me to have problems with work, my relationship, and just day to day things. For work, I don’t call out often…I just deal with it until I get home, but it has caused my productivity to slack when I have a headache. In my relationship, it’s gotten to the point where my boyfriend doesn’t even believe me when I say I have a headache, he thinks I’m just saying it to get out of doing something or I’m just exaggerating the extent of it. My bf and I had a big argument that started because I didn’t want to have sex that night because of my headache (we hadn’t done it for at least a week) and it snow balled into arguing about other things. So I decided to start a headache diary to see how often I really do get headaches and what triggers them, etc. I’ve been doing that for a week and I’ve had a headache every other day. I also wake up almost every morning with a very slight headache, but it goes away on it’s own within an hour or two. I’ve also started having neck and shoulder stiffness and just about everything is sore, my legs, arms, butt cheeks…everything, and I haven’t been doing anything strenuous to get them sore. Last night when I was driving home I had a little hallucination, I saw what looked like to be a tall, large guy standing on the side of the road. I blinked and it was gone. I’ve also seen dark shadows in front of my car when I drive sometimes, again, I’ll blink and it’s gone. Sorry for that being so long…all I really need to know is when do you think I should go to a doctor about this? Should I just keep doing the diary for like a month to get a good picture of what’s going on? Or should I just go ahead and make an appt?Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
A: Make an appointment quickly, and if your doctor just prescribes you tylenol, find a new doctor, (Happened to me) because tylenol wont fix all those problems, and for me it didnt even stop my headaches.
What can be the cause of a Long-term Headache?
Q: I’ve been having some bad and some minor headaches for more than two weeks. Sometimes i take medicine for headaches, and i can still feel the pain, and i don’t want to keep taking pills, so i stopped for a while, but they’re not going away. Any suggestions to how i can fix this or how i can know what the cause of it is? I still go to school(high school) but i don’t think its really from school work. I’m trying to avoid going to the doctors, because i don’t have a doctor yet. It feels like pressure being applied to my head, and sometimes i can feel it through my face, like the nose area as well. I wear glasses, so my mom is suggesting that maybe there’s something wrong with my eyes that’s making me have headaches. I’m hoping it’s not something serious. My mom did say that i fell out of a shopping cart when i was younger..but could that pain be comming out now? (and i fell on my head, is what she said).
A: Headaches are most commonly caused by: IllnessHeadaches often are a symptom of other illnesses. Viral infections, strep throat, allergies, sinus infections and urinary tract infections can be accompanied by headaches. Fever also may be associated with headaches. Skipping MealsEven if you’re trying to lose weight, you still need to eat regularly. Fad diets can make you hungry and also can give you a headache. Not getting enough fluids — which leads to dehydration — also may cause a headache. DrugsAlcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, diet pills and other drugs may give you a headache. Often headaches are triggered by sleep problems, minor head injuries or certain foods (dairy products; chocolate; food additives like nitrates, nitrites and monosodium glutamate). Sometimes, headaches also can be caused by prescribed medication, such as birth control pills, tetracycline for acne and high doses of vitamin A. Less commonly, headaches can be caused by a dental infection or abscess, and jaw alignment problems (TMJ syndrome). Although headaches are only rarely caused by eye problems, pain around the eyes — which can feel like a headache — can be caused by eye muscle imbalance or not wearing glasses that have been prescribed for you. Only in very rare cases are headaches a symptom of a brain tumor, high blood pressure or other serious problem.Tension HeadachesThese often feel like a tight band is around your head. The pain is dull and aching and usually will be felt on both sides of your head, but may be in front and back as well. Pressure at school or at home, arguments with parents or friends, having too much to do, and feeling anxious or depressed can all cause a headache. MigrainesThis type of headache is often described as throbbing and usually felt on only one side of your head, but may be felt on both. A migraine may make you feel lightheaded or dizzy and/or make your stomach upset. You may see spots or be sensitive to light, sounds and smells. If you get migraines, chances are one of your parents or other family members also have had this problem. A third, less common, type of headache is called a psychogenic headache. Psychogenic headaches are similar to tension headaches, but the cause is an emotional problem such as depression. Signs of depression include loss of energy, poor appetite or overeating, loss of interest in usual activities, change in sleeping patterns (trouble falling asleep, waking in the middle of the night or too early in the morning) and difficulty thinking or concentrating.***(note that this was copied and pasted)***Where are the headaches? Are they on the top of your head, on the side, on the back, or what? Does the pain jump around your head?Do the headaches occur at certain times of the day? You might just possibly have chronic migraines.However, if the pain is through your face, it could be from sinusitis.Are you ill at the moment?You should try to get a doctor as quickly as you can. There’s always a possibility of having an abnormal growth, and it’s better to act on it than ignore it.:::::STEP 1: Avoid eyestrain by working in a well-lit environment and wearing glasses or contact lenses, if necessary. STEP 2: Sleep the number of hours you need to feel rested and alert. STEP 3: Work at an ergonomically correct workstation. Stretch frequently if your job requires you to remain seated for long periods of time. STEP 4: Get your teeth checked regularly. Periodic headaches may be linked to a dental problem. STEP 5: Watch what you eat. Chocolate, wine and aged cheeses can trigger headaches. STEP 6: Avoid very cold food and beverages. STEP 7: Manage your stress. Learn stress management techniques, get into an exercise program, or try yoga or meditation. STEP 8: Delegate work to others to reduce stress. STEP 9: Ventilate your home and workplace. STEP 10: Take care of allergies and sinus infections. STEP 11: Drink at least eight glasses of water or other fluids a day to ward off dehydration. ::::you should take painkillers and sleep more.massage your temples.**(copied and pasted)***
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