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What is the first sign of a miscarriage

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A:Any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is called a threatened miscarriage. Thank you and text again. Have a great day!!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-first-sign-of-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What is the first sign of a miscarriage
What are the first signs that you are having a miscarriage?
Symptoms of a miscarriage include: vaginal bleeding, pelvic cramps, abdominal pain, or a persistent, dull ache in your lower back.
What Are the First Signs of a Miscarriage?
・ There are some early warning signs of an impending miscarriage the most common being unusually strong… ・ Although most pregnant women will experience some bleeding during their pregnancy, any vaginal discharge… ・ It is possible for th…
What was your first sign of a miscarriage?
I have had 2 m/c and the first signs for me that there was something wrong was spotting, which then became heavier. If you are having no signs try not to stress it isn’t good for the baby. I know it is hard b/c i was the same way with this …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the first sign of miscarriage?
Q: Is it severe cramps, are they on the side or the middle? Is lower back pain for days a bad sign? I haven’t had any bleeding, or cramps but very sore lower back for a few days now. Also, can your little baby die in there and you not know? Im just worried cause I had an ultra sound and there was no heart beet, but you could see the embryo. And Ive been given 3 very conflicting estimates as to how far along I am. I could be 6, 8 1/2 or 11 weeks! So confusing.
A: Lower back pain or mild cramps are common during early pregnancy. First sign of a miscarriage is generally blood. It can start off as spotting and gradually become very heavy or it can just start heavy. Generally there are a lot of clots with a miscarriage and a lot of cramping, like severe period cramps.
what are the first signs of a miscarriage for someone is is 4 weeks pregnant?
A: Cramps, bleeding, headaches… but you can also feel nothing and think you have a normal period… just that.Also sometimes you can misscary without any symptom, and you only get to know at your next appointment with the doctor. Some women don’t get to know they’re pregnant. But if you think there’s a chance you might be about to loose your child go to the doctor, they have some pills that sometimes can avoid abortion.My cousin’s 9-year-ol daughter is alive thanks to that.
What was your first signs of a miscarriage and how far where you?
Q: I’m 10 weeks pregnant and was bleeding lightly on monday and had cramps on Thanksgiving day and a few times after that and today I have a tightening feeling in my stomach, I go back to the DR next week this is my 5th pregnancy I have 3 boys 10, 7, & 5 I had a early miscarriage 8 years ago I was only 5 week’s I had sharp stomach pains then I started bleeding heavy, I was wondering if it is still passable for me to have a miscarriage. I only had cramps and bleeding with the baby I lost and this pregnancy.
A: For me it was bleeding. Actually intense bleeding at 12 weeks, passed clots and everthing. Very scary went in and got a D&C.
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