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What is the pink fungus rash on my arm

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Your rash could be ringworm, which is actually a fungus. You can use an OTC antifungal cream, or see a doctor for antibiotics. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-pink-fungus-rash-on-my-arm ]
More Answers to “What is the pink fungus rash on my arm
What is the pink fungus rash on my arm
Your rash could be ringworm, which is actually a fungus. You can use an OTC antifungal cream, or see a doctor for antibiotics.

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Q: It is about the size of a chick pea. It is red. It raises up and then is flat. I am worried that it is ring worm. My mother says it is most likely a spider bite or some bug bite. But I have looked for hours trying to find out what it is and it looks like ring worm (but not really really gross like the pictures on google). I only have one of them and I have had it for a while now like maybe a week and a few days. I thought it was a bug bite because it itched and I always get bit by mosquito’s a lot. But then my other bug bites went away and this one stayed. I don’t know if it is relevant or not but I have also had pains in my stomach like they shoot out of no where. My doctor said this might be because I could possibly have acid reflux. But this red rash is on my forearm close to my wrist. At first it itched which made me think it was a bug bite. Then today I noticed it had flaky skin on it and i itched it and it sort of fell off. Now it is raw and burns sort of because I have scratched it so much. I am really scared that it is ring worm. I know it is only a fungus and not a worm at all but it is freaking me out. Because I don’t know where I could have picked it up. Does anyone know what this could possibly be? The whole thing is redish pink and the outside could be a bit darker but it is not to big and something I read said that bigger ring worm cases make the ring of red skin and then the inside is normal color….I am sort of scared to sleep in my bed. And I am really tired. But I don’t want to spread it if it is ring worm and the information I read said to bleach bedding. Thats all good but my bedding is a dark maroon color and my mom got it for me for Christmas. I am definitely going to my doctor ASAP….Just to be on the safe side and we don’t exactly have money to waste on anti fungi treatment and find out that it is not ring worm. I know it is not a worm but I am young and I have had nightmares where there are a bunch of worms crawling around me. My Uncles puppy had worms and they came out of it’s mouth when it was younger and my grandmas puppy (the sibling of the other) was given medicine and it was in it’s feces and the image has haunted me ever since. Why name it ring worm if it is not a worm. I am really scared. I have cried twice about it. It is freaking me out. Mostly because I don’t know how I got it and if it is ring worm why am I the only one infected out of five ppl in a house?
A: Ths is the treatment for RingwormTopical treatment: When fungus affects the skin of the body or the groin, many antifungal creams can clear the condition in two weeks or so. Examples of such preparations include those that contain clotrimazole (Cruex cream, Desenex cream, Lotrimin cream, lotion, and solution), miconazole (Monistat-Derm cream), ketoconazole (Nizoral cream); and terbinafine (Lamisil cream and solution). These treatments are effective for many cases of foot fungus as well.http://www.medicinenet.com/ringworm/page3.htmYou could give this a try but you would have to use the cream for 2 weeks. If it doesn’t work, then it’s not Ringworm. That’s when you would have to go to the doctor. If it gets worse when you’re using the cream, that would be another reason to see your doctor.
Psoriasis…? I need help please, any experience or experts!?
Q: Okay, it is kind of a long story but bear with me. One day i noticed the back of my head, on the left and right side was itchy. I always suffered from dandruff, so i just thought it was dandruff and payed no attention to it. It started to get really flaking and itchy. Again, i thought it was dandruff. Then about two months later or so, it started to scab and it started to puss. I was freaking out because it was on my pillow and such. So i told my dad, it’s not dandruff, we have to go to the doctor. In Canada, we have a shortage of family doctors, so i don’t have one, so i went into a walk in clinic. By then, i had little red spots on the back of my neck, spreading to the front. The doctor checked it out, and he said i had a fungus, so he gave me a cream. He said fungus is hard to treat, so i had to wash my bed sheets everyday, i had to wash my clothes all the time, and at this point my friend would sleepover my house everyday to go to school with me, and i had to sleep on the floor for about a month, because i didn’t want to infect her. I realized the cream was not working, it made the rash really painful, and i couldn’t turn my head. I went to the doctor again, and he said, okay, try this pill. so i was using cream and taking a pill. The rash on my neck went away, and the Psoriasis stopped pussing, so i thought it was working. But then i flared out again, and it was on my elbows and knees. So i went back to the doctor and i told him straight up, this isn’t working, are you sure i don’t have Psoriasis or Exzema? And he reffered me to a dermatologist. i had to wait about a month before i got an appointment. So i went to the dermatologist, and he knew right away that i had Psoriasis. So he gave me this scalp fluid, and this cream for my nose ( i had some on my nose, without even knowing.) So i used the medication, and it worked. then i realized that my knees and elbows started to get bad, so just recently, i went back to the doctor, and he gave me a stonger cream that i shouldnt use for my face. I used it on my knees and the flareup went away. but now im noticing that i have red spots on my chest, above my breast, on my left shoulder, on my elbows and upper arms, my legs and my butt crack ( be mature lol ). I’m using the cream all over my body, but its not working. Now i need help, what can stop Psoriasis, like i don’t want a cure, but i don’t want my body to be engulfed with this condition. I researched that it can be caused from stress, alcohol and smoking, i dont smoke or drink, and i’m pretty sure i’m happy and not stressed, (i come home, watch tv, go on the computer, play piano, do some homework, life is good). SHould i shower twice a day, wash my clothes, stop scratching, ( i don’t scratch it a lot, but sometimes i’ll scratch). Is there a diet i should be on, any lotions i should use, ( i heard aveeno is good). should i stop shaving and start waxing? Please, i really need help, I’ll be chosing a best answer. Please don’t send me links to websites, I’ve seen many, just tell me what works. Thanks so much!*I don’t have a strong Psoriasis, I’ve seen pictures, it’s nothing like that. It looks like i touched something that I’m allergic to. It’s small red/pink dots*
A: Hello there, Hello there. I recommend that you should try the herbal anti-psoriasis remedy by Champori. Get their spray/cream combo: it worked better than anything else for my plaque psor.: my patches cleared in about 2 weeks and I haven’t had a flare up for more than a year now. Champori is available online from a company in Colorado and comes with money back guarantee; so if it doesn’t work – it’s free. Try it.Best,Bernadette
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