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What is zotex

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OTC drug found in cough medicines. Always ask a doctor before giving a cough or cold medicine to a child. ChaCHa on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-zotex ]
More Answers to “What is zotex
What is zotex
OTC drug found in cough medicines. Always ask a doctor before giving a cough or cold medicine to a child. ChaCHa on!
What is zotex lax caplet?
Zotex LAX (dextromethorphan/guaifenesin/phenylephrine) Dextromethorphan is a cough suppressant. It suppresses an area in the brain that causes coughing…
How to use Zotex-12 Oral
If you are taking the over-the-counter product, read all directions on the product package before taking this medication. If you have any questions, consult your pharmacist. If your doctor has prescribed this medication, take it as directed…

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Q: My friend had suddenly caugh a sickness on Monday. His symptoms worsened on Tuesday so he went to the doctor. Even his doctor didn’t know what it was! So she gave him the following medications (while she analyzes a blood sample from him for the time being): Azithromycin, Zotex, and Astelin. His symptoms are that he is congested, has headaches, feels tired, sore throat and had a fever. This caused me to suggest that it was either allergies but I wasn’t to sure about the fever so I thought about the flu too. Oh and one thing that his doctor said was that… he doesn’t really remember what she said but, she said that something in his lower left area is causing him to feel tired, and if he does any strenuous activity such as sports or straining himself, he has a posibility of… (I’m not to sure about this) bursting and artery or an… organ? If any of you have any information please reply to this, every bit of information counts! Thank you in advance =]
A: how about mono? rupturing his spleen?
Can pink eye cause a headache?
Q: My father has been very sick, and has caught what we think is a cold. He had a fever a few weeks ago. His nose was stuffy, and was sneezing a lot. Now his head hurts a lot. He went to the doctor today and gave him a few pills for pains,colds,cough, and sneezing, Zotex 12-D, and some others. But the doctor also informed him that he had conjunctivitis (pink eye). Today he also threw up, but that could of been because he had medicine on an empty stomach. Could pink eye be causing this horrible headache. If not, what else can my dad have?Please help, I’m really worried. I don’t know what to do… everything is going wrong in my family and now this.. Any help is appreciated.
A: Pink eyes not cause headache. nope Never happen to me before that I got it. He really sick that sound really serious or he getting more old now. He need stop smoking if he does. He threw up because too much medicine. I tell you, I never eat any medicine from R.X. they sucks and make me so sick sick stomach. I always drink hot tea herb stuffs. I suggest you go to natural herb store and find tea and would help a lots. trust me. I did it before.
Can pink eye cause a headache?
Q: My father has been very sick, and has caught what we think is a cold. He had a fever a few weeks ago. His nose was stuffy, and was sneezing a lot. Now his head hurts a lot. He went to the doctor today and gave him a few pills for pains,colds,cough, and sneezing, Zotex 12-D, and some others. But the doctor also informed him that he had conjunctivitis (pink eye). Today he also threw up, but that could of been because he had medicine on an empty stomach. Could pink eye be causing this horrible headache. If not, what else can my dad have? Please help, I’m really worried. I don’t know what to do… everything is going wrong in my family and now this.. Any help is appreciated.
A: It sounds like your dad is having sinus headaches but pink eye has nothing to do with headaches
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