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What makes your pores smaller

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U can’t permanently shrink pores, OTC products can tighten them. Dermatologists can prescribe retinoid creams, peels or lasers. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-makes-your-pores-smaller ]
More Answers to “What makes your pores smaller
What makes your pores smaller
U can’t permanently shrink pores, OTC products can tighten them. Dermatologists can prescribe retinoid creams, peels or lasers.
How to make pores smaller?
Every one has pores on there face. The oil in your skin and the dirt that accumulates makes the pores bigger by blocking them. If you wash your face twice a day, and use a gentle cleanser then rinse your face with warm water. After you are …
How do i make my pores smaller?
I don’t think that there is a product on the market that can boost that it actually makes pores smaller, however, there are many products with astringent properties that can certainly help to make them appear smaller. On a personal note, Me…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to make your pores smaller, with at home products.?
Q: I just notice that i am beginning to get bigger pores and they are not cleaned at all what can i do to clean and then make it smaller, with products that i have at home, and is alcohol safe to clean your face.
A: You might want to try this remarkably effective treatment. It´s simple,safe, low cost, uses only natural products and permanently cures enlarged pores and also many other skin conditions.See my many Best Answers “Skin Conditions” and this reply from a user – “Omg, I’ve been following your advice and massaging my face vigorously with coconut oil for the last three days and I see results already! Thank you ever so much..this could be the solution to my all my skin problems. I’d messaged earlier asking about the pores on my face. They’re very large and EVERYWHERE. I have a massive event coming up in a month. Do you think your method with help me get rid of the pores by then? Could I do it twice daily to speed up the process? ” Many skin problems are caused by the countless harmful and chemical ingredients in soaps, face cleaners and nearly all other cosmetic products. Do an online search “Soaps, face cleaners harmful?” and “Cosmetic products harmful?”. Use only mild, safe products that skin specialists recommend.TREATMENT: Massage with a quite vigorous motion – you will find you can make it more vigorous as you progress -. using a natural oil – olive, coconut, vitamin E oils work really well. Skin is always shedding and renewing, the massaging friction hastens a new skin to emerge with pores very much reduced. Initially, skin has to adjust and if soreness, breakouts or other reactions happen – stop and` resume when you can. You will see very noticeable results in a few days and they will diminish day by day. Pores will be healthy and you will not have to concern yourself with cleaning them. If you apply massage to entire face you will quickly have a radiant, totally blemish free, healthy skin and you will not need to use any other product or treatment ever again – not even moisturizers. Only unhealthy skins need constant moisturizing. Try it you will be happy that you did.SOURCE(S):20 + years research into safe natural treatments and cures of skin, hair and scalp disorders
How to make your pores smaller?
Q: Yeaahhh what ways can you make your pores smaller..
A: Wash your face with something that deep-cleanses, then dry. *Best and cheapest treatment (do next when your face is totally dry), which is a ‘mint julep masque’ made by queen helene. It’s a couple of bucks at every walgreens/cvs/ grocery store in the US. It feels awesome, and your skin is absolutely perfect afterwards, not a pore in sight.Hope that helps!!
What can you eat or do to make your pores smaller or less oily?
Q: don’t say eat less oily foods, that answer is a given and really displays your intelligence…
A: stay away from fast foods and deep fat foods(i know its hard!!) drink loads of water(i mean like 12-15litres a day) and eat healthy like fruits and veg. trust me it helps, slow transtion is the best and dont b afraid to splurg now and again with chocolate. it really helps clear the pores, also try and use saunas and steam rooms when availible, they are the best for quick clear ups. go to your local gym and sign up
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