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What s the cure for butt rash

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Powder liberally after showering and apply an OTC antibiotic like bacitracin or neosporin daily. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-s-the-cure-for-butt-rash ]
More Answers to “What s the cure for butt rash
What s the cure for butt rash
Powder liberally after showering and apply an OTC antibiotic like bacitracin or neosporin daily. ChaCha!
How do you cure a butt rash?
Desitin works wonders. Just slather it where it hurts and you’ll be good in a hurry.
Does peanut butter cure anus rash and other skin disorders??
No its the dog slobber when they lick it off thats takes care of the rash.lol

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UTI, herpes, boil, rash, lesion in butt – can someone PLEASE tell me what’s wrong with me?
Q: Ok so here’s the thing- in early June I had a UTI and so I went to the doctor to get the urine culture done along with a slew of STD tests-HIV, Herpes1&2, GC, Chlymidya, syphilis…etc. I did have a UTI and went on Cipro to cure it. Then I got a yeast infection and took diflucan. I also found out from the doctor I had Herpes simplex 1-yes I have had cold sores in the past but I don’t think I had it genitally. (Can someone please tell me what HSV-1 is like genitally?) At the same time I had a lesion throughout the line of my butt crack. Then one day I began to have very, very bad back pain traveling down to my pelvis and legs-then I got a fever-I was bedridden for a while but once I got up and started walking the pains went away and the fever broke-then all the sudden I started itching uncontrollably on my back and I had the biggest, reddest rash. I went to the doctor and told her about my symptoms-she tested me again and did a culture on the rash-no STDs besides Herpes 1. No Herpes 2.So she told me it might be Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, cellulitis, or herpes zoster. It was none of these. This was about 2 weeks ago I still have the rash. My lesion on the crack has went away, but remnants of the rash remain. I developed a huge, painful boil on my left cheek right before going inside the anus. So I went to the doctor for that today and he said the rash is herpes and that I do have a boil. But it cant be herpes 2 I was tested twice, with one actual culture. He gave me antibiotics and cream. I am in so much pain. I’m scared. Throughout all of this I have been having sex with my boyfriend-he knows about everything like the UTI, lesion, rash, herpes 1 (we thought its just cold sores)-one after the other he doesn’t mind though and neither did I because none of these are necessarily STDs. My question is what is going on with me? Why am I getting these things one after the other near my butt? My vagina has never had discharge or warts inside or outside.They did a PAP but they lost it so they cannot check for HPV. I was checked for HPV last year though and didn’t have it-since then I’ve only been with my boyfriend he has never been tested but I have since being with him and nothing showed up so I thought I was safe. Maybe it is HPV causing all this? It also sounds like HIV because its obvious my immune system isn’t good. I just don’t know..HIV came out negative too but maybe it was false. Any similar experience or thoughts would be appreciated-thanks/By the way I never even had anal sex or a penis near the anus!
A: there is not test for HPV in men…..boils can result for yeast/bateria overgrowth in your system. If I consume to much sugar I will start developing them ( I have no STD’s) it is just more than my body can handle….you may want to look at your diet and decrease the amount of sugar, caffeine and highly processed foods. Take a probiotic, it will help re establish good bacteria, Oil of oregano is a natural antibiotic and will help get rid of the residual yeast overgrowth without killing off your good bacteria…..your immune system probably is out of whack, but I would not be to overly concerned about it being related to HIV.
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A: Ok, I went to the doctor for this last week. It was a YEAST infection. Never would have guessed that. It was so itchy that I didn’t care about my humility. I did have redness there though despite be super clean. I think I got it from a weaken immune system from prednisone use.
Skin irritation on right butt cheek…what is it?
Q: This has bothered me for about a week now, so I’ve decided to pose my question to the masses to see if there’s an easy cure.When I’ve been sitting down, and I sit for 90% of my work day, there’s been a spot on my right butt cheek that feels irritated almost all the time. I wouldn’t say it “hurts,” but I can feel it. I’m not trying to paint too clear a picture here, but the spot is located almost at the base of the right side of my butt. It bothered me enough that I finally looked at it in the mirror. When I shower and hot water runs over this spot, it kind of stings. After that, I decided to look and see if there was something visible to see that might be causing it and I guess there is.I have to pull up my butt cheek a little to see it, but it’s spot maybe an inch in diameter with little red dots inside that diameter. I’m not in the medical field whatsoever, but I guess I can best describe it as a skin irritation or rash. It’s only on this one spot. Nothing on the left side on the same spot.Anyone have any idea what this might be or what ointments I could put on it to clear it up? I looked in the medicine cabinet and found a few possibilities: neosporin, cortaid, triple antibiotic ointment, antifungal cream and calydryl clear.Note: I run on a treadmill 3 times a week for an hour each time. However, I haven’t noticed a difference of my butt being irritated differently whether I’d run that day or not.
A: i’d try neosporin and cover it. if that doesn’t work, i’d do the anti-fungal. it might be some king of sweat rash. can you sit on a pillow at work and see if that makes a difference? yeah, spray your chair in case it’s from germs!
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