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What should I do if i broke my nose

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If your nose is misshapened , you should see a DR for a broken nose, otherwise, ice it and take some OTC pain medication. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-if-i-broke-my-nose ]
More Answers to “What should I do if i broke my nose
What should I do if i broke my nose
If your nose is misshapened , you should see a DR for a broken nose, otherwise, ice it and take some OTC pain medication.
How do i know if i broke my nose?
If you are having a hard time breathing then that might be a signal. Especially if you didn’t have any problems before you thought you broke your nose. Go to the doctor and they can tell you for sure.
I think I broke my nose. How can I tell?
Your nose is most likely not broken. It usually takes more impact to break the bone that supports the nose. It’s possible that you may have a hairline fracture, meaning the bone was lightly cracked, resulting in a fissure in the bone. Howev…

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Help please!! My friend may be getting abused as you read this!! I dont know what to do!!?
Q: Help please!! My friend may be getting abused as you read this!! I dont know what to do!!?Ok, in school today, my friend started crying. Me and our other friends were asking her what was wrong. (this was near the end of the day, about 45 minutes ago) she told us that she was afraid to go home because her dad might beat her. We’re in the 7th grade by the way. About 5 minutes later, in the hallway, i gave her my number so that if anything happens she can call me. She should be home by now and she hasn’t called. IF she does call, what should I do???? I dont know where she lives, and supposedly her father has done this before and almost broke her nose. I think i should call 911 if that happens and hopefully they get there in time. Please help me, I’m in tears because i don’t want her to get abused. Answere back quickly, the sooner the better
A: Well, first of all, you need to call 911 RIGHT NOW.Domestic violence is a huge health hazard that needs to be ended.I’m really sorry about your friend, but even if she does disobey her father it doesn’t give him any right to physically abuse her like that.Not only is he physically abusing her, but he’s also mentally/emotionally abusing her. If he doesn’t stop she can get seriously injured. This isn’t anything to be played around with, call for help immediately. This will come back to her when she’s an adult and she’ll despise her father. Please help your friend out and call 911.I hope everything goes well.
How long should a broken nose hurt?
Q: Eight days ago my best friend I were goofing around and he hit me in the nose really hard, and it hurt like crap, but I couldn’t find any signs of fracture so I popped a couple ibuprofen and went on my way. Today, I noticed that the side that didn’t get hit has a small reddened area on the upper bridge, and upon running my finger down it, I found that it is, in fact, protruding a bit, and is precisely opposite the tenderest part of my nose on the side that got hit. Basically, I know it’s broken now.Anyhoo, my dad said that a broken nose shouldn’t hurt this long, and that it’s probably broken in two places. My mom said that since I waited so long there’s nothing they can do for me if I go to a doctor. What do you think? (Please, only serious responses.)
A: I broke mine before, if you go to the doctor they can rebreak it and make it straight again, if you don’t then it will not be the same again. If you get it fixed it will hurt for about 4 days. if you leave it, it will heal by itself, but that takes a long time and you will be in pain for about 2 weeks
what should i do broken nose?
Q: when i was 5 years old i accidentally fell and broke my nose. its not noticeable only if you have good eyes. it really bothers me. im very self conscious and thats why i want to fix it. i want to know how much would it cost. and is it painful. oh and how long is recovery. i also want to know will my nose be as strong as before when it heals all the way back.( im also very scared of surgery but i know thats probably what i will need lols) thanx yahoo.
A: Yes: You can have Rinoplasty and Septum Corrected; Your nose will be strong as ever;You will be in Surgery about 45 min; You will have a couple of black Eyes for about three Days;Other people don’t notice that much about You(Most have a Body Part they would like to change),The insurance I had with RailRoad paid most of the Bill;Don’t worry about Surgery , it is not as bad as a Wisdom tooth Extraction, and will be over before You awake;Note pay no attention to the “Wisecracks” on this Forum; My advice find a Plastic Surgeon and Go ahead,– The main reason ,Your breathing will be much better:Doctors will work with You on a Payment Plan:/
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