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What will help cure the common cold

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Medicine can’t cure the common cold, but it can be used to relieve such symptoms. Stay hydrated, take OTC cold medicine. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-will-help-cure-the-common-cold ]
More Answers to “What will help cure the common cold
What will help cure the common cold
Medicine can’t cure the common cold, but it can be used to relieve such symptoms. Stay hydrated, take OTC cold medicine.
How antioxidants help cure the common cold
Antioxidants play a vital role in helping us to fight off infections such as the common cold. If we eat antioxidant-rich foods when we are down with a cold, our bodies can recover much quicker. Antioxidants are vital because they read more …
Can taking a Shower help Cure the Common Cold?
Well it doesn’t “cure” it, but the steam in the air helps dissolve the mucus in your lungs and the snot in your nose, and with this gone it a cold is much more bearable. So it cerataintly helps the symptoms, but it is not a “…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do I cure the common cold??
Q: Well, not cure it cos no one can do that but like, what medicine can I take that will allow me to BREATHE though my nose??? I am going crazy! I can’t breathe and I can’t blow my nose cos it hurts and I’m going CRAZYYYYY!!!! HELP!!!!Ok. I will go change my pillow case right now. I don’t think we have Ny-quil or Therma-flu but we DO have WATER!!!Ok. I will go change my pillow case right now. I don’t think we have Ny-quil or Therma-flu but we DO have WATER!!!
A: 1.drink hot ginger tea.-slice a few pieces of ginger and steep it with any tea.-no need to add sugar or milk.-This helps to chase away your cold and clear your nose.2. fill a small face basin with hot water. cover your head with a towel… steam your face and nose with the steam for about 5 – 10 mins…..3. burn some aromatherapy oil. Use eucalyptus oil. -Eucalyptus essential oil has the germicidal effects to ease pains in muscles, joints, helps coughs and kills bacteria in sickroomsthese are some of my own personal home remedies. Especially good for those people who are allergic to drugs.
How long does it take to cure a cold with other help?
Q: What is an average time for a common cold to be cured with the help of Vitamin C?? Here is the situation.-15 year old MALE caucasian-~140 pounds and 5’10”-cold is in its beginning stages (about 3-4 days old)-stuffy nose, sore throat, and alittle headace-I’ve taken 2 pills of Vitamin C where each pill is 1000 MG, so a total of 2000 each day (so I’ve taken Vitamin C for 2 days (today and yesterday)-Location: Rochester, NY-Apparel: fairly warm > warm clothing (everything from body to legs to toes)Based on these few things, what would be a good estimation of how long it will take to break out of this cold and be on the right track of cureness???Thanksalex
A: Sorry. You can do ALL of that and it still won’t go away any faster than if you did NOTHING. The saying goes:You can take all the medicines, vitamins and it will be gone in a week….or you can take nothing and it will be gone in 7 days.
What are some of the common remedies for cold, flu and respiratory problems you grew up with?
Q: I currently have a presentation I am working on for my Pharmacy 1065 class covering “Over the Counter” medications (OTC). I am currently working on Cold, Flu, and Respiratory Products. One of the things my professor would like us to figure out is, “What are some of the common remedies you grew up with?” Maybe something your parents believed was the cure for the common cold, flu, or resolved allergies, and asthma. Some of the remedies I have heard about are “Drink a couple of hard shots of liquor to try and burn the cold or flu out of your system.” Another is the take a lot of Vitamin C, or Echinacea. Unfortunately the Echinacea has been proven not to work, and the vitamin C only helps a little bit according to some articles on Pharmacytime.com. One I heard about allergies is that if you eat a lot of foods that are grown locally to the area your currently living in will help you develop a tolerance to the pollens, and plant allergies of the area. Any thoughts would be help full.
A: I am from the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago,where there are many different cultures so i have many. but ‘trinis’ use alot of ‘bush’ medicine such as ‘fever grass’,’chandiler’and a mixture of honey,lime and onion followed by a good beach bath
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