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Where can I it some pain killers without going to the doctor

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Where can I it some pain killers without going to the doctor”,you can compare them.

If you need pain killers, you can find Motrin, Tylenol, Aspirin, and other OTC pain relievers are available at your drug store. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-can-i-it-some-pain-killers-without-going-to-the-doctor ]
More Answers to “Where can I it some pain killers without going to the doctor
Where can I it some pain killers without going to the doctor?
If you need pain killers, you can find Motrin, Tylenol, Aspirin, and other OTC pain relievers are available at your drug store.

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Strep throat and swallowing pain?
Q: I went to the doctor today and learned I have strep throat. I dosn’t hurt unless I cough, spit or sneeze and slightley when I talk. But the major promble is when I swallow, it feels like I have servel nails, toothpicks and jaged rocks in my throat and I have to deal with them scraping my throat.I am currently on two different medicines. One kills the pain and one kills the desiese. The one that kills the desiese is doctor suscribed and does not kill the pain at all. The pain killer is not doctor subsrcibed and is vise versa, killing the pain but doing nothing about the actual desiese. The ironic thing about these pills is they are swallow pills. =If I do not take my doctor subcribed medicine I could get kindey deisese or some fever that can kill me, I do not know the name. If I do not take my pain killer I am in a crying wreck, which just hurts my throat.It has gotten to the point where I can not eat or drink, and I relize this is very unhealthy for my body and will give the strep throat an advantage in this horrible battle over my body. I have tried ice cream, ( which was too dense for me to swallow without pain) apple sauce, (which was too liquidy my throat still hurt) and other similer foods such as yogurt. Every thing didn’t help. I can barley get the apple sauce down with my pain killer.When my mouth is filled with saliva, I must swallow, causing mass amounts of pain. It hurts a little less when I simply spit it out, but this is a huge inconvience to me considering I have a large amount of energy lose. When I am laying down it takes me all my might to stand up, let alone walk around.I do not drink any alchol or smoke. I’m only 14 and I follow the rules, so…I have given you as much imformation has possible, and now I will get to the real question, which is an odd one I must warn you. How do I reduce the obligation to swallow? I think it may be like blinking, if you think about it-you do it. If you have read this whole thing so far and you are planning to finish reading to the end please put a star right before you answer me, too make a star try shift+8. If this does not work just type out the word, “star”. Like when I am napping (which is quite often) and can’t find the energy to get up how do I prevent my self of swallowing? Also, what kinds of foods and drinks might be good for my throat? I need something not as dense as ice cream, but not as thin as apple sauce. Also, the food product must be convient to get. I live quite close to a CVS, a diary mart and a Kroger.P.S-sorry for all the misspelled words, my spell checker won’t activate…Three things I forgot…I have been gargling salt water, will it is uncompterbal at first, it eases a lot of the swallowing pain.Would it be a bad idea to drink orange juice, I relize it is very acidit which may be bad on my throat but I really do need the vitimin C. I have been sick since thursday night, and now it is saturday, meaning I have been sick for three days now.
A: starI dont think you can prevent yourself from swallowing, maybe you could spit it out instead of swallowing it. but you will probably swallow anyway… Strep throat is very painful… If cold ice cream does not help.. would maybe some hot cocoa help… If you do not feel better after three days with antibiodics . give a call back to your doctor. they may need to change your prescriptions..definitely take your antibiodics and your pain medication.. it will make you feel so much better…. get plenty of rest.. cold sprite or 7 up so you dont dehydrate..I hope you feel better………………..
I think I’m going to amputate my foot?
Q: I shattered my left talus in February of 09 over jumping my dirt bike. Completely smashed it in about 20 plus pieces but thankfully it was able to be screwed back together with 6 screws. I had 3 months in a wheel chair, and low weight barring for 2 months. Since then I have regained all of my motion but it is imposable to walk on it without an anti-inflammatory even then it has severe authorities. My main concern is the level of nerve pain since the accident it has been nonstop 24/7 h***. My toes and bottom of my foot around the toes and side are on fire and also feel cramped like I kicked a door. I have had periods in which I worked long hours using pain killers but once they ran out 5 months ago I wanted to go without them. I found out it’s basically imposable to walk for more than 30 minutes without a 45 minute brake it’s literally debilitating. But the worst part is that it has only gotten worse in the last 2 1/2 months the pain has spiked to an all time high. Just sitting is driving me crazy my sleep patterns have changed to the point where I had to either take Nyquil every night or go back on pain killers. I arranged a cat scan because the outside tendon keeps slipping over the bone and while awaiting the results I asked my doctor for some pain killers to get me threw the month.From what I understand nerves regenerate at 1 millimeter a day but even at that rate it should have healed over 4 months ago or started to get better. I’m only 21 and very healthy and active before the accident and have kept up on my health ever since. And after a year whatever you have is what you get for life. For example I broke my jaw 6 years ago and I still have numbness around my lower lip.I now face the most difficult decision I have ever made because it seems like my only choice is to amputate.I’m not afraid of having a prostatic because I can still ride motocross, but if there is a chance I can reach any level of reduction on the pain than I feel it’s worth it. I would like to know if anyone has a similar storey or has had extenuated pain after shattering the talus or lower ankle?Broken Ankle, Nerve Pain, arthritis, amputation, surgery, constant pain, below the ankle fracture, talus bone, nerve regeneration
A: If your foot and ankle are hurting you 24/7 I wouldn’t take amputation off the table. This is something that you should talk about with your doctors, and I suggest getting many opinions and maybe even visiting your local prosthetic centre. A lot of doctors are afraid of amputation because they consider it a failure or a last resort. There are some serious complications. This wouldn’t be a quick fix surgery. Learning how to walk on a prosthetic leg isn’t a walk in the park. and you’re looking at at least 6 weeks not walking if your healthy. Phantom pain is bad for some people and goes away for others. Your quality of life may be improved by loosing the foot, but it would be best to talk it over with your doctor to make sure you look at all your options.I’ve been an above knee amputee since the age of 5. Growing up I suffered a lot due to doctors wanting to salvage as much as possible rather than take away. My first amputation where they attempted to patch together as much of my healthy leg as they could failed. I underwent a revision every year at first then every three or four years. Every time a problem came up my doctors tried to salvage the Original amputation rather than just removed what wasn’t working. Finally when I became an adult the part that had been re-attached gave out and I was dealing with serious pain like yourself. I couldn’t walk with my artificial leg, if anyone touched my stump I was in agony, I couldn’t sleep it was terrible. My first doctor didn’t want to amputate more because like the first answer he was of the mindset that amputations was for life threatening conditions. So I went though more doctors till I found one willing to understand that I wanted to walk comfortably. He removed the part that was causing the pain and before you knew it my depression was gone, I was healthier, and happier, and walking again. based on my experiences I’m all for removing a limb or part of a limb if it will improve quality of life.
Having some back problems.. anyone have an idea what it might be?
Q: Last Wednesday I was having a hard time getting comfortable for about 3 hours.. then I sat down on my computer chair to click on a website for my daughter and I went to stand up after sitting down for a few seconds and I got a sharp stabbing pain in my lower back. I had to sit back down in the chair. After hours of attempting to stand up and to be picked up to move to the couch we gave up and called an ambulance. I was in such pain that I was screaming when they tried to pick me up. At the hospital the doctor said it could be a number of things.. and with pains like these they rarely really find out what the cause of the problem is because it sorts itself out and most of the problems (bulging disk, slipped disk, whatever) are treated the same anyways) He injected me with needles until I was able to stand up and go home and gave me some pretty heavy pain killers, which I will be out of today. Today when I got up I had really bad pain at the base of my neck where it meets the shoulders. I can’t lift my head without pain, it feels like something is stopping me from lifting it. I just think it is weird to have another pain in my spine area and am wondering if there is anything that would cause the correlation. If anyone has some ideas I would love to hear them. I really have to go to work tomorrow as I missed last week : ( Need some help
A: I would say go to a chiropractor and see if that maybe will help, a good one, they will check you out and make sure you don’t have a ruptured or bulging disc before they work on you, if you have either of those mentioned you usually also will have tingling or numbness down your arms or legs, sometimes pain in the sciatic nerve in your butt traveling down your leg, rest, heat, anti-inflamatories, if none of the above work you are eventually going to need to see a neurologist.Good luck to you.
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