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Will a woman get her monthly period when she is pregnant

Health related question in topics Pregnancy .We found some answers as below for this question “Will a woman get her monthly period when she is pregnant”,you can compare them.

A:A woman will not get her period if she is pregnant, but she may experience some vaginal bleeding. That is normal. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-a-woman-get-her-monthly-period-when-she-is-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Will a woman get her monthly period when she is pregnant
How many days after a woman’s monthly period can she get pregnant…?
That is totally untrue. Whoever told you that got everything backwards. Most women ovulate in the middle of their cycle. Sperm can live anywhere from 3-7 days after ejaculation. If she ovulates while live sperm are still present in her fall…
Can a woman get pregnant if she does not have a menstrual cycle??
if she is not having a mentsrual cycle it is unlikely she is ovulating therefore would not be able to get pregnant. She should see a doctor if she wants to conceive, it may be something quite simple.
Is a woman’s gestation directly affected by the point in her ovul…?
Um yeah, if you are too late or too early in the ovulation cycle you won’t get pregnant! IF you even get pregnant that month, normal gestation cycle takes over on it’s own. There is only about a 24 hour window in which the egg is able to be…

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Q: I am writing this question in an effort to provide the right answer to some questions one of my closest friends is asking me. This question has been bothering her off late and she’s always crying. This is the situation:She had a thing with her boyfriend of almost a year two days after her last period. Her bf told her to have pills after ‘that’ thing, saying sorry he was not able to pull it before he could ever c*m Now they are both afraid she’s get pregnant. Is it possible that she gets pregnant because she had sex two days after her last monthly period? When is a woman at risk of getting pregnant? Was she safe? I hope you can provide answers and help me explain to my friend.
A: there is a chance… it’s not very high since she just finished her period but sperm can live inside a woman for up to 1 week, you didnt give us anything about her normal cycle so we cant guess when she should be ovulating but if her cycle is the average 28 days she should be fine but if she is irregular or has a shorter cycle she could get pregnant
Menstrual Cycle .. (Women Only) ..?
Q: I understand that if a women doesn’t get her eggs fertilized by a sperm she’ll get her monthly menstrual period. Also, I understand that if a women does get “pregnant” she’ll miss her monthly cycle. The question I wanted to ask was, “How would that supposedly menstrual period suppose to “cycle” out if a women misses it? Like, does her old menstrual period (or blood) come out when she is giving birth to her child or what happens to that old blood?” Second question – is that healthy for the mother to be if she misses her menstrual period? What about her unborn child that will be living inside the mother’s womb for the next 9 months?
A: It’s not blood that’s waiting to come out. The blood that comes out when a woman mestruates, is from the egg which sheds because there is no use for it anymore. I hope the article below helps. Take care!
Why is abortion wrong?
Q: 1) Is killing an unborn fetus murder? That is debatable; you are ending what could have become a new life. Some people (Catholics) take it even further and say using birth control is murder as well. But if either one of these is true, then it is also murder every single time a woman has her monthly period, or every single time a man has a wet dream. 2) Speaking of potential babies, there are thousands of them in a woman’s ovaries. Thousands. Now that we plan our families instead of simply screwing and popping out babies at random, having a baby is all about the timing. You can go on and on about aborting Beethoven, but to tell the truth, a woman may have 5 or 10 Beethovens in her, all waiting to be born at different times. Alternately, when you abort a baby, you may have aborted the next Hitler. 3) An abortion is not a selfish act. It is, in fact, for the unborn baby’s good, for the parents’ good, and for the good of all the other children the mom is going to have. If a pregnant teenager forgoes an abortion because she believes it’s wrong, she’s going bring that baby into a situation in which she isn’t emotionally mature enough to care for it (no matter what anyone says to the contrary, not a single teenager in a developed society is in a proper position, socially and emotionally, to care for their child in the way it deserves). But not only that: she is also screwing over the other children she may plan on having later. She’s going to drastically reduce her chances of getting a good education and consequently a good job, plunging all her kids, including the one she decided not to abort, into a disadvantaged societal position. 4) Still hung up on whether or not it’s murder? Feeling guilty about an abortion? Well, if you’re a Christian, think about it this way: it’s generally accepted that all babies who die go to heaven, right? So if that fetus has a soul, it went to heaven. You did it a favor. 5) The obvious response to my last point will be: “But then that would mean we should kill babies as well.” No, we shouldn’t. Once the baby is born, it’s unarguably a human being and part of this world. In the womb, it’s still arguable. Personally, I count the baby as part of the mother’s body until the umbilical cord is cut. Think of it as a tumor that has the potential to be extremely beneficial. Feel free to respond with consenting or differing viewpoints
A: It’s not wrong.
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