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Will hot tea get rid of coughing

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Some people do find that a hot cup of tea or hot cup of soup really does help relieve their coughing. But some times it may not. OTC medicine like cough syrup might help. If the cough persists seek medical attention. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-hot-tea-get-rid-of-coughing ]
More Answers to “Will hot tea get rid of coughing
Will hot tea get rid of coughing
Some people do find that a hot cup of tea or hot cup of soup really does help relieve their coughing. But some times it may not. OTC medicine like cough syrup might help. If the cough persists seek medical attention. Thanks for asking ChaCh…

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A: Warm foods/drinks would be a much better choice then the cold ones. The warmth is more soothing to the throat. Warm water with lemon juice and honey is a very nice throat soother, and drink LOTS of it, along with lots of rest. Stay away from the cough drops, they can actually make your throat worse.
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A: You should try those “neti pot” or other nasal rinses. Or if that’s too much, just some plain saline nose sprays. It will help clear the sinuses and the plegm that sits at the top of your throat. Also you may want to try guafenissen tablets. They sell an extended release brand Mucinex, but there are also regular tablets that are much cheaper. It kind of thins the mucous, making it easier to cough up. Also, you can never get rid of phlegm completely.
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