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Will you have bumps in any area if you have cervical cancer

Health related question in topics Cervical Cancer .We found some answers as below for this question “Will you have bumps in any area if you have cervical cancer”,you can compare them.

A:Bumps are usually not a sign of cervical cancer. The main symptom of cervical cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding. See your MD. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-you-have-bumps-in-any-area-if-you-have-cervical-cancer ]
More Answers to “Will you have bumps in any area if you have cervical cancer
Is a bump on your cervix a sign of cervical cancer?
While a bump on the cervix could be cancer it could also be a cyst or an abscess. Please see your DR for testing.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How likely is HPV to cause anal cancer?
Q: My husband gave me HPV. I know he gave it to me because his x-wife had pre-cervical cancer; she eventually had to have a hysterecomy. My Mom freaked out about that before I married my husband, but my husband told me not to worry because so many people have HPV and with most nothing happens. Well I started having my doctor check for the virus and I had two negative tests after we met and were married. Last month, my test came back positive, and my pap showed I had pre-cancerous cells. I am going in for the other procedure on Monday morning where they magnify the area and take a biopsy. We have had a wonderful sex life. But now I am so worried. We have had anal sex like 5 times in the past five years, but he touches that area alot and we use toys there. We used to have sex everyday, but now I feel so dirty.I feel like he is mad at me for getting so freaked out about it. He doesn’t want to talk to me about what has happened, well not how it happened. I am mad that he told me that most people will be ok. He made it sound like I had nothing to worry about. Even my doctor at the time didn’t warn me when I asked her to test me and the reason why. I have a new doctor now. And I have asked her these questions and she didn’t have any clear answers, which leads me to believe that there are indications that my fears are well founded. And there is no way that I would have had anal sex with him if I knew that HPV could be spread there and cause cancer there.Has anyone had a diagnosis of hpv in their anus? Did your gynecologist even suggest this to you when you were diagnosed? How do they check that area? And treat the pre-cancerous leisons? Has anyone been through this? I have a pimple like bump on my cheek near my anus that has been for like a year.
A: Look, you husband told you everything you needed to know about his HPV status. Just because you weren’t educated about HPV, don’t blame it on him.I know you are convinced you got it from him, but I’m not! It’s probable that you got it from him. Most women get HPV just as soon as they start having sex. BUT just because you had negative HPV tests, does not mean HPV wasn’t living inactively in your system. And also, the test that is common used tests for high risk strains only. High risk strains do NOT cause warts. You could have had a warts-causing strain and tested negative. It’s true, most women are okay after having HPV. At least 8 of 10 women have it!!!!! These abnormal cells are very common and no big deal. Mostly they are just watched closely and even if they require treatment, the treatment is no big deal.For his ex to have had a hysterectomy because of it is quite rare. Some women OPT for hysterectomy because it’s a way to be done with it once and for all. It’s rare for that to be your only option.The reason your doctors don’t answer your questions well is because so little is known about HPV.As far as sex does, you really just need to get over it. HPV is a fact of life. Pretty much everyone has it in some form. You shouldn’t feel dirty.Just make sure you get all you follow ups and you will be fine.
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