3 Easy Packing Tips for College Bound Students

If you are reading this, you are most likely a college student who is just days away from being parent free in your own dorm or apartment. With the excitement of your new found freedom might also come anxiety over deciding what to pack. It is especially difficult for those going farther away from home. You don’t want to bring too much because it is a hassle to travel with but you also don’t want to forget anything because having it sent to you later can be pretty expensive. I understand, I was there once! I found that following a few easy tips can help you get through the daunting task of packing and get you one step closer to your life of freedom.

Tip #1 Don’t Pack Every single item of clothing that you have!

I know it may be tempting, especially for girls, to pack every single item that you have in your closet and dresser drawers. Please please please refrain! You don’t need everything. Everyone has things in their closet that get not use. Maybe you outgrew something, are hoping to fit something once you lose those last couple of pounds or are still trying to figure out the perfect way to wear that one article of clothing. Bottom line: if you haven’t worn it in the last couple of months (seasonal items are an exception) chances are you are never going to wear it. Useless clothes not only take up room in your suitcase, but they also take up valuable room in your already too small college closet. Do yourself a favor and really evaluate your wardrobe. If you haven’t worn it in a long time leave it at home!

Tip # 2 Make a list

If your college did not already send you a list of the recommended things to pack make your own. Staying organized when packing can really help you make the experience a much more pleasant one. If it helps, you can start by jotting down anything you think you may need right off the top of your head. Then from that list, try to group your items into categories. Toiletries and outerwear are examples of categories you might use. Once you have your basic sections, brainstorm items to add that you may have forgotten. You can be as general or specific as you would like. Keep in mind though if you are too general you may end up forgetting things. On the flip side, if you are too specific, you may wind up packing things that you really do not need.

Tip #3 Wait until you get to you dorm/apartment to see what you really need before purchasing

Since your college dorm or apartment will be your home away from home, you will want to add your own personal touch to make you feel more comfortable. Purchasing items for your room before you actually see it could result in you brining unnecessary items that you can’t even use. Bring the absolute necessities like a clock, computer, etc. but if possible, wait to purchase miscellaneous items until after you see what kind of space you are working with. You don’t want to bring too much with you and not have room for it and it will be a hassle to return items that you may not be allowed to have.

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