Can on Sims 3 can the Sims make babies

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Yes as long as it is an adult, your Sims can get pregnant. They have to be in a relationship. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can on Sims 3 can the Sims make babies
How do i make the newborn babies go to sleep on the sims 3??
When they are completely satisfied except for energy, and they are in a crib, they will just go to sleep by themselves.
How do you make ghosts have babies on Sims 3
The human female must mate with a ghost male. The baby will result in either a normal baby or a ghost baby.
Can Sims 3 have babies?
Yes, for sure. Just like the current “2” version of the game, the sims will be able to have babies.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: I have a Sims 3 baby on well of course the Sims 3. But I want her to grow up now cause I don’t like them being babies so can I buy a birthday cake and make the baby grow up?
A: hold down shift, control, and c until the cheat window comes up.type in “testingcheatsenabled true” without the parentheses.hold down shift and then click the baby you would like to grow upselect “have birthday”this works for any age, and i find it pretty useful
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Q: On sims 2 you can get a cheat to make baby faster but I don’t know what the cheat is on sims 3?
A: There is no way to speed up a pregnancy on sims3. I have tried several of the codes that you can use on sims2 on sims3. It does seem like forever doesn’t it!
the sims 3……baby girl problem?
Q: is there anyway that i can get a baby girl, my sim is only a young adult (fault on my part, forgot to make her a adult) and she has had 5 children, 1 singleton boy, and 2 sets of twin boys, the farther really wants to have a baby girl, but its ALWAYS a girl, so is there anyway that i can defenatly get a girl? please help, also what does everyone think of the new sims 3….??? sorry its so long, thanks in advance
A: Oh my god that happens to me on sims 2. I have a family who have had 6 boys in a row because my game refuses to give me baby girls. I think there’s something wrong with it. Haven’t had any babies on the sims 3 yet so I don’t know. I’d probably re-install it and if you still don’t get girls then take it back and get a new disc. Simple.
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