Can stomach aches and bloating be an early signs of pregnancy

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When you are pregnant hormonal changes cause your digestive system to slow down which can cause both stomach and bloating. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can stomach aches and bloating be an early signs of pregnancy
Can stomach aches and bloating be an early signs of pregnancy?
When you are pregnant hormonal changes cause your digestive system to slow down which can cause both stomach and bloating.

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Pregnancy signs???? are these any of them?
Q: Im not asking if im pregnant!As someone in my last comment was saying, i know no one on here can tell me that im simply asking if these are signs?Here it gose…So 3 months ago i thought i was pregnant? had most the signs, thought id missed a period but after a few test that where negative my periods showed up.The last few months they have been later that normal, so so so much lighter VERY LIGHT infact which isnt normal for me. A few weeks before both my last two periods was when i was getting what i thought where period pains but ive never had them that early and they didnt feel exactly like my period pains which are noramally the same just cramping.Well my period is late i was due last saturday!Over the last week and a half – 2 weeks Ive been aching, back sides etc…My tummy was cramping last week when i thought i was gettng my period but nothing came of it, and its still cramping on and off, but its not soreIm now experiencing back and side aching still Hearburn Breast are starting to get tender and ive noticed they feel heavier.Appiate has also changed mean im hungry AGAIN hahaha not noramal for me to eat this much evan when im coming on my period Ive also been have dihorreah but im not ill dont feel sick or anything to do with getting cold, flu tummy bug etcIm also feeling abit bloated and my stomach seems to have gotting a tiny bit biggerCould these be signs?Can i take a test now or should i wait a little while?? Anyoneee else experienced these signs and turned out to be prenant?
A: Yes they are symptoms but also are symptoms of PMS and even ovulation for some women. Have you confirmed ovulation that you know you are late? YOu can test as early as 10 days past ovulation But it is best to wait 14 days or until period i s missed (some women have shorter luteal phases mine for example is 11 days)
Is there a possibility of pregnancy? 2 weeks of symptoms?!?
Q: had unprotected sex on my period (Feb 27) & he also came in me. 1 1/2 weeks later I developed breast soreness, slight lower stomach cramps, headaches, nausea during the day, bloating and now back aches. And all of this has been going on since that time. I wouldn’t be due for my period until around March 25. So all these symptoms are way early for what might be my period coming. I had drank alcohol a little bit not too long after symptoms were coming & had cramps & backaches, so I was worried something might have happened since I drank alcohol. But my question is…is there a chance that someone can get pregnant on their period & am I showing tell tale signs already?? Like I said it’s way too early for what my usual PMS symptoms would be so I’m curious, and this is week 2 1/2 of these symptoms!
A: It’s always a possibility. You can get pregnant while on your period. Sperm can last in your body for up to like 72 hours I believe. I think your signs for pregnancy would be alittle to soon but who knows. Take a test 5 days before your missed period and don’t engage in risky behavior until you know for sure. Good luck either way!
Breast soreness for 3 weeks now..pregnancy symptoms?
Q: I had unprotected sex on my period (Feb 27) & he also came in me. 1 1/2 weeks later I developed breast soreness, slight lower stomach cramps, headaches, nausea during the day, bloating and now back aches. And all of this has been going on since that time. I wouldn’t be due for my period until around March 25. So all these symptoms are way early for what might be my period coming. my question is…is there a chance that someone can get pregnant on their period & am I showing tell tale signs already?? Like I said it’s way too early for what my usual PMS symptoms would be so I’m curious, and this is week 2 1/2 of these symptoms! lastnight I could barely sleep because my breasts felt like they were on fire. So pretty much the whole month of March so far I’ve been feeling like this.
A: I had all those symptoms and im currently 6 wks pregnant. So I would start testing next week.
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