Can woman who get their period still be pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can woman who get their period still be pregnant”,you can compare them.

No, you can’t get your period once you’re pregnant – once your pregnancy is established, your menstrual cycle is interrupted. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can woman who get their period still be pregnant
Can a woman get her periods and still be pregnant??
No, a woman will not get her period if she is pregnant. She may have some bleeding, but it is not a period. Have her take a test.
Can a 51 year old woman who hasn’t had a period for two months st…?’t-had-a-period-for-two-months-still-get-pregnant
A 51 year old woman can still get pregnant although it is unlikely. ChaCha!
Do pregnant women still get a period?
More often that not, no. It is rare that a woman experience one during pregnancy, however some women do. Again, I stress the fact that it’s rare . Hi. I’m Redkite96 and this is my first edit/post and I hope that what I am going to put answe…

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Can a boy under a certain age, still make a woman who has her period pregnant?
Q: My 14 year old daughter has a crush on a boy that is only 12. it is clear that he has not yet reached purberty, but my daughter confronted me as to whether or not he could make her pregnant even though he is not matured. Girls cannont get pregnant until they begin their period, is the same true for guys, is there a specific age that boys sperm cells actally begin to be able to impregnant a woman?
A: Yes, but the best thing for all concerned would be for her to get on some kind of birth control and to be monitored. It is unlikely a 12-year-old could get her pregnant but possible. But why take any chances.
Somthing I don’t understand…?
Q: How is it that a woman can be pregnant and still have their period? Like it’s a universal sign that if you are late or missing periods you are likely to be pregnant. So what makes the situation different for the woman who still get their period?Is it common for a woman to have regular periods while pregnant? What are the odds?ThanksBut I think I remember hearing something on the news about a woman who had her period all nine months and had no idea she was pregnant. Maybe it was eggagerated, but how likely is this?
A: When a woman gets pregnant it is very rare, like extremely rare, that she gets her period. If this situation so does occur it is either light spotting or irregular in some way, shape, or form. It is mostly bleeding while pregnant. It is not necessarily in the first stages of pregnancy either.
Why are PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms so similiar?
Q: I was just wondering why is it that the week before you get your period you get all these symptoms that are similiar to pregnancy? Like bloating, cravings, having to go to the bathroom, feeling weepy, insomnia, etc. It can be sort of confusing if you are one of those women who still gets her period the first month or two even though they are pregnant. How will you be able to tell if you’re pregnant if you’re still getting your period? Is it becoming more common now? I’ve read many times about women who get their period even up until their 7th month. Is that even possible?
A: yes it still possible to have your periods when pregnant .You can tell sometimes that you are pregnant as your breast start to hurt and smell of cooking certain foods can make you sick. Hope this answered your question ok.
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