Can you still have a period when you first become pregnant

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Many women report having their period while pregnant, but typically this is not the case. The reason why this cannot be is (more?) [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you still have a period when you first become pregnant
Can you still have your period when you first become pregnant??
When you have your period (by period I mean actual menstruation) it is because your body has released an egg that has not been fertilized so that your cycle can start over and you can do the same thing the next month. If you could have your…
Is it possible to still have your period once or twice once you f…?
Some women may ‘spot’ during pregnancy, but any bleeding at all should be IMMEDIATELY reported to your doctor. Only s/he can determine if what is happening is a cause for concern. If there is a problem, the sooner it is diagnosed, the bette…
Can you still have spotting or your period when you first become …?
Yes you can. Many women will spot or have what seems like a light period while pregnant. This is due to hormones. Rarely, some women will have monthly cycles until they deliver the baby.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you still have a normal period, even if you’re pregnant. Like, the very first few weeks when egg attaches?
Q: Like, within the first 1-3 weeks of pregnancy have a period, and not know you’re pregnant? Say after having intercourse unprotected, and tryin to become pregnant, and still start a period. Because im right on time for my monthly period now, and just start tryin, about 2 weeks ago? But i was on depo for 3 yrs, and have been off of it for 1 yr now? Am i able to become pregnant now, and if so start my normal period this month? It’s very light, and non clotted.
A: When I had my son, I was 4 months pregnant before I even knew and had only missed one period. Although the other three months were lighter. I just thought I was going through a weird phase. And about the Depo. I have many friends (including self) who was on the Depo shot. I come from that era as it was the most popular birth control from my time. 100% of the girls I know either cannot get pregnant (took me 10 years) or could not get pregnant for at least 3 years. But everyone is different I suppose.
can you still get your period and still be pregnant?? people aren’t really understanding my question :(?
Q: if i was pregnant, this is for some who still get periods while being pregnant…JUST IN CASE i took a first response pregnancy test 10 days AFTER the period began.. would the test be very accurate by then to show up negative or positive? (i had no intercourse during or after the time being)(( it came out negative when i tested))(( no i don’t want to become pregnant))
A: It usually takes 10-14 days after ovulation/conception for a test to be accurate. So if it had been more than 14 days since you’d had sex, I’d say the test is accurate.
First time on the pill, been on for 21 days today, when should I come on my period? And if I don’t, why?
Q: I will be honest, I did have sex with my boyfriend on day 13 of taking the pill and we didn’t use protection. I have read the pill takes one week to become active so I think I will be alright, but if I don’t come on my period does it mean I am pregnant? However I have also read that the pill, the first time you take it,doesn’t always bring a period on first time round and its quite normal to miss a period, as your body is still getting used to it.I also started as soon as I got the pill I didn’t wait till my next period, to start taking them, because I have irregularregualr periods, I used to only have them three times a year, so I would have had to wait months and months, and so I took them stright away when getting them.Can you give me any advise or thouhts on this? As I am worried a bit.
A: dont worry dear if you has sex on day 13 of pills your are takes 7days to the pill to be effective.and if you start your pill on day 1 of your period you are protective will have your period during these 7 days and if its your first time taking pill maybe no period this month because your body need to adjust to the homones.its my first time too and i had my period on day 6 of dont worry and start your new pack after 7 days.i started it on day 5 of my period as my dr said so my interval time is lengthened and im not protective since 7 days of getting pills.but if you start it exactly after these 7 days placebo you are safe right away.good luck
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