Can your mind trick you into getting your period

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Your mind is capable of many things but I can’t imagine it can trick you into getting your period, especially if you’re pregnant! [ Source: ]
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Can your mind trick you into getting your period
Your mind is capable of many things but I can’t imagine it can trick you into getting your period, especially if you’re pregnant!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what else can cause you to not get your period?
Q: Ok…i have an irregular period to begin with…ive been late before and bought tests to make sure i wasnt pregnant…never was and i dont want to waste the money again…i have cramps and when i push on my lower stomache it kinda hurts…my nipples were sore the other day BUT i dont know if its just my mind tricking me into thinking i may be pregnant er what…what else can cause your period to be late or not come and what else could cause theese cramps/pains
A: Causes of missed period may include:emotional/mental stressphysical stress/over exercising/strenuous exercisingpregnancy(buy a home preg test and confirm its accuracy with a doc appointment)irregular periods which is common is young women for the first few years after their menarche(first period)birth control pillother illnesses or medicationsReasons for cramping and no bleeding:late period, irregular periods, PMS(pre menstrual syndrome)possibly ovulationcertain illnesses/diseases such as endometriosisPlease make a doc appointment if your concerned cause being diagnosed online isn’t the best idea-but can sometimes be helpful and a step in the right direction.
Could i want to be pregnant so bad my mind tricks me into getting symptoms??
Q: My partner and i have been TTC and today is Tuesday and i’m due for my period on Friday. I have been gettiing slight cramps and yesterday i had spotting but it’s definately not my period and now i have no spotting or anything. I took a test this morning with the one where you can take it 5 days before your period and it came up negative. I have been getting symptoms for pregnancy, feeling sick and tired and moody…I guess i’m just thinking that maybe i want to be pregnant so bad my mind is tricking me into thinking i’m pregnant and causing these symptoms…seeing as the test was negative…unless i took it too early…ugh i dunno..All opinions welcome…
A: YES, it’s called a phantom pregnancy. Read some of the posts here… a lot of the “am I pregnant” questions come from women who’ve talked themselves into being pregnant when they’re not.However, in your case I think you just tested too early. From what you’re describing it sounds like you might actually be pregnant. I would test again on Thursday or you could wait to see if your period shows up Friday. Good luck!!
I give you credit….. How has TTC affected your marriage?
Q: I give credit to those of you who “try” every month (charing, OPK’s, using a calendar to “schedule” sex, etc.). I tried it for these past two months and I’m not going to “try” anymore. Yes, I ovulated. I know when I ovulated and I can tell you that DH and I probably had sex every day from the end of my period until 2 days after ovulation and then every 2-3 days after that. Didn’t get pregnant either month. And then at the end of the month, it was very frustrating & disheartening. Last month, I’m pretty sure I tricked myself into showing pregnancy symptoms! =/Yesterday, my husband and I both had the day off and we just relaxed and had such a great time. I’d almost forgotten what it was like…. because I’d been so strict like, “We need to have sex NOW! Get hard…” lol. Poor guy. It just makes me think that I wasn’t really being very loving to him these past 2 months. I had one thing in mind when it came to sex: getting pregnant.But I’ve decided to heck with that. From now on, we’re just going to go with the flow. I’m not going to be all crazy and make sex a chore anymore. It sucks! I should have listened to those of you who told me this in the first place. Guess I was too stubborn. How do you do it? How do you “try” and not become an emotional wreck? Or disconnected with your husband? Or jealous when one of your friends announces she’s pregnant? How?Aww, thanks sweetie! What a cute story! =)
A: We completely understand. we have TTC for about 1.5 yrs and Trust me it has put a very bad strain on our marraige. We dont enjoy each other anymore and it so sad. all we do its TRY to want to have sex for the sake of making a babie and there is times we just cant we are tirex or hes tired, i get mad cuz he cant you know then i yell he yell and im sure you know where that leads. Every month we are so hopeful and yet we are completely let down. This is are offically last month trying. I hope!!! It will be our 3 yr anniversay next month and we are goingt o try and “find ourselves” again. I dont know about other women but i can tell my hubby “manhood” has kind of gone out the window because he sometimes feel slike its his fault. Oh and my BF of 10yrs is 4 months pregnant after aborting once and held that a secret and right now is so unstabled. I cried so hard when i took her to the dr and he tols her she was still 3 moths pregnant after bleeding for a month and mind i say she drank like crazy and partied. Now i try to remember to he happy for her and help her as much as i can. I just hope my time comes soon and you know what they say its when you stop try so hard that it finally happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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